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__init__.py 59.94 KB
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1vanK 提交于 2020-01-28 05:12 . Forgot remove import
# LOD: be sure all have the same material or a new geometry is created
# This script is licensed as public domain.
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_57_release/bpy.props.html
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_59_0/bpy.props.html
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_66_4/bpy.props.html
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_57_release/bpy.types.Panel.html
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_57_release/bpy.types.PropertyGroup.html
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_66_4/bpy.types.WindowManager.html
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Py/Scripts/Guidelines/Layouts
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Code_snippets/Properties
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Code_snippets/Interface
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:IT/2.5/Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Code_snippets/Interface
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:IT/2.5/Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Code_snippets/Multi-File_packages
# http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Extensions/Python/Properties
# http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_66_4/info_tutorial_addon.html
if DEBUG: print("Urho export init")
bl_info = {
"name": "Urho3D export",
"description": "Urho3D export",
"author": "reattiva",
"version": (0, 6),
"blender": (2, 83, 0),
"location": "Properties > Render > Urho export",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"}
if "decompose" in locals():
import imp
if DEBUG and "testing" in locals(): imp.reload(testing)
from .decompose import TOptions, Scan
from .export_urho import UrhoExportData, UrhoExportOptions, UrhoWriteModel, UrhoWriteAnimation, \
UrhoWriteTriggers, UrhoExport
from .export_scene import SOptions, UrhoScene, UrhoExportScene, UrhoWriteMaterialsList
from .utils import PathType, FOptions, GetFilepath, CheckFilepath, ErrorsMem
from .materials import write_material
if DEBUG: from .testing import PrintUrhoData, PrintAll
import os
import time
import sys
import shutil
import logging
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty
from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
from mathutils import Quaternion
from math import radians
# Loggers
# A list to save export messages
logList = []
# Create a logger
log = logging.getLogger("ExportLogger")
# Formatter for the logger
FORMAT = '%(levelname)s:%(message)s'
formatter = logging.Formatter(FORMAT)
# Console filter: no more than 3 identical messages
consoleFilterMsg = None
consoleFilterCount = 0
class ConsoleFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
global consoleFilterMsg
global consoleFilterCount
if consoleFilterMsg == record.msg:
consoleFilterCount += 1
if consoleFilterCount > 2:
return False
consoleFilterCount = 0
consoleFilterMsg = record.msg
return True
consoleFilter = ConsoleFilter()
# Logger handler which saves unique messages in the list
logMaxCount = 500
class ExportLoggerHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
def emit(self, record):
global logList
if len(logList) < logMaxCount:
msg = self.format(record)
if not msg in logList:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
# Delete old handlers
for handler in reversed(log.handlers):
# Create a logger handler for the list
listHandler = ExportLoggerHandler()
# Create a logger handler for the console
consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
# Blender UI
# Addon preferences, they are visible in the Users Preferences Addons page,
# under the Urho exporter addon row
class UrhoAddonPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
bl_idname = __package__
outputPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default export path",
description = "Default path where to export",
default = "",
maxlen = 1024,
subtype = "DIR_PATH")
modelsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Models subpath",
description = "Models subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Models")
animationsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Animations subpath",
description = "Animations subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Models")
materialsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Materials subpath",
description = "Materials subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Materials")
techniquesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Techniques subpath",
description = "Techniques subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Techniques")
texturesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Textures subpath",
description = "Textures subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Textures")
objectsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Objects subpath",
description = "Objects subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Objects")
scenesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Default Scenes subpath",
description = "Scenes subpath (relative to output)",
default = "Scenes")
bonesPerGeometry: IntProperty(
name = "Per geometry",
description = "Max numbers of bones per geometry",
min = 64, max = 2048,
default = 64)
bonesPerVertex: IntProperty(
name = "Per vertex",
description = "Max numbers of bones per vertex",
min = 4, max = 256,
default = 4)
reportWidth: IntProperty(
name = "Window width",
description = "Width of the report window",
default = 500)
maxMessagesCount: IntProperty(
name = "Max number of messages",
description = "Max number of messages in the report window",
default = 500)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(self, "outputPath")
