最近更新: 1年前c common functions library extracted from my open source projects FastDFS
最近更新: 4年多前Fastdfs is an open source lightweight distributed file system. It manages files, including file storage, file synchronization, file access (file upload, file download), etc., which solves the problems of mass storage and load balancing. It is especially suitable for online services with document as carrier, such as photo album website, video website and so on.
最近更新: 4年多前企业赚钱新思路、个人赚外快也不愁。zxdiy—款可以为您带来丰厚利润的小程序。小程序DIY生成小程序,包括零售小程序、轻站小程序。使用方案:其一公司可以利用该款小程序搭建O2O平台,入住商家可以自己在小程序中DIY店铺;其二个人可以利用该款小程序单独部署小程序出售,该款小程序是基于云开发,无需服务器哦。还在等什么,快来体验吧!
最近更新: 5年多前利用FFmpeg和Qt实现摄像头rtsp的实时显示,经测试,延迟时间为0.6s
最近更新: 5年多前