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c_speech_features.c 13.70 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#include <math.h>
#include "c_speech_features.h"
#include "tools/kiss_fftr.h"
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define CLAMP(x,y,z) MIN(MAX(x,y),z)
csf_mfcc(const short* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, int aSampleRate,
csf_float aWinLen, csf_float aWinStep, int aNCep, int aNFilters,
int aNFFT, int aLowFreq, int aHighFreq, csf_float aPreemph,
int aCepLifter, int aAppendEnergy, csf_float* aWinFunc,
csf_float** aMFCC)
int i, j, k, idx, fidx, didx;
csf_float* feat;
csf_float* energy;
int n_frames = csf_logfbank(aSignal, aSignalLen, aSampleRate, aWinLen, aWinStep,
aNFilters, aNFFT, aLowFreq, aHighFreq, aPreemph,
aWinFunc, &feat, aAppendEnergy ? &energy : NULL);
// Allocate an array so we can calculate the inner loop multipliers
// in the DCT-II just one time.
double* dct2f = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * aNFilters * aNCep);
// Perform DCT-II
double sf1 = csf_sqrt(1 / (4 * (double)aNFilters));
double sf2 = csf_sqrt(1 / (2 * (double)aNFilters));
csf_float* mfcc = (csf_float*)malloc(sizeof(csf_float) * n_frames * aNCep);
for (i = 0, idx = 0, fidx = 0; i < n_frames;
i++, idx += aNCep, fidx += aNFilters) {
for (j = 0, didx = 0; j < aNCep; j++) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < aNFilters; k++, didx++) {
if (i == 0) {
dct2f[didx] = cos(M_PI * j * (2 * k + 1) / (double)(2 * aNFilters));
sum += (double)feat[fidx+k] * dct2f[didx];
mfcc[idx+j] = (csf_float)(sum * 2.0 * ((i == 0 && j == 0) ? sf1 : sf2));
// Free inner-loop multiplier cache
// Free features array
// Apply a cepstral lifter
if (aCepLifter != 0) {
csf_lifter(mfcc, n_frames, aNCep, aCepLifter);
// Append energies
if (aAppendEnergy) {
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n_frames; i++, idx += aNCep) {
mfcc[idx] = csf_log(energy[i]);
// Free energy array
// Return MFCC features
*aMFCC = mfcc;
return n_frames;
csf_fbank(const short* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, int aSampleRate,
csf_float aWinLen, csf_float aWinStep, int aNFilters, int aNFFT,
int aLowFreq, int aHighFreq, csf_float aPreemph, csf_float* aWinFunc,
csf_float** aFeatures, csf_float** aEnergy)
int i, j, k, idx, fidx, pidx;
csf_float* feat;
csf_float* fbank;
csf_float* pspec;
csf_float* frames;
csf_float* energy;
csf_float* preemph = csf_preemphasis(aSignal, aSignalLen, aPreemph);
int frame_len = (int)round(aWinLen * aSampleRate);
int frame_step = (int)round(aWinStep * aSampleRate);
int feat_width = aNFFT / 2 + 1;
// Frame the signal into overlapping frames
int n_frames = csf_framesig(preemph, aSignalLen, frame_len, aNFFT,
frame_step, aWinFunc, &frames);
// Free preemphasised signal buffer
// Compute the power spectrum of the frames
pspec = csf_powspec((const csf_float*)frames, n_frames, aNFFT);
// Free frames
// Store the total energy in each frame
if (aEnergy) {
energy = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), n_frames);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n_frames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < feat_width; j++, idx++) {
energy[i] += pspec[idx];
if (energy[i] == 0.0) {
energy[i] = csf_float_min;
// Compute the filter-bank energies
fbank = csf_get_filterbanks(aNFilters, aNFFT, aSampleRate,
aLowFreq, aHighFreq);
feat = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), n_frames * aNFilters);
for (i = 0, idx = 0, pidx = 0; i < n_frames;
i++, idx += aNFilters, pidx += feat_width) {
for (j = 0, fidx = 0; j < aNFilters; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < feat_width; k++, fidx++) {
feat[idx + j] += pspec[pidx + k] * fbank[fidx];
if (feat[idx + j] == 0.0) {
feat[idx + j] = csf_float_min;
// Free fbank
// Free pspec
// Return features and energies
*aFeatures = feat;
if (aEnergy) {
*aEnergy = energy;
return n_frames;
csf_logfbank(const short* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, int aSampleRate,
csf_float aWinLen, csf_float aWinStep, int aNFilters, int aNFFT,
