一套基于Oozie调度引擎开发的大数据任务可视化编辑、运行与监控的调度管理平台,同时扩展了Oozie Action组件(支持更多丰富的action操作,如:jdbc、impala、elasticsearch、数据清洗、压缩、解压等等)。平台具备完善的权限管理和数据权限。
This is a part of developing an autonomous forklift for a pick and place operation, to be used in an industrial warehouse environment.
Use a Raspberry Pi with 7" touchscreen to present useful info via CANbus from a Curtis 1239 controller.
Automatic pedestrian detection and monitoring system based on Deep Learning.基于深度学习的自动化行人检测(人体检测)和监控(视频监控)系统。