Request Sysystem Ability | 上传下载请求服务
We provide a series of app samples to help you quickly get familiar with the APIs and app development process of the OpenHarmony SDKs. | 为帮助开发者快速熟悉OpenHarmony SDK所提供的API和应用开发流程,我们提供了一系列的应用示例
ability_runtime | 元能力框架
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Appspawn module for spawning application processes | 应用孵化模块
Window manager and compositor | 图形窗口合成器
Product configuration | 产品配置
Third-party open-source software flutter | 三方开源软件flutter
Development framework for extending the JS Native Module | 原生模块扩展开发框架
Window Manager | 窗口管理框架
New IP在现有IP能力的基础上,以灵活轻量级报头和可变长多语义地址为基础,通过二三层协议融合,对协议去冗和压缩,减少冗余字节,实现高能效比,高净吞吐,提升通信效率。打造终端之间高效的横向通信,支撑超级终端的体验,实现异构网络的端到端互联。
Framework of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF驱动框架
Patches of Linux kernel 4.19 for the embedded devices running the standard system | 支持适用于标准系统的嵌入式设备的linux-4.19内核的补丁