同步操作将从 caojiachen1/MobileAgent 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import shutil
import os
import clip
import copy
import argparse
from PIL import Image
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks
from MobileAgent.prompt import opreation_prompt, choose_opreation_prompt
from MobileAgent.icon_localization import load_model, det
from MobileAgent.text_localization import ocr
from MobileAgent.api import inference_chat
from MobileAgent.crop import crop, crop_for_clip, clip_for_icon
from MobileAgent.chat import init_chat, add_response, add_multiimage_response
from MobileAgent.controller import get_size, get_screenshot, tap, type, slide, back, back_to_desktop
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--config_file", type=str, default='groundingdino/config/GroundingDINO_SwinT_OGC.py')
parser.add_argument("--grounding_ckpt", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--instruction", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--adb_path", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--api", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def run(args):
config_file = args.config_file
ckpt_filenmae = args.grounding_ckpt
device = 'cpu'
groundingdino_model = load_model(config_file, ckpt_filenmae, device=device).eval()
ocr_detection = pipeline(Tasks.ocr_detection, model='damo/cv_resnet18_ocr-detection-line-level_damo')
ocr_recognition = pipeline(Tasks.ocr_recognition, model='damo/cv_convnextTiny_ocr-recognition-document_damo')
clip_model, clip_preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device=device)
observation_list, thought_list, action_list = [], [], []
instruction = args.instruction
struct_operation_history = init_chat(instruction)
if not os.path.exists("screenshot"):
if not os.path.exists("temp"):
while True:
x, y = get_size(args.adb_path)
image = "./screenshot/screenshot.jpg"
image_ori = "./screenshot/screenshot.png"
temp_file = "./temp"
iw, ih = Image.open(image).size
if iw > ih:
x, y = y, x
iw, ih = ih, iw
choose_flag = 0
error_flag = 0
operation_history = copy.deepcopy(struct_operation_history)
operation_history = add_response("user", opreation_prompt, operation_history, image)
while True:
response = inference_chat(operation_history, args.api)
observation = response.split("Observation:")[1].split("\n")[0].strip()
thought = response.split("Thought:")[1].split("\n")[0].strip()
action = response.split("Action:")[1].strip()
print("Response not formatted, retry.")
if "stop" in action:
elif "open App" in action:
parameter = action.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]
in_coordinate, out_coordinate = ocr(image_ori, parameter, ocr_detection, ocr_recognition, iw, ih)
tap_coordinate = [(in_coordinate[0][0]+in_coordinate[0][2])/2, (in_coordinate[0][1]+in_coordinate[0][3])/2]
tap_coordinate = [round(tap_coordinate[0]/iw, 2), round(tap_coordinate[1]/ih, 2)]
tap(args.adb_path, tap_coordinate[0], tap_coordinate[1]-round(50/y, 2), x, y)
elif "click text" in action:
choose_chat = init_chat(instruction)
choose_chat = add_response("user", choose_opreation_prompt, choose_chat, image)
choose_chat = add_response("assistant", action, choose_chat)
parameter = action.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]
in_coordinate, out_coordinate = ocr(image_ori, parameter, ocr_detection, ocr_recognition, iw, ih)
if len(out_coordinate) == 0:
error_prompt = f"Failed to execute action click text ({parameter}). The text \"{parameter}\" is not detected in the screenshot."
error_flag = 1
elif len(out_coordinate) > 4:
error_prompt = f"Failed to execute action click text ({parameter}). There are too many text \"{parameter}\" in the screenshot."
error_flag = 1
elif len(out_coordinate) == 1:
tap_coordinate = [(in_coordinate[0][0]+in_coordinate[0][2])/2, (in_coordinate[0][1]+in_coordinate[0][3])/2]
tap_coordinate = [round(tap_coordinate[0]/iw, 2), round(tap_coordinate[1]/ih, 2)]
tap(args.adb_path, tap_coordinate[0], tap_coordinate[1], x, y)
hash = {}
for i, (td, box) in enumerate(zip(in_coordinate, out_coordinate)):
crop(image, box, i+1, td)
hash[i+1] = td
images = []
temp_file = "./temp"
for i in range(len(hash.keys())):
crop_image = f"{i+1}.jpg"
images.append(os.path.join(temp_file, crop_image))
ocr_prompt = f"The {str(len(out_coordinate))} red boxes are numbered 1 through {str(len(out_coordinate))}. Which red box with \"{parameter}\" do you want to click on? Please output just one number from 1 to {str(len(out_coordinate))}, such as 1, 2......"
choose_chat = add_multiimage_response("user", ocr_prompt, choose_chat, images)
choose_response = inference_chat(choose_chat, args.api)
final_box = hash[int(choose_response)]
tap_coordinate = [(final_box[0]+final_box[2])/2, (final_box[1]+final_box[3])/2]
tap_coordinate = [round(tap_coordinate[0]/iw, 2), round(tap_coordinate[1]/ih, 2)]
tap(args.adb_path, tap_coordinate[0], tap_coordinate[1], x, y)
choose_flag = 1
choose_user = ocr_prompt
choose_images = images
choose_response = choose_response
elif "click icon" in action:
choose_chat = init_chat(instruction)
choose_chat = add_response("user", choose_opreation_prompt, choose_chat, image)
choose_chat = add_response("assistant", action, choose_chat)
parameter = action.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]
parameter1, parameter2 = parameter.split(',')[0].strip(), parameter.split(',')[1].strip()
in_coordinate, out_coordinate = det(image, "icon", groundingdino_model)
if len(out_coordinate) == 1:
tap_coordinate = [(in_coordinate[0][0]+in_coordinate[0][2])/2, (in_coordinate[0][1]+in_coordinate[0][3])/2]
tap_coordinate = [round(tap_coordinate[0]/iw, 2), round(tap_coordinate[1]/ih, 2)]
tap(args.adb_path, tap_coordinate[0], tap_coordinate[1], x, y)
temp_file = "./temp"
hash = []
clip_filter = []
for i, (td, box) in enumerate(zip(in_coordinate, out_coordinate)):
if crop_for_clip(image, td, i+1, parameter2):
crop_image = f"{i+1}.jpg"
clip_filter.append(os.path.join(temp_file, crop_image))
clip_filter = clip_for_icon(clip_model, clip_preprocess, clip_filter, parameter1)
final_box = hash[clip_filter]
tap_coordinate = [(final_box[0]+final_box[2])/2, (final_box[1]+final_box[3])/2]
tap_coordinate = [round(tap_coordinate[0]/iw, 2), round(tap_coordinate[1]/ih, 2)]
tap(args.adb_path, tap_coordinate[0], tap_coordinate[1], x, y)
elif "page" in action:
slide(args.adb_path, action, x, y)
elif "type" in action:
text = response.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
type(args.adb_path, text)
elif "back" in action:
elif "exit" in action:
error_prompt = "Please respond strictly to the output format!"
struct_operation_history = add_response("user", "This is the current screenshot. Please give me your action.", struct_operation_history, image)
struct_operation_history = add_response("assistant", action, struct_operation_history)
if error_flag == 0:
if choose_flag == 1:
struct_operation_history = add_multiimage_response("user", choose_user, struct_operation_history, choose_images)
struct_operation_history = add_response("assistant", choose_response, struct_operation_history)
struct_operation_history = add_response("user", error_prompt, struct_operation_history, image)
struct_operation_history = add_response("assistant", "I will try again with another action or parameter.", struct_operation_history)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = get_args()
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