int aLowFreq, int aHighFreq, csf_float aPreemph,
csf_float* aWinFunc, csf_float** aFeatures, csf_float** aEnergy)
int i, j, idx;
int n_frames = csf_fbank(aSignal, aSignalLen, aSampleRate, aWinLen, aWinStep,
aNFilters, aNFFT, aLowFreq, aHighFreq, aPreemph,
aWinFunc, aFeatures, aEnergy);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n_frames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < aNFilters; j++, idx++) {
(*aFeatures)[idx] = csf_log((*aFeatures)[idx]);
return n_frames;
csf_ssc(const short* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, int aSampleRate,
csf_float aWinLen, csf_float aWinStep, int aNFilters, int aNFFT,
int aLowFreq, int aHighFreq, csf_float aPreemph, csf_float* aWinFunc,
csf_float** aFeatures)
int i, j, k, idx, pidx, fidx;
csf_float* ssc;
csf_float* feat;
csf_float* fbank;
csf_float* pspec;
csf_float* frames;
csf_float* preemph = csf_preemphasis(aSignal, aSignalLen, aPreemph);
int frame_len = (int)round(aWinLen * aSampleRate);
int frame_step = (int)round(aWinStep * aSampleRate);
int feat_width = aNFFT / 2 + 1;
// Frame the signal into overlapping frames
int n_frames = csf_framesig(preemph, aSignalLen, frame_len, aNFFT,
frame_step, aWinFunc, &frames);
// Free preemphasised signal buffer
// Compute the power spectrum of the frames
pspec = csf_powspec((const csf_float*)frames, n_frames, aNFFT);
// Free frames
// Make sure there are no zeroes in the power spectrum
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n_frames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < feat_width; j++, idx++) {
if (pspec[idx] == 0.0) {
pspec[idx] = csf_float_min;
// Compute the filter-bank energies
fbank = csf_get_filterbanks(aNFilters, aNFFT, aSampleRate,
aLowFreq, aHighFreq);
feat = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), n_frames * aNFilters);
for (i = 0, idx = 0, pidx = 0; i < n_frames;
i++, idx += aNFilters, pidx += feat_width) {
for (j = 0, fidx = 0; j < aNFilters; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < feat_width; k++, fidx++) {
feat[idx + j] += pspec[pidx + k] * fbank[fidx];
// Calculate Spectral Sub-band Centroid features
ssc = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float*), n_frames * aNFilters);
csf_float r = ((aSampleRate / 2) - 1) / (csf_float)(feat_width - 1);
for (i = 0, idx = 0, pidx = 0; i < n_frames;
i++, idx += aNFilters, pidx += feat_width) {
for (j = 0, fidx = 0; j < aNFilters; j++) {
csf_float R = 1;
for (k = 0; k < feat_width; k++, fidx++) {
ssc[idx + j] += pspec[pidx + k] * R * fbank[fidx];
R += r;
ssc[idx + j] /= feat[idx + j];
// Free arrays we've finished with
// Return features
*aFeatures = ssc;
return n_frames;
csf_hz2mel(csf_float aHz)
return CSF_HZ2MEL(aHz);
csf_mel2hz(csf_float aMel)
return CSF_MEL2HZ(aMel);
csf_lifter(csf_float* aCepstra, int aNFrames, int aNCep, int aCepLifter)
int i, j, idx;
csf_float lifter = aCepLifter / 2.0;
csf_float* factors = malloc(sizeof(csf_float) * aNCep);
for (i = 0; i < aNCep; i++) {
factors[i] = 1 + lifter * csf_sin(M_PI * i / (csf_float)aCepLifter);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < aNFrames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < aNCep; j++, idx++) {
aCepstra[idx] *= factors[j];
csf_delta(const csf_float* aFeatures, int aNFrames, int aNFrameLen, int aN)
int i, j, k, idx;
csf_float* delta;
if (aN < 1) {
return NULL;
csf_float denominator = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= aN; i++) {
denominator += csf_pow(i, 2);
denominator *= 2;
delta = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), aNFrames * aNFrameLen);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < aNFrames; i++, idx += aNFrameLen) {
for (j = 0; j < aNFrameLen; j++) {
for (k = -aN; k <= aN; k++) {
delta[idx + j] += k *
CSF_2D_REF(aFeatures, aNFrameLen, j, CLAMP(i + k, 0, aNFrames - 1));
delta[idx + j] /= denominator;
return delta;
csf_get_filterbanks(int aNFilters, int aNFFT, int aSampleRate,
int aLowFreq, int aHighFreq)
int i, j, idx;
int feat_width = aNFFT / 2 + 1;
csf_float lowmel = CSF_HZ2MEL(aLowFreq);
csf_float highmel = CSF_HZ2MEL((aHighFreq <= aLowFreq) ?
