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houyingchao 提交于 2022-05-27 11:43 . Fix CVE-2022-1664
From faa4c92debe45412bfcf8a44f26e827800bb24be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillem Jover <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 02:09:32 +0200
Subject: Dpkg::Source::Archive: Prevent directory traversal for in-place
For untrusted v2 and v3 source package formats that include a debian.tar
archive, when we are extracting it, we do that as an in-place extraction,
which can lead to directory traversal situations on specially crafted
orig.tar and debian.tar tarballs.
GNU tar replaces entries on the filesystem by the entries present on
the tarball, but it will follow symlinks when the symlink pathname
itself is not present as an actual directory on the tarball.
This means we can create an orig.tar where there's a symlink pointing
out of the source tree root directory, and then a debian.tar that
contains an entry within that symlink as if it was a directory, without
a directory entry for the symlink pathname itself, which will be
extracted following the symlink outside the source tree root.
This is currently noted as expected in GNU tar documentation. But even
if there was a new extraction mode avoiding this problem we'd need such
new version. Using perl's Archive::Tar would solve the problem, but
switching to such different pure perl implementation, could cause
compatibility or performance issues.
What we do is when we are requested to perform an in-place extract, we
instead still use a temporary directory, then walk that directory and
remove any matching entry in the destination directory, replicating what
GNU tar would do, but in addition avoiding the directory traversal issue
for symlinks. Which should work with any tar implementation and be safe.
Reported-by: Max Justicz <[email protected]>
Stable-Candidates: 1.18.x 1.19.x 1.20.x
Fixes: commit 0c0057a27fecccab77d2b3cffa9a7d172846f0b4 (1.14.17)
Fixes: CVE-2022-1664
(cherry picked from commit 7a6c03cb34d4a09f35df2f10779cbf1b70a5200b)
scripts/Dpkg/Source/Archive.pm | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
scripts/t/Dpkg_Source_Archive.t | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Archive.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Archive.pm
index 33c181b20..2ddd04af8 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Archive.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/Source/Archive.pm
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
use Carp;
+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Spec;
+use File::Find;
use Cwd;
use Dpkg ();
@@ -110,19 +112,13 @@ sub extract {
my %spawn_opts = (wait_child => 1);
# Prepare destination
- my $tmp;
- if ($opts{in_place}) {
- $spawn_opts{chdir} = $dest;
- $tmp = $dest; # So that fixperms call works
- } else {
- my $template = basename($self->get_filename()) . '.tmp-extract.XXXXX';
- unless (-e $dest) {
- # Kludge so that realpath works
- mkdir($dest) or syserr(g_('cannot create directory %s'), $dest);
- }
- $tmp = tempdir($template, DIR => Cwd::realpath("$dest/.."), CLEANUP => 1);
- $spawn_opts{chdir} = $tmp;
+ my $template = basename($self->get_filename()) . '.tmp-extract.XXXXX';
+ unless (-e $dest) {
+ # Kludge so that realpath works
+ mkdir($dest) or syserr(g_('cannot create directory %s'), $dest);
+ my $tmp = tempdir($template, DIR => Cwd::realpath("$dest/.."), CLEANUP => 1);
+ $spawn_opts{chdir} = $tmp;
# Prepare stuff that handles the input of tar
$self->ensure_open('r', delete_sig => [ 'PIPE' ]);
@@ -145,22 +141,94 @@ sub extract {
# have to be calculated using mount options and other madness.
fixperms($tmp) unless $opts{no_fixperms};
- # Stop here if we extracted in-place as there's nothing to move around
- return if $opts{in_place};
- # Rename extracted directory
- opendir(my $dir_dh, $tmp) or syserr(g_('cannot opendir %s'), $tmp);
- my @entries = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir($dir_dh);
- closedir($dir_dh);
- my $done = 0;
- erasedir($dest);
- if (scalar(@entries) == 1 && ! -l "$tmp/$entries[0]" && -d _) {
- rename("$tmp/$entries[0]", $dest)
- or syserr(g_('unable to rename %s to %s'),
- "$tmp/$entries[0]", $dest);
+ # If we are extracting "in-place" do not remove the destination directory.
