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datasets.py 17.42 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
oravus 提交于 2021-06-03 16:43 . compat with h5py-3.2
import torch
import torch.utils.data as data
import itertools
import os
from os.path import join, exists
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import faiss
import h5py
dbStruct = namedtuple('dbStruct', ['whichSet', 'dataset',
'dbImage', 'utmDb', 'qImage', 'utmQ', 'numDb', 'numQ',
'posDistThr', 'posDistSqThr', 'nonTrivPosDistSqThr',
'dbTimeStamp', 'qTimeStamp', 'gpsDb', 'gpsQ'])
class Dataset():
def __init__(self, dataset_name, train_mat_file, test_mat_file, val_mat_file, opt):
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.train_mat_file = train_mat_file
self.test_mat_file = test_mat_file
self.val_mat_file = val_mat_file
self.struct_dir = "./structFiles/"
self.seqL = opt.seqL
self.seqL_filterData = opt.seqL_filterData
# descriptor settings
self.dbDescs = None
self.qDescs = None
self.trainInds = None
self.valInds = None
self.testInds = None
self.db_seqBounds = None
self.q_seqBounds = None
def loadPreComputedDescriptors(self,ft1,ft2,seqBounds=None):
self.dbDescs = ft1
self.qDescs = ft2
print("All Db descs: ", self.dbDescs.shape)
print("All Qry descs: ", self.qDescs.shape)
if seqBounds is None:
self.db_seqBounds = None
self.q_seqBounds = None
self.db_seqBounds = seqBounds[0]
self.q_seqBounds = seqBounds[1]
return self.dbDescs.shape[1]
def get_whole_training_set(self, onlyDB=False):
structFile = join(self.struct_dir, self.train_mat_file)
indsSplit = self.trainInds
return WholeDatasetFromStruct( structFile, indsSplit, self.dbDescs, self.qDescs, seqL=self.seqL, onlyDB=onlyDB, seqBounds=[self.db_seqBounds,self.q_seqBounds],seqL_filterData=self.seqL_filterData)
def get_whole_val_set(self):
structFile = join(self.struct_dir, self.val_mat_file)
indsSplit = self.valInds
return WholeDatasetFromStruct(structFile, indsSplit, self.dbDescs, self.qDescs, seqL=self.seqL, seqBounds=[self.db_seqBounds,self.q_seqBounds],seqL_filterData=self.seqL_filterData)
def get_whole_test_set(self):
if self.test_mat_file is not None:
structFile = join(self.struct_dir, self.test_mat_file)
indsSplit = self.testInds
return WholeDatasetFromStruct(structFile, indsSplit, self.dbDescs, self.qDescs, seqL=self.seqL, seqBounds=[self.db_seqBounds,self.q_seqBounds],seqL_filterData=self.seqL_filterData)
raise ValueError('test set not available for dataset ' + self.dataset_name)
def get_training_query_set(self, margin=0.1, nNegSample=1000, use_regions=False):
structFile = join(self.struct_dir, self.train_mat_file)
indsSplit = self.trainInds
return QueryDatasetFromStruct(structFile,indsSplit, self.dbDescs, self.qDescs, nNegSample=nNegSample, margin=margin,use_regions=use_regions, seqL=self.seqL, seqBounds=[self.db_seqBounds,self.q_seqBounds])
def get_val_query_set(self):
structFile = join(self.struct_dir, self.val_mat_file)
indsSplit = self.valInds
return QueryDatasetFromStruct(structFile, indsSplit, self.dbDescs, self.qDescs, seqL=self.seqL, seqBounds=[self.db_seqBounds,self.q_seqBounds])
def collate_fn(batch):
"""Creates mini-batch tensors from the list of tuples (query, positive, negatives).
batch: list of tuple (query, positive, negatives).
- query: torch tensor of shape (T, C). e.g. (5,4096)
- positive: torch tensor of shape (T, C).