layout.prop(self, "modelsPath")
layout.prop(self, "animationsPath")
layout.prop(self, "materialsPath")
layout.prop(self, "techniquesPath")
layout.prop(self, "texturesPath")
layout.prop(self, "objectsPath")
layout.prop(self, "scenesPath")
row = layout.row()
row.label(text = "Max number of bones:")
row.prop(self, "bonesPerGeometry")
row.prop(self, "bonesPerVertex")
row = layout.row()
row.label(text = "Report window:")
row.prop(self, "reportWidth")
row.prop(self, "maxMessagesCount")
# Here we define all the UI objects to be added in the export panel
class UrhoExportSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
# This is called each time a property (created with the parameter 'update')
# changes its value
def update_func(self, context):
# Avoid infinite recursion
if self.updatingProperties:
self.updatingProperties = True
# Save preferred output path
addonPrefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
if self.outputPath:
addonPrefs.outputPath = self.outputPath
# Skeleton implies weights
if self.skeletons:
self.geometryWei = True
self.objAnimations = False
self.geometryWei = False
self.animations = False
# Use Fcurves only for actions
if not ('ACTION' in self.animationSource):
self.actionsByFcurves = False
# Morphs need geometries
if not self.geometries:
self.morphs = False
# Tangent needs position, normal and UV
if not self.geometryPos or not self.geometryNor or not self.geometryUV:
self.geometryTan = False
# Morph normal needs geometry normal
if not self.geometryNor:
self.morphNor = False
# Morph tangent needs geometry tangent
if not self.geometryTan:
self.morphTan = False
# Morph tangent needs normal
if not self.morphNor:
self.morphTan = False
# Select errors and merge are incompatible
if self.selectErrors:
self.merge = False
self.updatingProperties = False
def update_func2(self, context):
if self.updatingProperties:
self.updatingProperties = True
# Select errors and merge are incompatible
if self.merge:
self.selectErrors = False
self.updatingProperties = False
def update_subfolders(self, context):
# Move folders between the output path and the subfolders
# (this should have been done with operators)
if self.updatingProperties:
self.updatingProperties = True
if self.addDir:
# Move the last folder from the output path to the subfolders
self.addDir = False
last = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.outputPath))
ilast = self.outputPath.rindex(last)
if last and ilast >= 0:
self.outputPath = self.outputPath[:ilast]
self.modelsPath = os.path.join(last, self.modelsPath)
self.animationsPath = os.path.join(last, self.animationsPath)
self.materialsPath = os.path.join(last, self.materialsPath)
self.techniquesPath = os.path.join(last, self.techniquesPath)
self.texturesPath = os.path.join(last, self.texturesPath)
self.objectsPath = os.path.join(last, self.objectsPath)
self.scenesPath = os.path.join(last, self.scenesPath)
if self.removeDir:
# Move the first common folder from the subfolders to the output path
self.removeDir = False
ifirst = self.modelsPath.find(os.path.sep) + 1
first = self.modelsPath[:ifirst]
if first and \
self.animationsPath.startswith(first) and \
self.materialsPath.startswith(first) and \
self.techniquesPath.startswith(first) and \
self.texturesPath.startswith(first) and \
self.objectsPath.startswith(first) and \
self.outputPath = os.path.join(self.outputPath, first)
self.modelsPath = self.modelsPath[ifirst:]
self.animationsPath = self.animationsPath[ifirst:]
self.materialsPath = self.materialsPath[ifirst:]
self.techniquesPath = self.techniquesPath[ifirst:]
self.texturesPath = self.texturesPath[ifirst:]
self.objectsPath = self.objectsPath[ifirst:]
self.scenesPath = self.scenesPath[ifirst:]
if self.addSceneDir:
# Append the scene name to the subfolders
self.addSceneDir = False
sceneName = context.scene.name
last = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.modelsPath))
if sceneName != last:
self.modelsPath = os.path.join(self.modelsPath, sceneName)
self.animationsPath = os.path.join(self.animationsPath, sceneName)
self.materialsPath = os.path.join(self.materialsPath, sceneName)
self.techniquesPath = os.path.join(self.techniquesPath, sceneName)
self.texturesPath = os.path.join(self.texturesPath, sceneName)
self.objectsPath = os.path.join(self.objectsPath, sceneName)
self.scenesPath = os.path.join(self.scenesPath, sceneName)
self.updatingProperties = False
def errors_update_func(self, context):
if self.updatingProperties:
self.updatingProperties = True
errorName = self.errorsEnum
self.errorsEnum = 'NONE'
self.updatingProperties = False
selectErrors(context, self.errorsMem, errorName)
def errors_items_func(self, context):
items = [('NONE', "", ""),
('ALL', "all", "")]
for error in self.errorsMem.Names():
items.append( (error, error, "") )
return items
# Revert all the export settings back to their default values
def reset(self, context):
addonPrefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
self.updatingProperties = False
self.minimize = False
self.onlyErrors = False
self.showDirs = False
self.useSubDirs = True
self.fileOverwrite = False
self.source = 'ONLY_SELECTED'
self.scale = 1.0
self.modifiers = False
self.origin = 'LOCAL'
self.selectErrors = True
self.forceElements = False
self.merge = False
self.mergeNotMaterials = False
self.geometrySplit = False
self.lods = False
self.strictLods = True
self.optimizeIndices = False
self.skeletons = False
self.onlyKeyedBones = False
self.onlyDeformBones = False
self.onlyVisibleBones = False
self.actionsByFcurves = False
self.parentBoneSkinning = False
self.derigify = False
self.clampBoundingBox = False
self.animations = False
self.objAnimations = False
self.animationSource = 'USED_ACTIONS'
self.animationExtraFrame = True
self.animationTriggers = False
self.animationRatioTriggers = False
self.animationPos = True
