// +build go1.10
package screenshot
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreFoundation
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
void* CompatCGDisplayCreateImageForRect(CGDirectDisplayID display, CGRect rect) {
return CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(display, rect);
void CompatCGImageRelease(void* image) {
void* CompatCGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(void* image, CGColorSpaceRef space) {
return CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace((CGImageRef)image, space);
void CompatCGContextDrawImage(CGContextRef c, CGRect rect, void* image) {
CGContextDrawImage(c, rect, (CGImageRef)image);
import "C"
import (
func Capture(x, y, width, height int) (*image.RGBA, error) {
if width <= 0 || height <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("width or height should be > 0")
rect := image.Rect(0, 0, width, height)
img, err := util.CreateImage(rect)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// cg: CoreGraphics coordinate (origin: lower-left corner of primary display, x-axis: rightward, y-axis: upward)
// win: Windows coordinate (origin: upper-left corner of primary display, x-axis: rightward, y-axis: downward)
// di: Display local coordinate (origin: upper-left corner of the display, x-axis: rightward, y-axis: downward)
cgMainDisplayBounds := getCoreGraphicsCoordinateOfDisplay(C.CGMainDisplayID())
winBottomLeft := C.CGPointMake(C.CGFloat(x), C.CGFloat(y+height))
cgBottomLeft := getCoreGraphicsCoordinateFromWindowsCoordinate(winBottomLeft, cgMainDisplayBounds)
cgCaptureBounds := C.CGRectMake(cgBottomLeft.x, cgBottomLeft.y, C.CGFloat(width), C.CGFloat(height))
ids := activeDisplayList()
ctx := createBitmapContext(width, height, (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&img.Pix[0])), img.Stride)
if ctx == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("cannot create bitmap context")
colorSpace := createColorspace()
if colorSpace == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("cannot create colorspace")
defer C.CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace)
for _, id := range ids {
cgBounds := getCoreGraphicsCoordinateOfDisplay(id)
cgIntersect := C.CGRectIntersection(cgBounds, cgCaptureBounds)
if C.CGRectIsNull(cgIntersect) {
if cgIntersect.size.width <= 0 || cgIntersect.size.height <= 0 {
// CGDisplayCreateImageForRect potentially fail in case width/height is odd number.
if int(cgIntersect.size.width)%2 != 0 {
cgIntersect.size.width = C.CGFloat(int(cgIntersect.size.width) + 1)
if int(cgIntersect.size.height)%2 != 0 {
cgIntersect.size.height = C.CGFloat(int(cgIntersect.size.height) + 1)
diIntersectDisplayLocal := C.CGRectMake(cgIntersect.origin.x-cgBounds.origin.x,
cgIntersect.size.width, cgIntersect.size.height)
captured := C.CompatCGDisplayCreateImageForRect(id, diIntersectDisplayLocal)
if captured == nil {
return nil, errors.New("cannot capture display")
defer C.CompatCGImageRelease(captured)
image := C.CompatCGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(captured, colorSpace)
if image == nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed copying captured image")
defer C.CompatCGImageRelease(image)
cgDrawRect := C.CGRectMake(cgIntersect.origin.x-cgCaptureBounds.origin.x, cgIntersect.origin.y-cgCaptureBounds.origin.y,
cgIntersect.size.width, cgIntersect.size.height)
C.CompatCGContextDrawImage(ctx, cgDrawRect, image)
i := 0
for iy := 0; iy < height; iy++ {
j := i
for ix := 0; ix < width; ix++ {
// ARGB => RGBA, and set A to 255
img.Pix[j], img.Pix[j+1], img.Pix[j+2], img.Pix[j+3] = img.Pix[j+1], img.Pix[j+2], img.Pix[j+3], 255
j += 4
i += img.Stride
return img, nil
func NumActiveDisplays() int {
var count C.uint32_t = 0
if C.CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &count) == C.kCGErrorSuccess {
return int(count)
} else {
return 0
func GetDisplayBounds(displayIndex int) image.Rectangle {
id := getDisplayId(displayIndex)
main := C.CGMainDisplayID()
var rect image.Rectangle
bounds := getCoreGraphicsCoordinateOfDisplay(id)
rect.Min.X = int(bounds.origin.x)
if main == id {
rect.Min.Y = 0
} else {
mainBounds := getCoreGraphicsCoordinateOfDisplay(main)
mainHeight := mainBounds.size.height
rect.Min.Y = int(mainHeight - (bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height))
rect.Max.X = rect.Min.X + int(bounds.size.width)
rect.Max.Y = rect.Min.Y + int(bounds.size.height)
return rect
func getDisplayId(displayIndex int) C.CGDirectDisplayID {
main := C.CGMainDisplayID()
if displayIndex == 0 {
return main
} else {
n := NumActiveDisplays()
ids := make([]C.CGDirectDisplayID, n)
if C.CGGetActiveDisplayList(C.uint32_t(n), (*C.CGDirectDisplayID)(unsafe.Pointer(&ids[0])), nil) != C.kCGErrorSuccess {
return 0
index := 0
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if ids[i] == main {
if index == displayIndex {
return ids[i]
return 0
func getCoreGraphicsCoordinateOfDisplay(id C.CGDirectDisplayID) C.CGRect {
main := C.CGDisplayBounds(C.CGMainDisplayID())
r := C.CGDisplayBounds(id)
return C.CGRectMake(r.origin.x, -r.origin.y-r.size.height+main.size.height,
r.size.width, r.size.height)
func getCoreGraphicsCoordinateFromWindowsCoordinate(p C.CGPoint, mainDisplayBounds C.CGRect) C.CGPoint {
return C.CGPointMake(p.x, mainDisplayBounds.size.height-p.y)
func createBitmapContext(width int, height int, data *C.uint32_t, bytesPerRow int) C.CGContextRef {
colorSpace := createColorspace()
if colorSpace == 0 {
return 0
defer C.CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace)
return C.CGBitmapContextCreate(unsafe.Pointer(data),
8, // bits per component
func createColorspace() C.CGColorSpaceRef {
return C.CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(C.kCGColorSpaceSRGB)
func activeDisplayList() []C.CGDirectDisplayID {
count := C.uint32_t(NumActiveDisplays())
ret := make([]C.CGDirectDisplayID, count)
if count > 0 && C.CGGetActiveDisplayList(count, (*C.CGDirectDisplayID)(unsafe.Pointer(&ret[0])), nil) == C.kCGErrorSuccess {
return ret
} else {
return make([]C.CGDirectDisplayID, 0)
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