Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
Deep Learning API and Server in C++14 support for Caffe, Caffe2, PyTorch,TensorRT, Dlib, NCNN, Tensorflow, XGBoost and TSNE
NOVA is a tool for annotating and analyzing behaviours in social interactions. It supports Annotators using Machine Learning already during the coding process. Further it features both, discrete labels and continuous scores and a visuzalization of streams recorded with the SSI Framework.
"libemb" is a collection of libraries which try to make things needed in many STM32 (ARM-Cortex-M3) or MSP430 (MSP430G2553) based projects more convenient. It includes an API for the Nordic nRF24l01+ modules.
C# library for communicating with STM32 USART (UART) On-Chip Bootloaders, comes with simple Updater application, just to show the potential :)
System functions and example code for programming the "Blue Pill" STM32-compatible micro-controller boards.
a simple tcp/udp communication framework,support us to create multi-server(multi-client) with simple steps.