self.animationRot = True
self.animationSca = False
self.filterSingleKeyFrames = False
self.geometries = True
self.geometryPos = True
self.geometryNor = True
self.geometryCol = False
self.geometryColAlpha = False
self.geometryUV = False
self.geometryUV2 = False
self.geometryTan = False
self.geometryWei = False
self.morphs = False
self.morphNor = True
self.morphTan = False
self.materials = False
self.materialsList = False
self.textures = False
self.prefabs = True
self.objectsPrefab = False
self.collectivePrefab = False
self.fullScene = False
self.selectedObjects = False
self.trasfObjects = False
self.physics = False
self.collisionShape = 'TRIANGLEMESH'
# Revert the output paths back to their default values
def reset_paths(self, context, forced):
addonPrefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
if forced or (not self.outputPath and addonPrefs.outputPath):
self.outputPath = addonPrefs.outputPath
if forced or (not self.modelsPath and addonPrefs.modelsPath):
self.modelsPath = addonPrefs.modelsPath
self.animationsPath = addonPrefs.animationsPath
self.materialsPath = addonPrefs.materialsPath
self.techniquesPath = addonPrefs.techniquesPath
self.texturesPath = addonPrefs.texturesPath
self.objectsPath = addonPrefs.objectsPath
self.scenesPath = addonPrefs.scenesPath
# --- Accessory ---
updatingProperties: BoolProperty(default = False)
minimize: BoolProperty(
name = "Minimize",
description = "Minimize the export panel",
default = False)
onlyErrors: BoolProperty(
name = "Log errors",
description = "Show only warnings and errors in the log",
default = False)
showDirs: BoolProperty(
name = "Show dirs",
description = "Show the dirs list",
default = False)
addDir: BoolProperty(
name = "Output folder to subfolders",
description = "Move the last output folder to the subfolders",
default = False,
update = update_subfolders)
removeDir: BoolProperty(
name = "Subfolders to output folder",
description = "Move a common subfolder to the output folder",
default = False,
update = update_subfolders)
addSceneDir: BoolProperty(
name = "Scene to subfolders",
description = "Append the scene name to the subfolders",
default = False,
update = update_subfolders)
# --- Output settings ---
outputPath: StringProperty(
name = "",
description = "Path where to export",
default = "",
maxlen = 1024,
subtype = "DIR_PATH",
update = update_func)
useSubDirs: BoolProperty(
name = "Use sub folders",
description = "Use sub folders inside the output folder (Materials, Models, Textures ...)",
default = True)
modelsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Models",
description = "Models subpath (relative to output)")
animationsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Animations",
description = "Animations subpath (relative to output)")
materialsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Materials",
description = "Materials subpath (relative to output)")
techniquesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Techniques",
description = "Techniques subpath (relative to output)")
texturesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Textures",
description = "Textures subpath (relative to output)")
objectsPath: StringProperty(
name = "Objects",
description = "Objects subpath (relative to output)")
scenesPath: StringProperty(
name = "Scenes",
description = "Scenes subpath (relative to output)")
fileOverwrite: BoolProperty(
name = "Files overwrite",
description = "If enabled existing files are overwritten without warnings",
default = False)
# --- Source settings ---
source: EnumProperty(
name = "Source",
description = "Objects to be exported",
items=(('ALL', "All", "all the objects in the scene"),
('ONLY_SELECTED', "Only selected", "only the selected objects in visible layers")),
orientation: EnumProperty(
name = "Front view",
description = "Front view of the model",
items = (('X_MINUS', "Left (--X +Z)", ""),
('X_PLUS', "Right (+X +Z)", ""),
('Y_MINUS', "Front (--Y +Z)", ""),
('Y_PLUS', "Back (+Y +Z) *", ""),
('Z_MINUS', "Bottom (--Z --Y)", ""),
('Z_PLUS', "Top (+Z +Y)", "")),
default = 'X_PLUS')
scale: FloatProperty(
name = "Scale",
description = "Scale to apply on the exported objects",
default = 1.0,
min = 0.0,
max = 1000.0,
step = 10,
precision = 1)
modifiers: BoolProperty(
name = "Apply modifiers",
description = "Apply the object modifiers before exporting",
default = False)
origin: EnumProperty(
name = "Mesh origin",
description = "Origin for the position of vertices/bones",
items=(('GLOBAL', "Global", "Blender's global origin"),
('LOCAL', "Local", "object's local origin (orange dot)")),
default = 'LOCAL')
selectErrors: BoolProperty(
name = "Select vertices with errors",
description = "If a vertex has errors (e.g. invalid UV, missing UV or color or weights) select it",
default = True,
update = update_func)
errorsMem = ErrorsMem()
errorsEnum: EnumProperty(
name = "",
description = "List of errors",
items = errors_items_func,
update = errors_update_func)
forceElements: BoolProperty(
name = "Force missing elements",
description = "If a vertex element (UV, color, weights) is missing add it with a zero value",
default = False)
merge: BoolProperty(
name = "Merge objects",
description = ("Merge all the objects in a single file, one common geometry for each material. "
"It uses the current object name."),
default = False,
update = update_func2)
mergeNotMaterials: BoolProperty(
name = "Don't merge materials",
description = "Create a different geometry for each material of each object",
default = False)
geometrySplit: BoolProperty(
name = "One vertex buffer per object",
description = "Split each object into its own vertex buffer",
default = False)
lods: BoolProperty(
name = "Use LODs",
description = "Search for the LOD distance if the object name, objects with the same name are added as LODs",
default = False)
strictLods: BoolProperty(
name = "Strict LODs",