- negative: torch tensor of shape (N, T, C).
query: torch tensor of shape (batch_size, T, C).
positive: torch tensor of shape (batch_size, T, C).
negatives: torch tensor of shape (batch_size, T, C).
batch = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, batch))
if len(batch) == 0:
return None, None, None, None, None
query, positive, negatives, indices = zip(*batch)
query = data.dataloader.default_collate(query)
positive = data.dataloader.default_collate(positive)
negCounts = data.dataloader.default_collate([x.shape[0] for x in negatives])
negatives = torch.cat(negatives, 0)
indices = list(itertools.chain(*indices))
return query, positive, negatives, negCounts, indices
def getSeqInds(idx,seqL,maxNum,minNum=0,retLenDiff=False):
seqLOrig = seqL
seqInds = np.arange(max(minNum,idx-seqL//2),min(idx+seqL-seqL//2,maxNum),1)
lenDiff = seqLOrig - len(seqInds)
if retLenDiff:
return lenDiff
if seqInds[0] == minNum:
seqInds = np.concatenate([seqInds,np.arange(seqInds[-1]+1,seqInds[-1]+1+lenDiff,1)])
elif lenDiff > 0 and seqInds[-1] in range(maxNum-1,maxNum):
seqInds = np.concatenate([np.arange(seqInds[0]-lenDiff,seqInds[0],1),seqInds])
return seqInds
def getValidSeqInds(seqBounds,seqL):
validFlags = []
for i in range(len(seqBounds)):
sIdMin, sIdMax = seqBounds[i]
lenDiff = getSeqInds(i,seqL,sIdMax,minNum=sIdMin,retLenDiff=True)
validFlags.append(True if lenDiff == 0 else False)
return validFlags
def parse_db_struct(path):
mat = loadmat(path)
fieldnames = list(mat['dbStruct'][0, 0].dtype.names)
dataset = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['dataset'].item()
whichSet = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['whichSet'].item()
dbImage = [f[0].item() for f in mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['dbImageFns']]
qImage = [f[0].item() for f in mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['qImageFns']]
numDb = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['numImages'].item()
numQ = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['numQueries'].item()
posDistThr = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['posDistThr'].item()
posDistSqThr = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['posDistSqThr'].item()
if 'nonTrivPosDistSqThr' in fieldnames:
nonTrivPosDistSqThr = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['nonTrivPosDistSqThr'].item()
nonTrivPosDistSqThr = None
if 'dbTimeStamp' in fieldnames and 'qTimeStamp' in fieldnames:
dbTimeStamp = [f[0].item() for f in mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['dbTimeStamp'].T]
qTimeStamp = [f[0].item() for f in mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['qTimeStamp'].T]
dbTimeStamp = np.array(dbTimeStamp)
qTimeStamp = np.array(qTimeStamp)
dbTimeStamp = None
qTimeStamp = None
if 'utmQ' in fieldnames and 'utmDb' in fieldnames:
utmDb = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['utmDb'].T
utmQ = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['utmQ'].T
utmQ = None
utmDb = None
if 'gpsQ' in fieldnames and 'gpsDb' in fieldnames:
gpsDb = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['gpsDb'].T
gpsQ = mat['dbStruct'][0, 0]['gpsQ'].T
gpsQ = None
gpsDb = None
return dbStruct(whichSet, dataset, dbImage, utmDb, qImage, utmQ, numDb, numQ, posDistThr,
posDistSqThr, nonTrivPosDistSqThr, dbTimeStamp, qTimeStamp, gpsQ, gpsDb)
def save_db_struct(path, db_struct):
assert db_struct.numDb == len(db_struct.dbImage)
assert db_struct.numQ == len(db_struct.qImage)
inner_dict = {
'whichSet': db_struct.whichSet,
'dbImageFns': np.array(db_struct.dbImage, dtype=np.object).reshape(-1, 1),
'qImageFns': np.array(db_struct.qImage, dtype=np.object).reshape(-1, 1),
'numImages': db_struct.numDb,
'numQueries': db_struct.numQ,
'posDistThr': db_struct.posDistThr,
'posDistSqThr': db_struct.posDistSqThr,
if db_struct.dataset is not None:
inner_dict['dataset'] = db_struct.dataset
if db_struct.nonTrivPosDistSqThr is not None:
inner_dict['nonTrivPosDistSqThr'] = db_struct.nonTrivPosDistSqThr
if db_struct.utmDb is not None and db_struct.utmQ is not None:
