同步操作将从 chenhaohan88/Style_Migration_For_Artistic_Font_With_CNN 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
from __future__ import print_function
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
import time
import argparse
from scipy.misc import imsave
from keras.applications import vgg19
from keras import backend as K
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter
import random
def save_img(fname, image, image_enhance=False): # 图像可以增强
image = Image.fromarray(image)
if image_enhance:
# 亮度增强
enh_bri = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)
brightness = 1.2
image = enh_bri.enhance(brightness)
# 色度增强
enh_col = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
color = 1.2
image = enh_col.enhance(color)
# 锐度增强
enh_sha = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image)
sharpness = 1.2
image = enh_sha.enhance(sharpness)
imsave(fname, image)
def smooth(image): # 模糊图片
w, h, c = image.shape
smoothed_image = np.zeros([w - 2, h - 2,c])
smoothed_image += image[:w - 2, 2:h,:]
smoothed_image += image[1:w-1, 2:,:]
smoothed_image += image[2:, 2:h,:]
smoothed_image += image[:w-2, 1:h-1,:]
smoothed_image += image[1:w-1, 2:h,:]
smoothed_image += image[2:, 1:h - 1,:]
smoothed_image += image[:w-2, :h-2,:]
smoothed_image += image[1:w-1, :h - 2,:]
smoothed_image += image[2:, :h - 2,:]
smoothed_image /= 9.0
return smoothed_image.astype("uint8")
def str_to_tuple(s):
s = list(s)
ans = list()
temp = ""
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] == '(' :
if s[i] == ',' or s[i] == ')':
temp = ""
temp += s[i]
return tuple(ans)
def char_to_picture(text="", font_name="宋体", background_color=(255,255,255), text_color=(0,0,0), pictrue_size=400,
text_position=(0, 0), in_meddium=False, reverse_color=False,smooth_times=0,noise=0):
pictrue_shape = (pictrue_size,pictrue_size)
im = Image.new("RGB", pictrue_shape, background_color)
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
# 由于系统内部不是使用汉字文件名,而是英文名,在此转换
if font_name == "宋体":
font_name = "SIMSUN.ttc"
if font_name == "楷体":
font_name = "SIMKAI.ttf"
if font_name == "黑体":
font_name = "SIMHEI.ttf"
if font_name == "等线":
font_name = "DENG.ttf"
if font_name == "仿宋":
font_name = "SIMFANG.ttf"
# 取得字体文件的位置
font_dir = "C:\Windows\Fonts\\" + font_name
font_size = int(pictrue_size * 0.8 / len(text)) # 设定文字的大小
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_dir, font_size)
# 开始绘图
# 如果设置了居中,那么就居中
# 英文字母的对齐方式并不一样
char_dict = []
for i in range(26):
char_dict.append(chr(i + ord('a')))
char_dict.append(chr(i + ord('A')))
if in_meddium:
char_num = len(text)
text_position = (pictrue_shape[0]/2 - char_num*font_size/2, pictrue_shape[1]/2 - font_size/2) # 中文
if text in char_dict:
text_position = (pictrue_shape[0] / 2 - char_num*font_size/4, pictrue_shape[1] / 2 - font_size / 2) # 英文
# 开始绘制图像
dr.text(text_position, text, font=font, fill=text_color)
if reverse_color:
im = ImageOps.invert(im)
# 随机扰动
if noise > 0:
print("adding noise...")