description = "Add a new vertex if the LOD0 does not contain a vertex with the exact same position, normal and UV",
default = True)
optimizeIndices: BoolProperty(
name = "Optimize indices (slow)",
description = "Linear-Speed vertex cache optimisation",
default = True)
# --- Components settings ---
skeletons: BoolProperty(
name = "Skeletons",
description = "Export model armature bones",
default = False,
update = update_func)
onlyKeyedBones: BoolProperty(
name = "Only keyed bones",
description = "In animinations export only bones with keys",
default = False)
onlyDeformBones: BoolProperty(
name = "Only deform bones",
description = "Don't export bones without Deform and its children",
default = False,
update = update_func2)
onlyVisibleBones: BoolProperty(
name = "Only visible bones",
description = "Don't export bones not visible and its children",
default = False,
update = update_func2)
actionsByFcurves: BoolProperty(
name = "Read actions by Fcurves",
description = "Should be much faster than updating the whole scene, usable only for Actions and for Quaternion rotations",
default = False)
derigify: BoolProperty(
name = "Derigify",
description = "Remove extra bones from Rigify armature",
default = False,
update = update_func)
clampBoundingBox: BoolProperty(
name = "Clamp bones bounding box",
description = "Clamp each bone bounding box between bone head & tail. Use case: ragdoll, IK...",
default = False)
parentBoneSkinning: BoolProperty(
name = "Use skinning for parent bones",
description = "If an object has a parent of type BONE use a 100% skinning on its vertices "
"(use this only for a quick prototype)",
default = False,
update = update_func)
animations: BoolProperty(
name = "Animations",
description = "Export bones animations (Skeletons needed)",
default = False)
objAnimations: BoolProperty(
name = "of objects",
description = "Export objects animations (without Skeletons)",
default = False)
animationSource: EnumProperty(
name = "",
items = (('ALL_ACTIONS', "All Actions", "Export all the actions in memory"),
('CURRENT_ACTION', "Current Action", "Export the object's current action linked in the Dope Sheet editor"),
('USED_ACTIONS', "Actions used in tracks", "Export only the actions used in NLA tracks"),
('SELECTED_ACTIONS', "Selected Strips' Actions", "Export the actions of the current selected NLA strips"),
('SELECTED_STRIPS', "Selected Strips", "Export the current selected NLA strips"),
('SELECTED_TRACKS', "Selected Tracks", "Export the current selected NLA tracks"),
('ALL_STRIPS', "All Strips", "Export all NLA strips"),
('ALL_TRACKS', "All Tracks (not muted)", "Export all NLA tracks"),
('TIMELINE', "Timelime", "Export the timeline (NLA tracks sum)")),
default = 'USED_ACTIONS',
update = update_func)
animationExtraFrame: BoolProperty(
name = "Ending extra frame",
description = "In Blender to avoid pauses in a looping animation you normally want to skip the last frame "
"when it is the same as the first one. Urho needs this last frame, use this option to add it. "
"It is needed only when using the Timeline or Nla-Tracks.",
default = True)
animationTriggers: BoolProperty(
name = "Export markers as triggers",
description = "Export action pose markers (for actions, strips and tracks) or scene markers (for timeline) "
"as triggers, the time is expressed in seconds",
default = False)
animationRatioTriggers: BoolProperty(
name = "Normalize time",
description = "Export the time of triggers as a number from 0 (start) to 1 (end)",
default = False)
animationPos: BoolProperty(
name = "Position",
description = "Within animations export bone positions",
default = True)
animationRot: BoolProperty(
name = "Rotation",
description = "Within animations export bone rotations",
default = True)
animationSca: BoolProperty(
name = "Scale",
description = "Within animations export bone scales",
default = False)
filterSingleKeyFrames: BoolProperty(
name = "Remove single tracks",
description = "Do not export tracks which contain only one keyframe, useful for layered animations",
default = False)
geometries: BoolProperty(
name = "Geometries",
description = "Export vertex buffers, index buffers, geometries, lods",
default = True,
update = update_func)
geometryPos: BoolProperty(
name = "Position",
description = "Within geometry export vertex position",
default = True,
update = update_func)
geometryNor: BoolProperty(
name = "Normal",
description = "Within geometry export vertex normal (enable 'Auto Smooth' to export custom normals)",
default = True,
update = update_func)
geometryCol: BoolProperty(
name = "Color",
description = "Within geometry export vertex color",
default = False)
geometryColAlpha: BoolProperty(
name = "Alpha",
description = "Within geometry export vertex alpha (append _ALPHA to the color layer name)",
default = False)
geometryUV: BoolProperty(
name = "UV",
description = "Within geometry export vertex UV",
default = False,
update = update_func)
geometryUV2: BoolProperty(
name = "UV2",
description = "Within geometry export vertex UV2 (append _UV2 to the texture name)",
default = False,
update = update_func)
geometryTan: BoolProperty(
name = "Tangent",
description = "Within geometry export vertex tangent (Position, Normal, UV needed)",
default = False,
update = update_func)
geometryWei: BoolProperty(
name = "Weights",
description = "Within geometry export vertex bones weights (Skeletons needed)",
default = False)
morphs: BoolProperty(
name = "Morphs (shape keys)",
description = "Export vertex morphs (Geometries needed)",
default = False)
morphNor: BoolProperty(
name = "Normal",
description = "Within morph export vertex normal (Geometry Normal needed)",
default = True,
update = update_func)
morphTan: BoolProperty(
name = "Tangent",
description = "Within morph export vertex tangent (Morph Normal, Geometry Tangent needed)",
default = False,
update = update_func)
