XService 是 Ubuntu 系统下服务管理工具,以组管理 systemd 服务,支持服务(组)的增删查改,启动与停止,使能与失能开机自启以及状态查看。XService 支持将远程服务组会话附加到本地终端进行交互。
最近更新: 16天前QGroundControl for ubuntu from https://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/master/en/getting_started/download_and_install.html#ubuntu
最近更新: 23天前A ros package to read mocap pose from vrpn and send the pose data to px4 flight controller through mavros at a frequency of 60Hz.
最近更新: 2个月前A lightweight middle interface ROS package that enables the specified ROS message transmission among swarm robots through socket communication
最近更新: 8个月前Some tools and scripts to install ROS and some ROS packages
最近更新: 10个月前