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QPPPBackSmooth.h 10.86 KB
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Liyanyi 提交于 2021-12-06 01:15 . 提交第一版主文件
** MG-APPS----Multi-GNSS-Automatic Precise Positioning Software
** Copyright (C) 2016-2019 XiaoGongWei
** This file is part of MG-APPS.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
** MPL License Usage
** This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
** License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
** file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
** GPLv3.0 License Usage
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
** Author: XiaoGongWei
** Website/Contact: http://github.com/xiaogongwei
** Date: 26.04.2019
#ifndef QPPPBackSmooth_H
#define QPPPBackSmooth_H
#include "QPPPModel.h"
// use reverse filtering for ionospheric PPP model
class QPPPBackSmooth:public QBaseObject
// function part
// Configure PPP parameters
QPPPBackSmooth(QString files_path, QTextEdit *pQTextEdit = NULL, QString Method = "Kalman", QString Satsystem = "G",
QString TropDelay = "Sass", double CutAngle = 10, bool isKinematic = false, QString Smooth_Str = "NoSmooth",
QString products = "igs", QString pppmodel_t = "Ion_free");
void initQPPPBackSmooth(QString OFileName, QStringList Sp3FileNames, QStringList ClkFileNames, QString ErpFileName = "",
QString BlqFileName = "OCEAN-GOT48.blq",QString AtxFileName = "antmod.atx",
QString GrdFileName = "gpt2_5.grd");
void Run(bool isDisplayEveryEpoch = true);//isDisplay Every Epoch represent is disply every epoch information?(ENU or XYZ)
// set SystemStr:"G"(turn on GPS system); GR":(turn on GPS+GLONASS system);" GRCE"(all turned on), etc
bool setSatlitSys(QString SystemStr);// The letters G,R,C and E are used for GPS,GLONASS,BDS and Galieo respectively
// next public function is for GUI
// configure model
void setConfigure(QString Method = "Kalman", QString Satsystem = "G", QString TropDelay = "Sass", double CutAngle = 10,
bool isKinematic = false, QString Smooth_Str = "NoSmooth", QString products = "igs", QString pppmodel_t = "Ion_free");
// Get operation results( clear QWrite2File::allPPPSatlitData Because the amount of data is too large.)
void getRunResult(PlotGUIData &plotData);
bool isRuned(){return m_isRuned;}
void initVar();
bool connectHost();
bool connectCNTHost();
void getSP3Pos(double GPST,int PRN,char SatType,double *p_XYZ,double *pdXYZ = NULL);//GPST satellite p_XYZ returns WGS84 coordinates and velocity in seconds per week
void getCLKData(int PRN,char SatType,double GPST,double *pCLKT);// obtain satellite clock error within seconds of GPST launch time
void getSatEA(double X,double Y,double Z,double *approxRecvXYZ,double *EA);// Calculate height Angle and azimuth EA
double getSagnac(double X,double Y,double Z,double *approxRecvXYZ);// the autobiography of the earth(m)
double getRelativty(double *pSatXYZ,double *pRecXYZ,double *pSatdXYZ);// Calculate relativistic effects
void getWight(SatlitData &tempSatlitData);// obtain weights of different satellite systems
void getTropDelay(double MJD, int TDay, double E, double *pBLH, double *mf = NULL, double *ZHD_s = NULL, double *ZPD = NULL);// MJD: simplified Julian day, TDay: annual product day, E: altitude Angle (rad) pBLH: geodetic coordinate system, *mf: projection function
bool getRecvOffset(double *EA,char SatType,double &L1Offset,double &L2Offset, QVector<QString> FrqFlag);// Calculation receiver L1 and L2 phase center correction PCO+PCV,EA: height Angle, azimuth (unit rad), L1Offset and L2Offset represent distance correction of line of sight direction (unit m)
bool getSatlitOffset(int Year,int Month,int Day,int Hours,int Minutes,double Seconds,int PRN,char SatType,double *StaPos,double *RecPos,
double *L12Offset, QVector<QString> FrqFlag);// PCO+PCV correction is calculated. Since G1 and G2 have the same frequency, the correction of the two bands is the same. StaPos and RecPos, satellite and receiver WGS84 coordinates (unit m)
double getTideEffect(int Year,int Month,int Day,int Hours,int Minutes,double Seconds,double *pXYZ,double *EA,double *psunpos=NULL,
double *pmoonpos = NULL,double gmst = 0,QString StationName = "");// calculate the correction of tide in line of sight (unit m) in and out of sun and moon, GMST data can reduce the repeated calculation of these data, StationName can be sent in
double getWindup(int Year,int Month,int Day,int Hours,int Minutes,double Seconds,double *StaPos,double *RecPos,double &phw,double *psunpos = NULL);//SatPos and RecPos represent satellite and receiver WGS84 coordinate return cycle (unit cycle) range [-0.5 +0.5]
bool CycleSlip(const SatlitData &oneSatlitData,double *pLP);// cycle slip detection. The pLP is a three-dimensional array. The first is the w-m combination (n2-n1 < 5), the second is the ionospheric residual (<0.3), and the third is (lamt2* n2-lamt1 *N1 < 5).