materials: BoolProperty(
name = "Export materials",
description = "Export XML materials",
default = False,
update = update_func)
materialsList: BoolProperty(
name = "Materials text list",
description = "Write a txt file with the list of materials filenames",
default = False)
textures: BoolProperty(
name = "Copy textures",
description = "Copy diffuse textures",
default = False,
update = update_func)
prefabs: BoolProperty(
name = "Export Urho Prefabs",
description = "Export Urho3D XML objects (prefabs)",
default = False,
update = update_func)
# --- Nodes/Prefabs ---
objectsPrefab: BoolProperty(
name = "Objects prefabs",
description = "Create a prefab/node for each object in the current scene",
default = False,
update = update_func)
collectivePrefab: BoolProperty(
name = "Collective prefab",
description = "Create one prefab/node for the whole scene",
default = False,
update = update_func)
fullScene: BoolProperty(
name = "Full scene",
description = "Create a Urho3D scene",
default = False,
update = update_func)
selectedObjects: BoolProperty(
name = "Only selected objects",
description = "Create a prefab/node for selected object only",
default = False,
update = update_func)
trasfObjects: BoolProperty(
name = "Position, Rotation, Scale",
description = "Add Position, Rotation, Scale to the nodes",
default = False)
physics: BoolProperty(
name = "Physics",
description = "Add RigidBody, Shape to the nodes",
default = False)
shapeItems = [ ('BOX', "Box", ""), ('CAPSULE', "Capsule", ""), ('CONE', "Cone", ""), \
('CONVEXHULL', "ConvexHull", ""), ('CYLINDER', "Cylinder", ""), ('SPHERE', "Sphere", ""), \
('STATICPLANE', "StaticPlane", ""), ('TRIANGLEMESH', "TriangleMesh", "") ]
collisionShape: EnumProperty(
name = "CollisionShape",
description = "Collision shape type",
items = shapeItems,
default = 'TRIANGLEMESH',
update = update_func2)
bonesGlobalOrigin: BoolProperty(name = "Bones global origin", default = False)
actionsGlobalOrigin: BoolProperty(name = "Actions global origin", default = False)
# Reset settings button
class UrhoExportResetOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Reset export settings """
bl_idname = "urho.exportreset"
bl_label = "Revert settings to default"
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_confirm(self, event)
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
# Reset output paths button
class UrhoExportResetPathsOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Reset paths """
bl_idname = "urho.exportresetpaths"
bl_label = "Revert paths to default"
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_confirm(self, event)
def execute(self, context):
context.scene.urho_exportsettings.reset_paths(context, True)
return {'FINISHED'}
# View log button
class UrhoReportDialog(bpy.types.Operator):
""" View export log """
bl_idname = "urho.report"
bl_label = "Urho export report"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
global logMaxCount
wm = context.window_manager
addonPrefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
logMaxCount = addonPrefs.maxMessagesCount
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width = addonPrefs.reportWidth)
#return wm.invoke_popup(self, width = addonPrefs.reportWidth)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
for line in logList:
lines = line.split(":", 1)
if lines[0] == 'CRITICAL':
lineicon = 'RADIO'
elif lines[0] == 'ERROR':
lineicon = 'CANCEL'
elif lines[0] == 'WARNING':
lineicon = 'ERROR'
elif lines[0] == 'INFO':
lineicon = 'INFO'
lineicon = 'TEXT'
layout.label(text = lines[1], icon = lineicon)
# Export button
class UrhoExportOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Start exporting """
bl_idname = "urho.export"
bl_label = "Export"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return self.execute(context)
# Export without report window
class UrhoExportCommandOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Start exporting """
bl_idname = "urho.exportcommand"
bl_label = "Export command"
def execute(self, context):
ExecuteAddon(context, silent=True)
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return self.execute(context)
# The export panel, here we draw the panel using properties we have created earlier
class UrhoExportRenderPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = "URHOEXPORT_PT_RenderPanel"
bl_label = "Urho export"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "render"
#bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
# Draw the export panel
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
settings = scene.urho_exportsettings
row = layout.row()
minimizeIcon = 'ADD' if settings.minimize else 'REMOVE'
row.prop(settings, "minimize", text="", icon=minimizeIcon, toggle=False)
row.operator("urho.export", icon='EXPORT')
#split = layout.split(percentage=0.1)
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
row.operator("wm.console_toggle", text="", icon='CONSOLE')
row.prop(settings, "onlyErrors", text="", icon='FORCE_WIND')
row.operator("urho.report", text="", icon='TEXT')
if settings.minimize:
row = layout.row()
row.label(text = "Output:")
row.operator("urho.exportresetpaths", text="", icon='LIBRARY_DATA_DIRECT')
box = layout.box()
box.label(text = "Output folder:")
box.prop(settings, "outputPath")
box.prop(settings, "fileOverwrite")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "useSubDirs")
showDirsIcon = 'REMOVE' if settings.showDirs else 'ADD'
if settings.showDirs:
subrow = row.row(align=True)
subrow.prop(settings, "addDir", text="", icon='TRIA_DOWN_BAR')
subrow.prop(settings, "removeDir", text="", icon='TRIA_UP_BAR')
subrow.prop(settings, "addSceneDir", text="", icon='GROUP')
row.prop(settings, "showDirs", text="", icon=showDirsIcon, toggle=False)
if settings.showDirs:
dbox = box.box()
