From ccc75c1be3ae08d813193071c798fc905b5c03e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2021 13:36:12 +0200
Subject: DataSourceAzure.py: use hostnamectl to set hostname
RH-Author: Vitaly Kuznetsov <vkuznets@redhat.com>
Message-id: <20180417130754.12918-3-vkuznets@redhat.com>
Patchwork-id: 79659
O-Subject: [RHEL7.6/7.5.z cloud-init PATCH 2/2] DataSourceAzure.py: use hostnamectl to set hostname
Bugzilla: 1568717
RH-Acked-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
RH-Acked-by: Mohammed Gamal <mgamal@redhat.com>
RH-Acked-by: Cathy Avery <cavery@redhat.com>
The right way to set hostname in RHEL7 is:
$ hostnamectl set-hostname HOSTNAME
DataSourceAzure, however, uses:
$ hostname HOSTSNAME
instead and this causes problems. We can't simply change
'BUILTIN_DS_CONFIG' in DataSourceAzure.py as 'hostname' is being used
for both getting and setting the hostname.
Long term, this should be fixed in a different way. Cloud-init
has distro-specific hostname setting/getting (see
cloudinit/distros/rhel.py) and DataSourceAzure.py needs to be switched
to use these.
Resolves: rhbz#1434109
X-downstream-only: yes
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Otubo <otubo@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Vitaly Kuznetsov <vkuznets@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Miroslav Rezanina <mrezanin@redhat.com>
cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py
index cee630f7..553b5a7e 100755
--- a/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def get_hostname(hostname_command='hostname'):
def set_hostname(hostname, hostname_command='hostname'):
- subp.subp([hostname_command, hostname])
+ util.subp(['hostnamectl', 'set-hostname', str(hostname)])
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