This program is designed for the demonstration of control algorithms. Its allowed to download,distribute,promote,and modify the program, but is may not be used for profit or commercial purposes.
本仓库放置了18届LQ的官方示例代码,算法功能不完备,仅用于学习参考。 This warehouse has placed the LQ official sample code of the 18th. The algorithm function is not complete,only for learning reference.
VizLin 2D作为一款专为线性代数教学设计的平面可视化软件,适用于所有希望提升线性代数教学效果和几何视角理解的教师和学生。
AFrame SR 是针对新手入门图形库EasyX所搭建的快速开发框架,适用于开发简单的图形应用,动态效果演示以及图形/图像的算法验证。
JCmap 城市天图用于在研究城市,乡镇规划的活动目的筹备、考察中的展示与研究。
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