dbox.prop(settings, "modelsPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "animationsPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "materialsPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "techniquesPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "texturesPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "objectsPath")
dbox.prop(settings, "scenesPath")
row = layout.row()
row.label(text = "Settings:")
row.operator("urho.exportreset", text="", icon='LIBRARY_DATA_DIRECT')
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text = "Objects:")
row.prop(settings, "source", expand=True)
row = box.row()
row.label(text = "Origin:")
row.prop(settings, "origin", expand=True)
box.prop(settings, "orientation")
box.prop(settings, "scale")
box.prop(settings, "modifiers")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "selectErrors")
row.prop(settings, "errorsEnum")
box.prop(settings, "forceElements")
box.prop(settings, "merge")
if settings.merge:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "mergeNotMaterials")
box.prop(settings, "geometrySplit")
box.prop(settings, "optimizeIndices")
box.prop(settings, "lods")
if settings.lods:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "strictLods")
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "skeletons")
row.label(text = "", icon='BONE_DATA')
if settings.skeletons:
row = box.row()
col = row.column()
col.prop(settings, "derigify")
#col.prop(settings, "bonesGlobalOrigin")
#col.prop(settings, "actionsGlobalOrigin")
col.prop(settings, "onlyDeformBones")
col.prop(settings, "onlyVisibleBones")
col.prop(settings, "parentBoneSkinning")
col.prop(settings, "clampBoundingBox")
row = box.row()
column = row.column()
column.enabled = settings.skeletons
column.prop(settings, "animations")
column = row.column()
column.enabled = not settings.skeletons
column.prop(settings, "objAnimations")
row.label(text = "", icon='ANIM_DATA')
if (settings.skeletons and settings.animations) or settings.objAnimations:
row = box.row()
column = row.column()
column.prop(settings, "animationSource")
column.prop(settings, "animationExtraFrame")
column.prop(settings, "animationTriggers")
if settings.animationTriggers:
row = column.row()
row.prop(settings, "animationRatioTriggers")
if settings.animations:
column.prop(settings, "onlyKeyedBones")
col = column.row()
col.enabled = 'ACTION' in settings.animationSource
col.prop(settings, "actionsByFcurves")
row = column.row()
row.prop(settings, "animationPos")
row.prop(settings, "animationRot")
row.prop(settings, "animationSca")
column.prop(settings, "filterSingleKeyFrames")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "geometries")
row.label(text = "", icon='MESH_DATA')
if settings.geometries:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "geometryPos")
row.prop(settings, "geometryNor")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "geometryUV")
row.prop(settings, "geometryUV2")
row = box.row()
col = row.column()
col.enabled = settings.geometryPos and settings.geometryNor and settings.geometryUV
col.prop(settings, "geometryTan")
col = row.column()
col.enabled = settings.skeletons
col.prop(settings, "geometryWei")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "geometryCol")
row.prop(settings, "geometryColAlpha")
row = box.row()
row.enabled = settings.geometries
row.prop(settings, "morphs")
row.label(text = "", icon='SHAPEKEY_DATA')
if settings.geometries and settings.morphs:
row = box.row()
col = row.column()
col.enabled = settings.geometryNor
col.prop(settings, "morphNor")
col = row.column()
col.enabled = settings.morphNor and settings.geometryTan
col.prop(settings, "morphTan")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "materials")
row.label(text = "", icon='MATERIAL_DATA')
if settings.materials:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "materialsList")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "textures")
row.label(text = "", icon='TEXTURE_DATA')
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "prefabs")
row.label(text = "", icon='MOD_OCEAN')
if settings.prefabs:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "objectsPrefab")
row.label(text = "", icon='MOD_BUILD')
if settings.objectsPrefab:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "selectedObjects")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "collectivePrefab")
row.label(text = "", icon='WORLD')
if settings.collectivePrefab:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "selectedObjects")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "fullScene")
row.label(text = "", icon='URL')
row = box.row()
row.label(text = " Elements to add:")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "trasfObjects")
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "physics")
row.label(text = "", icon='PHYSICS')
if settings.physics:
row = box.row()
row.prop(settings, "collisionShape")
row.label(text = "", icon='GROUP')
# Handlers
# Called after loading a new blend. Set the default path if the path edit box is empty.
def PostLoad(dummy):
addonPrefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
settings = bpy.context.scene.urho_exportsettings
settings.updatingProperties = False
settings.reset_paths(bpy.context, False)
# Load materials from data.blend
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "data.blend")
with bpy.data.libraries.load(filepath=file_path, link=True, relative=False) as (data_from, data_to):
data_to.materials = data_from.materials
# Register Unregister
classes = (
# Called when the addon is enabled. Here we register out UI classes so they can be
# used by Python scripts.
def register():
if DEBUG: print("Urho export register")
for cls in classes:
bpy.types.Scene.urho_exportsettings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=UrhoExportSettings)
#bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.use_relative_paths = False
if not PostLoad in bpy.app.handlers.load_post:
# Note: the script __init__.py is executed only the first time the addons is enabled. After that
# disabling or enabling the script will only call unregister() or register(). So in unregister()
# delete only objects created with register(), do not delete global objects as they will not be
# created re-enabling the addon.
# __init__.py is re-executed pressing F8 or randomly(?) enabling the addon.
# Called when the addon is disabled. Here we remove our UI classes.
def unregister():
if DEBUG: print("Urho export unregister")
for cls in reversed(classes):
del bpy.types.Scene.urho_exportsettings
if PostLoad in bpy.app.handlers.load_post:
# Blender UI utility
# Select vertices on a object
def selectVertices(context, objectName, indicesList, deselect):
objects = context.scene.objects
obj = objects[objectName]
except KeyError:
log.error( "Cannot select vertices on not found object {:s}".format(objectName) )
# Set the object as current
objects.active = obj
# Enter Edit mode (check poll() to avoid exception)
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
# Deselect all
if deselect and bpy.ops.mesh.select_all.poll():
# Save the current select mode
sel_mode = bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode
# Set Vertex select mode
bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = [True, False, False]
# Exit Edit mode
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
# Select the vertices
mesh = obj.data
for index in indicesList:
mesh.vertices[index].select = True
#except KeyError:
except IndexError:
# Back in Edit mode
if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
# Restore old selection mode
bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = sel_mode
from collections import defaultdict
# Select vertices with errors
def selectErrors(context, errorsMem, errorName):
names = errorsMem.Names()
if errorName != 'ALL':
names = [errorName]
for i, name in enumerate(names):
errors = errorsMem.Get(name)
if not errors:
indices = defaultdict(set)
for mi, vi in errors:
objectName = errorsMem.Second(mi)
if objectName:
for objectName, indicesSet in indices.items():
count = len(indicesSet)
if count:
log.info( "Selecting {:d} vertices on {:s} with '{:s}' errors".format(count, objectName, name) )
selectVertices(context, objectName, indicesSet, i == 0)
# Export main
def ExecuteUrhoExport(context):
global logList
# Check Blender version
if bpy.app.version < (2, 83, 0):
log.error( "Blender version 2.83 or later is required" )
return False
# Clear log list
logList[:] = []
# Get exporter UI settings
settings = context.scene.urho_exportsettings
# File utils options
fOptions = FOptions()
# List where to store tData (decomposed objects)
tDataList = []
# Decompose options
tOptions = TOptions()
# Scene export data
uScene = UrhoScene(context.scene)
# Scene export options
sOptions = SOptions()
# Addons preferences
addonPrefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
# Copy from exporter UI settings to Decompose options
tOptions.mergeObjects = settings.merge
tOptions.mergeNotMaterials = settings.mergeNotMaterials
tOptions.doForceElements = settings.forceElements
tOptions.useLods = settings.lods
tOptions.onlySelected = (settings.source == 'ONLY_SELECTED')
tOptions.scale = settings.scale
tOptions.globalOrigin = (settings.origin == 'GLOBAL')
tOptions.applyModifiers = settings.modifiers
tOptions.doBones = settings.skeletons
tOptions.doOnlyKeyedBones = settings.onlyKeyedBones
tOptions.doOnlyDeformBones = settings.onlyDeformBones
tOptions.doOnlyVisibleBones = settings.onlyVisibleBones
tOptions.actionsByFcurves = settings.actionsByFcurves
tOptions.skinBoneParent = settings.parentBoneSkinning
tOptions.derigifyArmature = settings.derigify
tOptions.doAnimations = settings.animations
tOptions.doObjAnimations = settings.objAnimations
tOptions.doAllActions = (settings.animationSource == 'ALL_ACTIONS')
tOptions.doCurrentAction = (settings.animationSource == 'CURRENT_ACTION')
tOptions.doUsedActions = (settings.animationSource == 'USED_ACTIONS')
tOptions.doSelectedActions = (settings.animationSource == 'SELECTED_ACTIONS')
tOptions.doSelectedStrips = (settings.animationSource == 'SELECTED_STRIPS')
tOptions.doSelectedTracks = (settings.animationSource == 'SELECTED_TRACKS')
tOptions.doStrips = (settings.animationSource == 'ALL_STRIPS')
tOptions.doTracks = (settings.animationSource == 'ALL_TRACKS')
tOptions.doTimeline = (settings.animationSource == 'TIMELINE')
tOptions.doTriggers = settings.animationTriggers
tOptions.doAnimationExtraFrame = settings.animationExtraFrame
tOptions.doAnimationPos = settings.animationPos
tOptions.doAnimationRot = settings.animationRot
tOptions.doAnimationSca = settings.animationSca
tOptions.filterSingleKeyFrames = settings.filterSingleKeyFrames
tOptions.doGeometries = settings.geometries
tOptions.doGeometryPos = settings.geometryPos
tOptions.doGeometryNor = settings.geometryNor
tOptions.doGeometryCol = settings.geometryCol
tOptions.doGeometryColAlpha = settings.geometryColAlpha
tOptions.doGeometryUV = settings.geometryUV
tOptions.doGeometryUV2 = settings.geometryUV2
tOptions.doGeometryTan = settings.geometryTan
tOptions.doGeometryWei = settings.geometryWei
tOptions.doMorphs = settings.morphs
tOptions.doMorphNor = settings.morphNor
tOptions.doMorphTan = settings.morphTan
tOptions.doMorphUV = settings.morphTan
tOptions.doOptimizeIndices = settings.optimizeIndices
tOptions.doMaterials = settings.materials or settings.textures
tOptions.bonesGlobalOrigin = settings.bonesGlobalOrigin
tOptions.actionsGlobalOrigin = settings.actionsGlobalOrigin
tOptions.orientation = None # ='Y_PLUS'
if settings.orientation == 'X_PLUS':
tOptions.orientation = Quaternion((0.0,0.0,1.0), radians(90.0))
elif settings.orientation == 'X_MINUS':
tOptions.orientation = Quaternion((0.0,0.0,1.0), radians(-90.0))
elif settings.orientation == 'Y_MINUS':
tOptions.orientation = Quaternion((0.0,0.0,1.0), radians(180.0))
