A distributed tracing system, and APM ( Application Performance Monitoring )
最近更新: 6年前Windows binaries for Hadoop versions (built from the git commit ID used for the ASF relase)
最近更新: 6年前Mazerunner extends a Neo4j graph database to run scheduled big data graph compute algorithms at scale with HDFS and Apache Spark.
最近更新: 6年前A Cluster Computing System for Processing Large-Scale Spatial Data
最近更新: 6年前RDMA accelerated, high-performance, scalable and efficient ShuffleManager plugin for Apache Spark
最近更新: 6年前Benchmarks for Low Latency (Streaming) solutions including Apache Storm, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, ...
最近更新: 6年前唯品会Java开发手册,结合唯品会的内部经验,参考《阿里巴巴Java开发手册》《Clean Code》、《Effective Java》等重磅资料进行了大幅定制,包含核心基础类库VJKit ,问题排查工具VJMap 和 VJTop 三部分。
最近更新: 6年前