hardware abstraction test suite | hats兼容性测试套
Application compatibility test suite | acts应用兼容性测试套
Development self-test framework | 开发者自测试框架
Product configuration | 产品配置
Providing traditional input methods, such as key, touch, keyboard, and mouse inputs | 提供传统的输入交互方式,例如按键、触控、键盘、鼠标等
Implementation of camera device management and camera capture functions | 相机设备和相机采集功能实现
Distributed Screen | 分布式屏幕
Distributed Hardware Framework | 分布式硬件管理框架
Distributed Camera | 分布式相机
ability_runtime | 元能力框架
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
ScreenLock Management System Ability | 锁屏管理服务
Obtaining device status | 获取设备状态
Input Method Framework|输入法框架,主要是拉通应用和输入法,保证应用可以通过输入法进行文本输入