同步操作将从 烟雨迷离半世殇/NKGGOAP 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
REM Helper bat file to create ps files with Graphiz's dot
REM Graphiz must be installed and must be in Windows's PATH, alternatively just put your 'dot.exe' directory in the following var
SET "dotPath = D:\Study\New Folder\bin\"
REM Change this to the working directory, in Unity, if you place "ReGoap" inside Assets/, it will be '../../PlanDebugger'
SET "workingPath= PlanDebugger/"
SET "rawPath=Raws"
SET "resultsPath=PDFs"
SET "outputType=pdf"
SET "rawSearch=%rawPath%/*"
SET "currentDir=%cd%"
CD %workingPath%
ECHO "Changing working path to %workingPath%. Parsing files in %rawPath%. Saving in %resultsPath% with file type '%outputType%'."
MKDIR %resultsPath%
FOR %%I IN (%rawSearch%) DO %dotPath%dot -T%outputType% %rawPath%/%%I -o %resultsPath%/%%I.pdf
explorer %cd%\%resultsPath%
CD %currentDir%
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