assert db_struct.numDb == len(db_struct.utmDb)
assert db_struct.numQ == len(db_struct.utmQ)
inner_dict['utmDb'] = db_struct.utmDb.T
inner_dict['utmQ'] = db_struct.utmQ.T
if db_struct.gpsDb is not None and db_struct.gpsQ is not None:
assert db_struct.numDb == len(db_struct.gpsDb)
assert db_struct.numQ == len(db_struct.gpsQ)
inner_dict['gpsDb'] = db_struct.gpsDb.T
inner_dict['gpsQ'] = db_struct.gpsQ.T
if db_struct.dbTimeStamp is not None and db_struct.qTimeStamp is not None:
inner_dict['dbTimeStamp'] = db_struct.dbTimeStamp.astype(np.float64)
inner_dict['qTimeStamp'] = db_struct.qTimeStamp.astype(np.float64)
savemat(path, {'dbStruct': inner_dict})
class WholeDatasetFromStruct(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, structFile, indsSplit, dbDescs, qDescs, onlyDB=False, seqL=1, seqBounds=None,seqL_filterData=None):
self.seqL = seqL
self.filterBoundaryInds = False if seqL_filterData is None else True
self.dbStruct = parse_db_struct(structFile)
self.images = dbDescs[indsSplit[0]]
if seqBounds[0] is None:
self.seqBounds = np.array([[0,len(self.images)] for _ in range(len(self.images))])
if not onlyDB:
qImages = qDescs[indsSplit[1]]
self.images = np.concatenate([self.images,qImages],0)
if seqBounds[0] is None:
q_seqBounds = np.array([[len(self.seqBounds),len(self.images)] for _ in range(len(qImages))])
self.seqBounds = np.vstack([self.seqBounds,q_seqBounds])
if seqBounds[0] is not None:
db_seqBounds = seqBounds[0][indsSplit[0]]
q_seqBounds = db_seqBounds[-1,-1] + seqBounds[1][indsSplit[1]]
self.seqBounds = np.vstack([db_seqBounds,q_seqBounds])
self.validInds = np.arange(len(self.images))
self.validInds_db = np.arange(self.dbStruct.numDb)
self.validInds_q = np.arange(self.dbStruct.numQ)
if self.filterBoundaryInds:
validFlags = getValidSeqInds(self.seqBounds,seqL_filterData)
self.validInds = np.argwhere(validFlags).flatten()
self.validInds_db = np.argwhere(validFlags[:self.dbStruct.numDb]).flatten()
self.validInds_q = np.argwhere(validFlags[self.dbStruct.numDb:]).flatten()
self.dbStruct = self.dbStruct._replace(utmDb=self.dbStruct.utmDb[self.validInds_db], numDb=len(self.validInds_db), utmQ=self.dbStruct.utmQ[self.validInds_q], numQ=len(self.validInds_q))
self.whichSet = self.dbStruct.whichSet
self.dataset = self.dbStruct.dataset
self.positives = None
self.distances = None
def __getitem__(self, index):
origIndex = index
index = self.validInds[index]
sIdMin, sIdMax = self.seqBounds[index]
img = self.images[getSeqInds(index,self.seqL,sIdMax,minNum=sIdMin)]
return img, origIndex
def __len__(self):
return len(self.validInds)
def get_positives(self,retDists=False):
# positives for evaluation are those within trivial threshold range
# fit NN to find them, search by radius
if self.positives is None:
knn = NearestNeighbors(n_jobs=-1)
print("Using Localization Radius: ", self.dbStruct.posDistThr)
self.distances, self.positives = knn.radius_neighbors(self.dbStruct.utmQ, radius=self.dbStruct.posDistThr)
if retDists:
return self.positives, self.distances
return self.positives
class QueryDatasetFromStruct(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, structFile, indsSplit, dbDescs, qDescs, nNegSample=1000, nNeg=10, margin=0.1, use_regions=False, seqL=1, seqBounds=None):
self.seqL = seqL
self.dbDescs = dbDescs[indsSplit[0]]
self.qDescs = qDescs[indsSplit[1]]
self.margin = margin
self.dbStruct = parse_db_struct(structFile)
if seqBounds[0] is None:
self.db_seqBounds = np.array([[0,len(self.dbDescs)] for _ in range(len(self.dbDescs))])
self.q_seqBounds = np.array([[0,len(self.qDescs)] for _ in range(len(self.qDescs))])
self.db_seqBounds = seqBounds[0][indsSplit[0]]
self.q_seqBounds = seqBounds[1][indsSplit[1]]
self.whichSet = self.dbStruct.whichSet
self.dataset = self.dbStruct.dataset
self.nNegSample = nNegSample # number of negatives to randomly sample
self.nNeg = nNeg # number of negatives used for training
self.use_faiss = True
self.use_regions = use_regions
# potential positives are those within nontrivial threshold range
# fit NN to find them, search by radius
knn = NearestNeighbors(n_jobs=-1)