+ if ($opts{in_place}) {
+ my $canon_basedir = Cwd::realpath($dest);
+ # On Solaris /dev/null points to /devices/pseudo/mm@0:null.
+ my $canon_devnull = Cwd::realpath('/dev/null');
+ my $check_symlink = sub {
+ my $pathname = shift;
+ my $canon_pathname = Cwd::realpath($pathname);
+ if (not defined $canon_pathname) {
+ return if $! == ENOENT;
+ syserr(g_("pathname '%s' cannot be canonicalized"), $pathname);
+ }
+ return if $canon_pathname eq $canon_devnull;
+ return if $canon_pathname eq $canon_basedir;
+ return if $canon_pathname =~ m{^\Q$canon_basedir/\E};
+ warning(g_("pathname '%s' points outside source root (to '%s')"),
+ $pathname, $canon_pathname);
+ };
+ my $move_in_place = sub {
+ my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::name, $tmp);
+ my $destpath = File::Spec->catfile($dest, $relpath);
+ my ($mode, $atime, $mtime);
+ lstat $File::Find::name
+ or syserr(g_('cannot get source pathname %s metadata'), $File::Find::name);
+ ((undef) x 2, $mode, (undef) x 5, $atime, $mtime) = lstat _;
+ my $src_is_dir = -d _;
+ my $dest_exists = 1;
+ if (not lstat $destpath) {
+ if ($! == ENOENT) {
+ $dest_exists = 0;
+ } else {
+ syserr(g_('cannot get target pathname %s metadata'), $destpath);
+ }
+ }
+ my $dest_is_dir = -d _;
+ if ($dest_exists) {
+ if ($dest_is_dir && $src_is_dir) {
+ # Refresh the destination directory attributes with the
+ # ones from the tarball.
+ chmod $mode, $destpath
+ or syserr(g_('cannot change directory %s mode'), $File::Find::name);
+ utime $atime, $mtime, $destpath
+ or syserr(g_('cannot change directory %s times'), $File::Find::name);
+ # We should do nothing, and just walk further tree.
+ return;
+ } elsif ($dest_is_dir) {
+ rmdir $destpath
+ or syserr(g_('cannot remove destination directory %s'), $destpath);
+ } else {
+ $check_symlink->($destpath);
+ unlink $destpath
+ or syserr(g_('cannot remove destination file %s'), $destpath);
+ }
+ }
+ # If we are moving a directory, we do not need to walk it.
+ if ($src_is_dir) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ }
+ rename $File::Find::name, $destpath
+ or syserr(g_('cannot move %s to %s'), $File::Find::name, $destpath);
+ };
+ find({
+ wanted => $move_in_place,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ dangling_symlinks => 0,
+ }, $tmp);
} else {
- rename($tmp, $dest)
- or syserr(g_('unable to rename %s to %s'), $tmp, $dest);
+ # Rename extracted directory
+ opendir(my $dir_dh, $tmp) or syserr(g_('cannot opendir %s'), $tmp);
+ my @entries = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir($dir_dh);
+ closedir($dir_dh);
+ erasedir($dest);
+ if (scalar(@entries) == 1 && ! -l "$tmp/$entries[0]" && -d _) {
+ rename("$tmp/$entries[0]", $dest)
+ or syserr(g_('unable to rename %s to %s'),
+ "$tmp/$entries[0]", $dest);
+ } else {
+ rename($tmp, $dest)
+ or syserr(g_('unable to rename %s to %s'), $tmp, $dest);
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/t/Dpkg_Source_Archive.t b/scripts/t/Dpkg_Source_Archive.t
index 7b70da68e..09496aeea 100644
--- a/scripts/t/Dpkg_Source_Archive.t
+++ b/scripts/t/Dpkg_Source_Archive.t
@@ -16,12 +16,120 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Test::Dpkg qw(:paths);
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path qw(make_path rmtree);
+use Dpkg;
+my $tmpdir = 't.tmp/Dpkg_Source_Archive';
+sub test_touch
+ my ($name, $data) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '>', $name
+ or die "cannot touch file $name\n";
+ print { $fh } $data if $data;
+ close $fh;
+sub test_path_escape
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $treedir = File::Spec->rel2abs("$tmpdir/$name-tree");
+ my $overdir = File::Spec->rel2abs("$tmpdir/$name-overlay");
+ my $outdir = "$tmpdir/$name-out";
+ my $expdir = "$tmpdir/$name-exp";
+ # This is the base directory, where we are going to be extracting stuff
+ # into, which include traps.