aSampleRate / 2 : aHighFreq);
int* bin = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (aNFilters + 2));
csf_float* fbank =
(csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), aNFilters * feat_width);
for (i = 0; i < aNFilters + 2; i++) {
csf_float melpoint = ((highmel - lowmel) /
(csf_float)(aNFilters + 1) * i) + lowmel;
bin[i] = (int)csf_floor((aNFFT + 1) *
CSF_MEL2HZ(melpoint) / (csf_float)aSampleRate);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < aNFilters; i++, idx += feat_width) {
int start = MIN(bin[i], bin[i+1]);
int end = MAX(bin[i], bin[i+1]);
for (j = start; j < end; j++) {
fbank[idx + j] = (j - bin[i]) / (csf_float)(bin[i+1]-bin[i]);
start = MIN(bin[i+1], bin[i+2]);
end = MAX(bin[i+1], bin[i+2]);
for (j = start; j < end; j++) {
fbank[idx + j] = (bin[i+2]-j) / (csf_float)(bin[i+2]-bin[i+1]);
return fbank;
csf_framesig(const csf_float* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, int aFrameLen,
int aPaddedFrameLen, int aFrameStep, csf_float* aWinFunc,
csf_float** aFrames)
int* indices;
csf_float* frames;
int i, j, idx, iidx, n_frames;
int frame_width = MAX(aPaddedFrameLen, aFrameLen);
if (aSignalLen > aFrameLen) {
n_frames = 1 + (int)csf_ceil((aSignalLen - aFrameLen) /
} else {
n_frames = 1;
indices = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * n_frames * aFrameLen);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < n_frames; i++) {
int base = i * aFrameStep;
for (j = 0; j < aFrameLen; j++, idx++) {
indices[idx] = base + j;
frames = (csf_float*)malloc(sizeof(csf_float) * n_frames * frame_width);
for (i = 0, idx = 0, iidx = 0; i < n_frames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < aFrameLen; j++, idx++, iidx++) {
int index = indices[iidx];
frames[idx] = index < aSignalLen ? aSignal[index] : 0.0;
if (aWinFunc) {
frames[idx] *= aWinFunc[j];
for (j = aFrameLen; j < aPaddedFrameLen; j++, idx++) {
frames[idx] = 0.0;
*aFrames = frames;
return n_frames;
csf_deframesig(const csf_float* aFrames, int aNFrames, int aSigLen,
int aFrameLen, int aFrameStep, csf_float* aWinFunc,
csf_float** aSignal)
int i, j, base, idx;
csf_float* signal;
csf_float* win_correct;
int padlen = (aNFrames - 1) * aFrameStep + aFrameLen;
if (aSigLen <= 0) {
aSigLen = padlen;
win_correct = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), aSigLen);
base = 0;
signal = (csf_float*)calloc(sizeof(csf_float), aSigLen);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < aNFrames; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < aFrameLen; j++, idx++) {
int sidx = j + base;
if (sidx >= aSigLen) {
signal[sidx] += aFrames[idx];
if (aWinFunc) {
win_correct[sidx] += aWinFunc[j] + 1e-15;
} else {
win_correct[sidx] += 1 + 1e-15;
base += aFrameStep;
for (i = 0; i < aSigLen; i++) {
signal[i] /= win_correct[i];
*aSignal = signal;
return aSigLen;
csf_preemphasis(const short* aSignal, unsigned int aSignalLen, csf_float aCoeff)
int i;
csf_float* preemph = (csf_float*)malloc(sizeof(csf_float) * aSignalLen);
for (i = aSignalLen - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
preemph[i] = aSignal[i] - aSignal[i-1] * aCoeff;
preemph[0] = (csf_float)aSignal[0];
return preemph;
csf_magspec(const csf_float* aFrames, int aNFrames, int aNFFT)
int i, j, idx;
const int fft_out = aNFFT / 2 + 1;
kiss_fftr_cfg cfg = kiss_fftr_alloc(aNFFT, 0, NULL, NULL);
csf_float* mspec = (csf_float*)malloc(sizeof(csf_float) * aNFrames * fft_out);
kiss_fft_cpx* out = (kiss_fft_cpx*)malloc(sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx) * fft_out);
for (i = 0, idx = 0; i < aNFrames; i++) {
// Compute the magnitude spectrum
kiss_fftr(cfg, &(aFrames[i * aNFFT]), out);
for (j = 0; j < fft_out; j++, idx++) {
mspec[idx] = csf_sqrt(csf_pow(out[j].r, 2.0) + csf_pow(out[j].i, 2.0));
return mspec;
csf_powspec(const csf_float* aFrames, int aNFrames, int aNFFT)
int i;
const int fft_out = aNFFT / 2 + 1;
csf_float* pspec = csf_magspec(aFrames, aNFrames, aNFFT);
// Compute the power spectrum
for (i = 0; i < aNFrames * fft_out; i++) {
pspec[i] = (1.0/aNFFT) * powf(pspec[i], 2.0);
return pspec;
csf_logpowspec(const csf_float* aFrames, int aNFrames, int aNFFT, int aNorm)
int i;
const int frames_len = aNFrames * (aNFFT / 2 + 1);
csf_float* logpspec = csf_powspec(aFrames, aNFrames, aNFFT);
csf_float max = 0;
for (i = 0; i < frames_len; i++) {
if (logpspec[i] < 1e-30f) {
logpspec[i] = -300;
} else {
logpspec[i] = 10.0 * csf_log10(logpspec[i]);
if (aNorm && logpspec[i] > max) {
max = logpspec[i];
if (aNorm) {
for (i = 0; i < frames_len; i++) {
logpspec[i] -= max;
return logpspec;
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:weimingtom2000/c_speech_features.git