double getPreEpochWindUp(QVector < SatlitData > &prevEpochSatlitData,int PRN,char SatType);// WindUp of previous epoch, does not return 0
// the satellites with high quality are obtained, including: whether the cycle skip height Angle data are missing, c1-p2 <50 adjacent epoch WindUp < 0.3; EpochSatlitData: previous epochSatlitData: current epochSatlitData (automatically delete low-quality satellite); EleAngle: high Angle
void getGoodSatlite(QVector < SatlitData > &prevEpochSatlitData,QVector < SatlitData > &epochSatlitData,double eleAngle = 10);
QStringList downProducts(QString store_path = "./", int GPS_Week = 0, int GPS_day = 0, QString productType = "sp3");// download the sp3, CLK file
QStringList downCNTProducts(QString store_floder_path, int GPS_Week, int GPS_day, QString productType);
QString downErpFile(QString store_floder_path = "./", int GPS_Week = 0, int GPS_day = 0, QString productType = "erp");// download the ERP file
void saveResult2Class(VectorXd X, double *spp_vct, GPSPosTime epochTime, QVector< SatlitData > epochResultSatlitData, int epochNum, MatrixXd *P = NULL);// save Filter Result to m_writeFileClass (QWrite2File)
void reverseResult();
void writeResult2File();// save the class m_writeFileClass (QWrite2File) to the file
QStringList searchFilterFile(QString floder_path, QStringList filers);// serch files by filter
void Obtaining_equation( QVector< SatlitData > &currEpoch, double *ApproxRecPos, MatrixXd &mat_B, VectorXd &Vct_L, MatrixXd &mat_P, bool isSmoothRange = false);// get Observation equation B*X = L~(P)
void reciveClkRapaire(QVector< SatlitData > &prevEpochSatlitData, QVector< SatlitData > &epochSatlitData);// Receiver clock hop repair
// next function is for GUI
void autoScrollTextEdit(QTextEdit *textEdit,QString &add_text);
// data section
QTextEdit *mp_QTextEditforDisplay;
QString m_OFileName;// O file path + file name
QString m_run_floder;// run the specified directory file
QString m_App_floder;// executable directory
QStringList m_Sp3FileNames;// SP3 file path + file name
QStringList m_ClkFileNames;// CLK file path + file name
QString m_Solver_Method;// m_Solver_Method value can be "SRIF" or "Kalman"
QString m_ErpFileName;// ERP file path + file name
bool m_isKinematic;// judge is Kinematic
bool m_isInitSPP; // judge is init possition use SimpleSPP
double m_ApproxRecPos[3];// Approximate coordinates of the station
double m_CutAngle;// cut-off height Angle (degree)
QString m_SatSystem;// for GPS,GLONASS,BDS, and Galieo, use the letters G,R,C, and e. to set the file system m_SatSystem:"G"(turn on the GPS system); GR":(turn on GPS+GLONASS system);" GRCE"(all turned on), etc
QString m_TropDelay;// the tropospheric model m_TropDelay can be selected as Sass, hopfield and UNB3m
QString m_Product;// value is "igs" or "cnt"
QString m_PPPModel_Str;// // value is "Ion_free" or "Uncombined"
bool m_isSmoothRange;// Whether to use phase smoothing pseudo-distance for SPP
QString m_Smooth_Str;
QString m_sys_str;// satellite system for short ('G', 'R', 'C', 'E')
int m_sys_num;// number of satellite systems
int multReadOFile;// each buffer O file epoch metadata (the larger the number of memory occupied, the higher the speed is relatively fast... The default 1000)
int m_leapSeconds;// leap seconds
bool m_isConnect, m_isConnectCNT;// determine whether the network is connected
bool m_haveObsFile;// jugue have obsvertion file
bool m_isRuned;// Determine whether the operation is complete.
// various libraries are used to calculate error correction, kalman filtering and file operation
QCmpGPST qCmpGpsT;// function library for calculating GPS time, coordinate transformation, etc
QReadSP3 m_ReadSP3Class;// for reading and calculating satellite orbits
QReadClk m_ReadClkClass;// read satellite clock files
QReadOFile m_ReadOFileClass;// reads the O file class
QTropDelay m_ReadTropClass;// reading the troposphere requires files
QReadAnt m_ReadAntClass;// read antenna data class
QWindUp m_WinUpClass;// phase unwinding
QTideEffect m_TideEffectClass;// tidal effects
QKalmanFilter m_KalmanClass;// kalman filtering class
SRIFAlgorithm m_SRIFAlgorithm;
FtpClient ftpClient;// ftp Dowload
QWrite2File m_writeFileClass;// write to the file class
QualityCtrl m_qualityCtrl;// Quality control class
QPseudoSmooth m_QPseudoSmooth;// smoothed Pesudorange
// for save plot image
QString m_save_images_path;
bool m_iswritre_file;
int m_clock_jump_type;// 1 is Pseudo range jump, 2 is carrier jump
// min flag
int m_minSatFlag;// the minimum number of satellites required
#endif // QPPPMODEL_H
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:guoxianwei/gnss-tjppp.git
