同步操作将从 src-openEuler/erlang 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
From: Francois-Denis Gonthier <neumann@lostwebsite.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2018 15:01:18 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Load man-pages from system-wide directory
Patch allows one to use standard man path with erl -man command.
(Erlang manual pages are placed to /usr/share/man/ hierarchy
as required by Debian policy.)
diff --git a/erts/etc/common/erlexec.c b/erts/etc/common/erlexec.c
index fa951ae770..9cce3857db 100644
--- a/erts/etc/common/erlexec.c
+++ b/erts/etc/common/erlexec.c
@@ -709,8 +709,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
error("-man not supported on Windows");
argv[i] = "man";
- erts_snprintf(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), "%s/man", rootdir);
- set_env("MANPATH", tmpStr);
+ /*
+ * Conform to erlang-manpages content.
+ */
+ putenv(strsave("MANSECT=3erl:1:5:7"));
execvp("man", argv+i);
error("Could not execute the 'man' command.");
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