im_array = np.array(im)
noise_num = noise * pictrue_size
for i in range(noise_num):
pos = (random.randint(0,pictrue_size-1), random.randint(0,pictrue_size-1))
color = [random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)]
im_array[pos[0],pos[1],:] = color
im = Image.fromarray(im_array)
# 模糊化图片
for i in range(smooth_times):
im =im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur)
im_array = np.array(im)
for i in range(smooth_times):
im_array = smooth(im_array)
im = Image.fromarray(im_array)
# 图片经过模糊后略有缩小
im = im.resize(pictrue_shape)
return im
# 输入参数
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='基于Keras的风格迁移字体.') # 解析器
parser.add_argument('style_reference_image_path', metavar='ref', type=str,
parser.add_argument('result_prefix', metavar='res_prefix', type=str,
parser.add_argument('--iter', type=int, default=10, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--chars', type=str, default="花", required=False,
parser.add_argument('--reverse_color', type=bool, default=False, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--pictrue_size', type=int, default=400, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--font_name', type=str, default="宋体", required=False,
parser.add_argument('--smooth_times', type=int, default=0, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--background_color', type=str, default="(255,255,255)", required=False,
parser.add_argument('--text_color', type=str, default="(0,0,0)", required=False,
parser.add_argument('--noise', type=int, default=1, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--image_enhance', type=bool, default=False, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--image_input_mode', type=str, default="one_pic", required=False,
parser.add_argument('--two_style_k', type=float, default=0.5, required=False,
parser.add_argument('--style_reference_image2_path', metavar='ref', type=str, required=False,
# 获取参数
args = parser.parse_args()
style_reference_image_path = args.style_reference_image_path
style_reference_image2_path = args.style_reference_image2_path
result_prefix = args.result_prefix
iterations = args.iter
chars = args.chars
reverse_color = args.reverse_color
pictrue_size = args.pictrue_size
font_name = args.font_name
smooth_times = args.smooth_times
noise = args.noise
image_enhance = args.image_enhance
background_color = str_to_tuple(args.background_color)
text_color = str_to_tuple(args.text_color)
image_input_mode = args.image_input_mode
two_style_k = args.two_style_k
# 生成输入图片
char_image = char_to_picture(chars,font_name=font_name,background_color=background_color,text_color=text_color,
width, height = char_image.size
# 风格损失的权重没有意义,因为对于一张文字图片来说,不可能有没有内容损失
style_weight = 1.0
# util function to resize and format pictures into appropriate tensors
def preprocess_image(image):
预处理图片,包括变形到(1,width, height)形状,数据归一到0-1之间
:param image: 输入一张图片
:return: 预处理好的图片
image = image.resize((width, height))
image = img_to_array(image)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # (width, height)->(1,width, height)
image = vgg19.preprocess_input(image) # 0-255 -> 0-1.0
return image
def deprocess_image(x):
:param x: 数据在0-1之间的矩阵
:return: 图片,数据都在0-255之间
x = x.reshape((width, height, 3))
x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
x[:, :, 2] += 123.68
# 'BGR'->'RGB'
x = x[:, :, ::-1]
x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8') # 以防溢出255范围
return x
# 得到需要处理的数据,处理为keras的变量(tensor),处理为一个(5, width, height, 3)的矩阵
# 分别是文字图片,风格图片1,风格图片1T, 风格图片2,结果图片
base_image = K.variable(preprocess_image(char_image))
style_reference_image1 = K.variable(preprocess_image(load_img(style_reference_image_path)))
style_reference_image1_T = K.variable(preprocess_image(load_img(style_reference_image_path).transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)))
style_reference_image2 = K.variable(preprocess_image(load_img(style_reference_image2_path)))
except: # 不会用到这个了
if image_input_mode == "two_pic":
print("尚未找到第二张图片,或许您忘记输入了,请输入--style_reference_image2_path 第二张图片的位置")
style_reference_image2 = K.variable(preprocess_image(load_img(style_reference_image_path)))
combination_image = K.placeholder((1, width, height, 3))
input_tensor = K.concatenate([base_image, style_reference_image1, style_reference_image1_T,
style_reference_image2, combination_image], axis=0)
# 结合以上5张图片,作为输入向量
# 使用Keras提供的训练好的Vgg19网络
model = vgg19.VGG19(input_tensor=input_tensor,weights='imagenet', include_top=False)
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_1 (InputLayer) (None, None, None, 3) 0
block1_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 64) 1792 A
block1_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 64) 36928
block1_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 64) 0
block2_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 128) 73856 B
block2_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 128) 147584
block2_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 128) 0
block3_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 256) 295168 C
block3_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 256) 590080
block3_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 256) 590080
block3_conv4 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 256) 590080
block3_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 256) 0
block4_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 1180160 D
block4_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808
block4_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808
block4_conv4 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808
block4_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 512) 0
block5_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808 E
block5_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808
block5_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808
block5_conv4 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 512) 2359808 F
block5_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 512) 0
# Vgg19网络中的不同的名字,储存起来以备使用
outputs_dict = dict([(layer.name, layer.output) for layer in model.layers])
def gram_matrix(x): # Gram矩阵
assert K.ndim(x) == 3
if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
features = K.batch_flatten(x)
features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
return gram
# 风格损失,是风格图片与结果图片的Gram矩阵之差,并对所有元素求和
def style_loss(style, combination):
assert K.ndim(style) == 3
assert K.ndim(combination) == 3
S = gram_matrix(style)
C = gram_matrix(combination)
S_C = S-C
channels = 3
size = height * width
return K.sum(K.square(S_C)) / (4. * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2))
#return K.sum(K.pow(S_C,4)) / (4. * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2)) # 居然和平方没有什么不同
#return K.sum(K.pow(S_C,4)+K.pow(S_C,2)) / (4. * (channels ** 2) * (size ** 2)) # 也能用,花后面出现了叶子
loss = K.variable(0.)
