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title = "Linux内核之旅"
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# Main menu
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url = "https://github.com/linuxkerneltravel"
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url = "https://next.xuetangx.com/course/XIYOU08091001441/1516763"
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name = "Linux内核分析与应用"
url = "https://next.xuetangx.com/course/XIYOU08091001441/1516763"
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# Social media
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twitter_site = "GoHugoIO" # the Twitter handle of your site (without the '@')
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# Google Maps API key (if not set will default to not passing a key.)
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# Since this template is static, the contact form uses www.formspree.io as a
# proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual
# email. Visitors can send up to a 1000 emails each month for free.
# What you need to do for the setup?
# - set your email address under 'email' below
# - upload the generated site to your server
# - send a dummy email yourself to confirm your account
# - click the confirm link in the email from www.formspree.io
# - you're done. Happy mailing!
# Enable the contact form by entering your Formspree.io email
#email = "[email protected]"
#contact_form_ajax = false
about_us = "<p>邮箱:[email protected] <br> 请关注我们的微信公众号:Linux内核之旅</p> <br><p> <img src='/img/weixin.png' alt='Linux内核之旅微信公众号' width='128' height='128'></p>"
copyright = "Copyright (c), linuxkerneltravel, all rights reserved."
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# All carousel items are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/carousel'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
enable = false
# All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/features'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
enable = true
# All testimonials are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
title = "Linux内核之旅开源社区委员会"
subtitle = "Linux内核之旅致力于传播开源文化,教授和传播Linux内核知识。目前我们有五大平台,包括Linux内核之旅网站、GitHub、微信公众号“Linux内核之旅”、学堂在线mooc和bilibili内核视频站。以下为部分社区成员:"
enable = true
icon = "far fa-file-alt"
title = "和我一起学习Linux内核吧!"
subtitle = "你可以在我们的GitHub上提交你的代码,也可以给我们的代码打补丁,在学堂在线mooc平台《Linux内核分析与应用》课程中抛出你的问题,就有机会获得陈莉君教授的答疑。 "
link_url = "https://next.xuetangx.com/course/XIYOU08091001441/1516763"
link_text = "免费报名《Linux内核分析与应用》课程"
enable = false
# All clients are defined in their own files. You can find example items
# at 'exampleSite/data/clients'.
# For more informtion take a look at the README.
title = "其他平台"
subtitle = ""
enable = true
title = "最新内核博客"
subtitle = ""
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