# TODO use sqeuclidean as metric?
self.nontrivial_distances, self.nontrivial_positives = \
knn.radius_neighbors(self.dbStruct.utmQ, radius=self.dbStruct.nonTrivPosDistSqThr**0.5,
self.nontrivial_positives = list(self.nontrivial_positives)
# radius returns unsorted, sort once now so we dont have to later
for i, posi in enumerate(self.nontrivial_positives):
self.nontrivial_positives[i] = np.sort(posi)
# its possible some queries don't have any non trivial potential positives
# lets filter those out
self.queries = np.where(np.array([len(x) for x in self.nontrivial_positives]) > 0)[0]
print("\n Queries within range ",len(self.queries), len(self.nontrivial_positives),"\n")
# potential negatives are those outside of posDistThr range
potential_positives = knn.radius_neighbors(self.dbStruct.utmQ,
self.potential_negatives = []
for pos in potential_positives:
self.potential_negatives.append(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.dbStruct.numDb), pos, assume_unique=True))
self.cache = None # filepath of HDF5 containing feature vectors for images
self.h5feat = None
self.negCache = [np.empty((0,)) for _ in range(self.dbStruct.numQ)]
def __getitem__(self, index):
with h5py.File(self.cache, mode='r') as h5:
h5feat = h5.get("features")
qOffset = self.dbStruct.numDb
qFeat = h5feat[index + qOffset]
posFeat = h5feat[self.nontrivial_positives[index].tolist()]
if self.use_faiss:
faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(posFeat.shape[1])
# noinspection PyArgumentList
# noinspection PyArgumentList
dPos, posNN = faiss_index.search(qFeat.reshape(1, -1), 1)#posFeat.shape[0])
dPos = np.sqrt(dPos) # faiss returns squared distance
knn = NearestNeighbors(n_jobs=-1)
dPos, posNN = knn.kneighbors(qFeat.reshape(1, -1), 1)#posFeat.shape[0])
if len(self.nontrivial_positives[index]) < 1:
# if none are violating then skip this query
return None
dPos = dPos[0][-1].item()
posIndex = self.nontrivial_positives[index][posNN[0,-1]].item()
negSample = np.random.choice(self.potential_negatives[index], self.nNegSample)
negSample = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.negCache[index], negSample]))
negSample = np.sort(negSample) #essential to order ascending, speeds up h5 by about double
negFeat = h5feat[negSample.astype(int).tolist()]
if self.use_faiss:
faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(posFeat.shape[1])
# noinspection PyArgumentList
# noinspection PyArgumentList
dNeg, negNN = faiss_index.search(qFeat.reshape(1, -1), self.nNeg * 10)
dNeg = np.sqrt(dNeg)
# to quote netvlad paper code: 10x is hacky but fine
dNeg, negNN = knn.kneighbors(qFeat.reshape(1, -1), self.nNeg * 10)
dNeg = dNeg.reshape(-1)
negNN = negNN.reshape(-1)
# try to find negatives that are within margin, if there aren't any return none
violatingNeg = dNeg < dPos + self.margin**0.5
if np.sum(violatingNeg) < 1:
# if none are violating then skip this query
return None
negNN = negNN[violatingNeg][:self.nNeg]
negIndices = negSample[negNN].astype(np.int32)
self.negCache[index] = negIndices
sIdMin_q, sIdMax_q = self.q_seqBounds[index]
query = self.qDescs[getSeqInds(index,self.seqL,sIdMax_q,sIdMin_q)]
sIdMin_p, sIdMax_p = self.db_seqBounds[posIndex]
positive = self.dbDescs[getSeqInds(posIndex,self.seqL,sIdMax_p,sIdMin_p)]
negatives = []
for negIndex in negIndices:
sIdMin_n, sIdMax_n = self.db_seqBounds[negIndex]
negative = torch.tensor(self.dbDescs[getSeqInds(negIndex,self.seqL,sIdMax_n,sIdMin_n)])
negatives = torch.stack(negatives, 0)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return query, positive, negatives, [index, posIndex] + negIndices.tolist()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.qDescs)
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:yang-yuanbo-777/seqNet.git