# 计算风格损失,糅合多个特征层的数据,取平均
# [ A, B, C, D, E, F ]
# feature_layers = ['block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1','block3_conv1', 'block4_conv1','block5_conv1','block5_conv4']
# A全是颜色,没有纹理---------------------------------------------------->F全是纹理,没有颜色
feature_layers = ['block1_conv1','block2_conv1','block3_conv1']
feature_layers_w = [10.0,1.0,1.0]
for i in range(len(feature_layers)):
# 每一层的权重以及数据
layer_name, w = feature_layers[i], feature_layers_w[i]
layer_features = outputs_dict[layer_name]
style_reference_features1 = layer_features[1, :, :, :]
combination_features = layer_features[4, :, :, :]
if image_input_mode == "one_pic":
style_reference_features_mix = style_reference_features1
elif image_input_mode == "one_pic_T":
style_reference_features1_T = layer_features[2, :, :, :]
style_reference_features_mix = 0.5 * (style_reference_features1 + style_reference_features1_T)
#style_reference_features_mix = K.maximum(style_reference_features1, style_reference_features1_T)
else: # image_input_mode == "two_pic"
style_reference_features2 = layer_features[3, :, :, :]
k = two_style_k
style_reference_features_mix = style_reference_features1 * k + style_reference_features2 * (1-k)
loss += w * style_loss(style_reference_features_mix, combination_features)
# 求得梯度,输入combination_image,对loss求梯度
grads = K.gradients(loss, combination_image)
outputs = [loss]
if isinstance(grads, (list, tuple)):
outputs += grads
f_outputs = K.function([combination_image], outputs)
def eval_loss_and_grads(x): # 输入x,输出对应于x的梯度和loss
if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
x = x.reshape((1, 3, height, width))
x = x.reshape((1, height, width, 3))
outs = f_outputs([x]) # 输入x,得到输出
loss_value = outs[0]
if len(outs[1:]) == 1:
grad_values = outs[1].flatten().astype('float64')
grad_values = np.array(outs[1:]).flatten().astype('float64')
return loss_value, grad_values
# Evaluator可以只需要进行一次计算就能得到所有的梯度和loss
class Evaluator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.loss_value = None
self.grads_values = None
def loss(self, x):
assert self.loss_value is None
loss_value, grad_values = eval_loss_and_grads(x)
self.loss_value = loss_value
self.grad_values = grad_values
return self.loss_value
def grads(self, x):
assert self.loss_value is not None
grad_values = np.copy(self.grad_values)
self.loss_value = None
self.grad_values = None
return grad_values
evaluator = Evaluator()
x = preprocess_image(char_image)
img = deprocess_image(x.copy())
fname = result_prefix + chars + '_原始图片.png'
save_img(fname, img)
# 开始迭代
for i in range(iterations):
start_time = time.time()
print('代数', i,end=" ")
x, min_val, info = fmin_l_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss, x.flatten(), fprime=evaluator.grads, maxfun=20, epsilon=1e-7)
# 一个scipy的L-BFGS优化器
print('目前loss:', min_val,end=" ")
# 保存生成的图片
img = deprocess_image(x.copy())
fname = result_prefix + chars + '_代数_%d.png' % i
end_time = time.time()
print('耗时%.2f s' % (end_time - start_time))
if i%5 == 0 or i == iterations-1:
save_img(fname, img, image_enhance=image_enhance)
print('文件保存为', fname)
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