+ make_path("$treedir/subdir-a");
+ test_touch("$treedir/subdir-a/file-a");
+ test_touch("$treedir/subdir-a/file-pre-a");
+ make_path("$treedir/subdir-b");
+ test_touch("$treedir/subdir-b/file-b");
+ test_touch("$treedir/subdir-b/file-pre-b");
+ symlink File::Spec->abs2rel($outdir, $treedir), "$treedir/symlink-escape";
+ symlink File::Spec->abs2rel("$outdir/nonexistent", $treedir), "$treedir/symlink-nonexistent";
+ symlink "$treedir/file", "$treedir/symlink-within";
+ test_touch("$treedir/supposed-dir");
+ # This is the overlay directory, which we'll pack and extract over the
+ # base directory.
+ make_path($overdir);
+ make_path("$overdir/subdir-a/aa");
+ test_touch("$overdir/subdir-a/aa/file-aa", 'aa');
+ test_touch("$overdir/subdir-a/file-a", 'a');
+ make_path("$overdir/subdir-b/bb");
+ test_touch("$overdir/subdir-b/bb/file-bb", 'bb');
+ test_touch("$overdir/subdir-b/file-b", 'b');
+ make_path("$overdir/symlink-escape");
+ test_touch("$overdir/symlink-escape/escaped-file", 'escaped');
+ test_touch("$overdir/symlink-nonexistent", 'nonexistent');
+ make_path("$overdir/symlink-within");
+ make_path("$overdir/supposed-dir");
+ test_touch("$overdir/supposed-dir/supposed-file", 'something');
+ # Generate overlay tar.
+ system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$overdir.tar", '-C', $overdir, qw(
+ subdir-a subdir-b
+ symlink-escape/escaped-file symlink-nonexistent symlink-within
+ supposed-dir
+ )) == 0
+ or die "cannot create overlay tar archive\n";
+ # This is the expected directory, which we'll be comparing against.
+ make_path($expdir);
+ system('cp', '-a', $overdir, $expdir) == 0
+ or die "cannot copy overlay hierarchy into expected directory\n";
+ # Store the expected and out reference directories into a tar to compare
+ # its structure against the result reference.
+ system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$expdir.tar", '-C', $overdir, qw(
+ subdir-a subdir-b
+ symlink-escape/escaped-file symlink-nonexistent symlink-within
+ supposed-dir
+ ), '-C', $treedir, qw(
+ subdir-a/file-pre-a
+ subdir-b/file-pre-b
+ )) == 0
+ or die "cannot create expected tar archive\n";
+ # This directory is supposed to remain empty, anything inside implies a
+ # directory traversal.
+ make_path($outdir);
+ my $warnseen;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnseen = $_[0] };
+ # Perform the extraction.
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$overdir.tar");
+ $tar->extract($treedir, in_place => 1);
+ # Store the result into a tar to compare its structure against a reference.
+ system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '-cf', "$treedir.tar", '-C', $treedir, '.');
+ # Check results
+ ok(length $warnseen && $warnseen =~ m/points outside source root/,
+ 'expected warning seen');
+ ok(system($Dpkg::PROGTAR, '--compare', '-f', "$expdir.tar", '-C', $treedir) == 0,
+ 'expected directory matches');
+ ok(! -e "$outdir/escaped-file",
+ 'expected output directory is empty, directory traversal');
# TODO: Add actual test cases.
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