同步操作将从 连享会/STATA-DEA 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! version 1.0.1 27Sep2014
capture program drop TCPI
program define TCPI
version 12.1
// syntax checking and validation-----------------------------------------------
// rts - return to scale, ort - orientation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns 1 if the first nonblank character of local macro `0' is a comma,
// or if `0' is empty.
if replay() {
dis as err "ivars and ovars must be inputed."
exit 198
// get and check invarnames
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
syntax varlist(min=1),dmu(varname) time(varname)
cap drop TCPI
set matsize 2000
set more off
local bopvars "`varlist'"
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nout=`ngo'+`nbo'
tempvar tid
**********************sort `dmu' `time'
sort `time' `dmu'
*cap drop tid
qui egen `tid'=group(`time')
*tempname T
qui su `tid'
qui local T=r(max)
qui {
order `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
mat eff=J(_N,1,.)
mat temp1=[1/3,J(1,`ngo',1/`ngo'/3),J(1,`nbo',1/`nbo'/3)]
disp "Computing... ..."
disp "Pls wait..."
qui {
local k=1
forvalues i=1/`T' {
count if `tid'==`i'
local nobs=r(N)
mkmat `gopvars' `bopvars' `invars' if `tid'==`i', mat(Xmat)
cap mat drop m1 m2 obj m3 fobj temp2 temp3 temp4 XZ
mat obj=J(`nobs',1,0)
mat m2=[obj,Xmat]
mat m2=m2'
forvalues j=1/`nobs' {
mat m3=Xmat[`j',....]
mat m3=[0 \ m3']
mat temp2=Xmat[`j',....]
mat temp2[1,`ninp'+1]=-temp2[1,`ninp'+1..`ninp'+`ngo']
mat temp4=temp2[1,`ninp'..`ninp'+`ngo'+`nbo']
mat temp4=temp4'
mat m1=[temp1 \ J(`ninp'-1,`ngo'+`nbo'+1,0)\ diag(temp4)]
mat XZ=[m1,m2]
svmat XZ
svmat m3, names(rhp)
*local vnames : colfullnames Xmat2
gen rel="<="
replace rel="=" in 1
*replace rel=">=" if _n<=`ninp'+1 & _n>1
replace rel=">=" if _n>=`ninp'+2 & _n<=`ninp'+`ngo'+1
replace rel="=" if _n>=`ninp'+`ngo'+2
* list rel
*mat list m1
*mat list m2
*mat list m3
lp XZ*, max rhs(rhp1)
mat fobj=r(lprslt)
* mat temp4=fobj[1,2..6]
mat eff[`k',1]=(1-fobj[1,4])/(1+fobj[1,3])
local ++k
*svmat d11, names(beta)
cap drop TCPI1
svmat eff, names(TCPI)
rename TCPI1 TCPI
display "Computation is completed!"
dis "Results are plasted in the data set!"
dis "Pls check it!"
dis _newline
dis "------------------------------------------"
dis "@This code is written by Kerry@"
dis "@All rights are reserved@"
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