同步操作将从 李宋长雷兴/SM2-signature-creation-and-verification 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* File name: sm3_with_preprocess.h
* Author: HAN Wei
* Author's blog: https://blog.csdn.net/henter/
* Date: Nov 17th, 2018
* Description: declare SM3 hash calculation with
preprocess functions
* Note: SM3 digest with preprocess instead of "pure"
SM3 digest is used as one input item in computation
of SM2 signature.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Name: sm3_digest_z
* Function: compute digest of leading Z in SM3 preprocess
* Parameters:
id[in] user id
id_len[in] user id length, size in bytes
pub_key[in] SM2 public key
digest[out] digest value on Z
* Return value:
0: function executes successfully
any other value: an error occurs
* Notes:
1. The user id value cannot be NULL. If the specific
value is unknown, the default user id "1234567812345678"
can be used.
2. "pub_key" is a octet string of 65 byte length. It
is a concatenation of 04 || X || Y. X and Y both are
SM2 public key coordinates of 32-byte length.
int sm3_digest_z(const unsigned char *id,
const int id_len,
const unsigned char *pub_key,
unsigned char *z_digest);
* Name: sm3_digest_with_preprocess
* Function: compute SM3 digest with preprocess
* Parameters:
message[in] input message
message_len[in] input message length, size in bytes
id[in] user id
id_len[in] user id length, size in bytes
pub_key[in] SM2 public key
digest[out] digest value of SM3 preprocess
* Return value:
0: function executes successfully
any other value: an error occurs
* Notes:
1. The user id value cannot be NULL. If the specific
value is unknown, the default user id "1234567812345678"
can be used.
2. "pub_key" is a octet string of 65 byte length. It
is a concatenation of 04 || X || Y. X and Y both are
SM2 public key coordinates of 32-byte length.
int sm3_digest_with_preprocess(const unsigned char *message,
const int message_len,
const unsigned char *id,
const int id_len,
const unsigned char *pub_key,
unsigned char *digest);
#ifdef __cplusplus
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