同步操作将从 初学之人/engineercms 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
EngineerCMS revision history
16, engineercms 1.09 (May 12, 2019)
+) Add relevancy
15, engineercms 1.08 (May 6, 2019)
+) Add wechat checkin
14, engineercms 1.08 (April 15, 2019)
+) Add vue.js index.html
13, EngineerCMS 1.07 (July 11, 2018)
+) Add the DWG view inline
$) Change the Ueditor to froala
12, EngineerCMS 1.06 (July 01, 2018)
*) Modified The parentidpath field of the project data table
+) Added the topprojectid field of the product data table; The conten and views fields were removed
$) optimised the lazyload of treeview(projects webview)
$) Change the bootstrap-table(only projects view web now) sidePagination to server
11, EngineerCMS 1.06 (May 29, 2018)
+) Add tree product count
+) Add nav link to tree
*) Fixed bug of allproduct tpl
$) optimised the projects product count
10, EngineerCMS 1.05 (May 24, 2018)
+) Add Download permission
*) Fixed bug of attachmentname
9, EngineerCMS 1.04 (May 12, 2018)
+) Add IP permission
*) Fixed bug of delete role permission
8, EngineerCMS 1.03 (May 3, 2018)
*) Fixed bug of role permission
7, EngineerCMS 1.02 (Apr 30, 2018)
*) Fixed bug of onlyoffice permission
6, EngineerCMS 1.01 (Apr 25, 2018)
+) Add project permission query&update
5, EngineerCMS 1.0 (Feb 20, 2018)
+) Add ONLYOFFICE Document Server
4, EngineerCMS 0.93 (Feb 10, 2017)
+) Add project role
+) Add cms service
*) Fixed bug of product editor
3, EngineerCMS 0.92 (Jan 29, 2017)
+) Add treeview editor
+) Add user login
+) Add index tpl
+) Add product synchronization
*) Fixed bug of ipmap
2, EngineerCMS 0.91 (Sep 7, 2016)
+) Add admin ipsegment
+) Add admin secoffice
+) Add admin calendar
*) Fixed bug of project
1, EngineerCMS 0.9 (Sep 1, 2016)
+) Initial public released edition
*) Fixed bug of product attachment
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。