import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy import interpolate
from tqdm import tqdm
def calculate_accuracy(threshold, dist, actual_issame):
predict_issame = np.less(1-dist, 1-threshold)
tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, actual_issame))
fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), actual_issame))
tpr = 0 if (tp +fn==0) else float(tp) / float(tp +fn)
fpr = 0 if (fp +tn==0) else float(fp) / float(fp +tn)
acc = float(tp +tn ) /dist.shape[0]
return tpr, fpr, acc
def calculate(threshold, dist, actual_issame):
predict_issame = np.less(1-dist, 1-threshold)
tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, actual_issame))
fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), actual_issame))
return tp,fp,tn,fn
def ACER(threshold, dist, actual_issame):
tp, fp, tn, fn = calculate(threshold, dist, actual_issame)
apcer = fp / (tn*1.0 + fp*1.0)
npcer = fn / (fn * 1.0 + tp * 1.0)
acer = (apcer + npcer) / 2.0
return acer,tp, fp, tn,fn
def TPR_FPR( dist, actual_issame, fpr_target = 0.001):
# acer_min = 1.0
# thres_min = 0.0
# re = []
# Positive
# Rate(FPR):
# FPR = FP / (FP + TN)
# Positive
# Rate(TPR):
# TPR = TP / (TP + FN)
thresholds = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.001)
nrof_thresholds = len(thresholds)
fpr = np.zeros(nrof_thresholds)
FPR = 0.0
for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
if threshold < 1.0:
tp, fp, tn, fn = calculate(threshold, dist, actual_issame)
FPR = fp / (fp*1.0 + tn*1.0)
TPR = tp / (tp*1.0 + fn*1.0)
fpr[threshold_idx] = FPR
if np.max(fpr) >= fpr_target:
f = interpolate.interp1d(np.asarray(fpr), thresholds, kind= 'slinear')
threshold = f(fpr_target)
threshold = 0.0
tp, fp, tn, fn = calculate(threshold, dist, actual_issame)
FPR = fp / (fp * 1.0 + tn * 1.0)
TPR = tp / (tp * 1.0 + fn * 1.0)
print(str(FPR)+' '+str(TPR))
return FPR,TPR
import torch.nn.functional as F
def metric(logit, truth):
prob = F.softmax(logit, 1)
value, top = prob.topk(1, dim=1, largest=True, sorted=True)
correct = top.eq(truth.view(-1, 1).expand_as(top))
correct = correct.data.cpu().numpy()
correct = np.mean(correct)
return correct, prob
def do_valid( net, test_loader, criterion ):
valid_num = 0
losses = []
corrects = []
probs = []
labels = []
for input, truth in test_loader:
b,n,c,w,h = input.size()
input = input.view(b*n,c,w,h)
input = input.cuda()
truth = truth.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
logit,_,_ = net(input)
logit = logit.view(b,n,2)
logit = torch.mean(logit, dim = 1, keepdim = False)
truth = truth.view(logit.shape[0])
loss = criterion(logit, truth, False)
correct, prob = metric(logit, truth)
valid_num += len(input)
# assert(valid_num == len(test_loader.sampler))
correct = np.concatenate(corrects)
loss = np.concatenate(losses)
loss = loss.mean()
correct = np.mean(correct)
probs = np.concatenate(probs)
labels = np.concatenate(labels)
tpr, fpr, acc = calculate_accuracy(0.5, probs[:,1], labels)
acer,_,_,_,_ = ACER(0.5, probs[:, 1], labels)
valid_loss = np.array([
loss, acer, acc, correct
return valid_loss,[probs[:, 1], labels]
def do_valid_test( net, test_loader, criterion ):
valid_num = 0
losses = []
corrects = []
probs = []
labels = []
for i, (input, truth) in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)):
# for input, truth in test_loader:
b,n,c,w,h = input.size()
input = input.view(b*n,c,w,h)
input = input.cuda()
truth = truth.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
logit,_,_ = net(input)
logit = logit.view(b,n,2)
logit = torch.mean(logit, dim = 1, keepdim = False)
truth = truth.view(logit.shape[0])
loss = criterion(logit, truth, False)
correct, prob = metric(logit, truth)
valid_num += len(input)
# assert(valid_num == len(test_loader.sampler))
correct = np.concatenate(corrects)
loss = np.concatenate(losses)
loss = loss.mean()
correct = np.mean(correct)
probs = np.concatenate(probs)
labels = np.concatenate(labels)
tpr, fpr, acc = calculate_accuracy(0.5, probs[:,1], labels)
acer,_,_,_,_ = ACER(0.5, probs[:, 1], labels)
valid_loss = np.array([
loss, acer, acc, correct
return valid_loss,[probs[:, 1], labels]
def infer_test( net, test_loader):
valid_num = 0
probs = []
for i, (input, truth) in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)):
b,n,c,w,h = input.size()
input = input.view(b*n,c,w,h)
input = input.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
logit,_,_ = net(input)
logit = logit.view(b,n,2)
logit = torch.mean(logit, dim = 1, keepdim = False)
prob = F.softmax(logit, 1)
valid_num += len(input)
probs = np.concatenate(probs)
return probs[:, 1]
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