elif settings.orientation == 'Z_PLUS':
tOptions.orientation = Quaternion((1.0,0.0,0.0), radians(-90.0)) * Quaternion((0.0,0.0,1.0), radians(180.0))
elif settings.orientation == 'Z_MINUS':
tOptions.orientation = Quaternion((1.0,0.0,0.0), radians(90.0)) * Quaternion((0.0,0.0,1.0), radians(180.0))
sOptions.doObjectsPrefab = settings.objectsPrefab
sOptions.doCollectivePrefab = settings.collectivePrefab
sOptions.doFullScene = settings.fullScene
sOptions.onlySelected = settings.selectedObjects
sOptions.trasfObjects = settings.trasfObjects
sOptions.globalOrigin = tOptions.globalOrigin
sOptions.orientation = tOptions.orientation
sOptions.physics = settings.physics
for shapeItem in settings.shapeItems:
if shapeItem[0] == settings.collisionShape:
sOptions.collisionShape = shapeItem[1]
fOptions.useSubDirs = settings.useSubDirs
fOptions.fileOverwrite = settings.fileOverwrite
fOptions.paths[PathType.ROOT] = settings.outputPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.MODELS] = settings.modelsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.ANIMATIONS] = settings.animationsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.TRIGGERS] = settings.animationsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.MATERIALS] = settings.materialsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.TECHNIQUES] = settings.techniquesPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.TEXTURES] = settings.texturesPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.MATLIST] = settings.modelsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.OBJECTS] = settings.objectsPath
fOptions.paths[PathType.SCENES] = settings.scenesPath
if settings.onlyErrors:
if not settings.outputPath:
log.error( "Output path is not set" )
return False
if tOptions.mergeObjects and not tOptions.globalOrigin:
log.warning("To merge objects you should use Origin = Global")
# Decompose
if DEBUG: ttt = time.time() #!TIME
Scan(context, tDataList, settings.errorsMem, tOptions)
if DEBUG: print("[TIME] Decompose in {:.4f} sec".format(time.time() - ttt) ) #!TIME
# Export each decomposed object
for tData in tDataList:
log.info("---- Exporting {:s} ----".format(tData.objectName))
uExportData = UrhoExportData()
uExportOptions = UrhoExportOptions()
uExportOptions.splitSubMeshes = settings.geometrySplit
uExportOptions.useStrictLods = settings.strictLods
uExportOptions.useRatioTriggers = settings.animationRatioTriggers
uExportOptions.bonesPerGeometry = addonPrefs.bonesPerGeometry
uExportOptions.bonesPerVertex = addonPrefs.bonesPerVertex
uExportOptions.clampBoundingBox = settings.clampBoundingBox
if DEBUG: ttt = time.time() #!TIME
UrhoExport(tData, uExportOptions, uExportData, settings.errorsMem)
if DEBUG: print("[TIME] Export in {:.4f} sec".format(time.time() - ttt) ) #!TIME
if DEBUG: ttt = time.time() #!TIME
uScene.LoadScene(uExportData, tData.blenderObjectName, sOptions)
for uModel in uExportData.models:
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.MODELS, uModel.name, fOptions)
uScene.AddFile(PathType.MODELS, uModel.name, filepath[1])
if uModel.geometries:
if CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
log.info( "Creating model {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
UrhoWriteModel(uModel, filepath[0])
for uAnimation in uExportData.animations:
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.ANIMATIONS, uAnimation.name, fOptions)
uScene.AddFile(PathType.ANIMATIONS, uAnimation.name, filepath[1])
if CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
log.info( "Creating animation {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
UrhoWriteAnimation(uAnimation, filepath[0])
if uAnimation.triggers:
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.TRIGGERS, uAnimation.name, fOptions)
uScene.AddFile(PathType.TRIGGERS, uAnimation.name, filepath[1])
if CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
log.info( "Creating triggers {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
UrhoWriteTriggers(uAnimation.triggers, filepath[0], fOptions)
for uMaterial in uExportData.materials:
for textureName in uMaterial.getTextures():
# Check the texture name (it can be a filename)
if textureName is None:
# Check if the Blender image data exists
image = bpy.data.images.get(textureName, None)
if image is None:
# Get the texture file full path
srcFilename = bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath, library=image.library)
# Get image filename
filename = os.path.basename(image.filepath)
if not filename:
filename = textureName
# Get the destination file full path (preserve the extension)
fOptions.preserveExtTemp = True
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.TEXTURES, filename, fOptions)
# Check if already exported
if not uScene.AddFile(PathType.TEXTURES, textureName, filepath[1]):
# Copy or unpack the texture
if settings.textures and CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
if image.packed_file:
format = str(context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format)
mode = str(context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode)
log.info( "Unpacking {:s} {:s} texture to {:s}".format(format, mode, filepath[1]) )
render_ext = context.scene.render.file_extension
file_ext = os.path.splitext(filepath[0])[1].lower()
if file_ext and render_ext != file_ext:
log.warning( "Saving texture as {:s} but the file has extension {:s}".format(render_ext, file_ext) )
elif not os.path.exists(srcFilename):
log.error( "Missing source texture {:s}".format(srcFilename) )
log.info( "Copying texture {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
shutil.copyfile(src = srcFilename, dst = filepath[0])
log.error( "Cannot copy texture to {:s}".format(filepath[0]) )
if settings.materials:
for uMaterial in uExportData.materials:
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.MATERIALS, uMaterial.name, fOptions)
uScene.AddFile(PathType.MATERIALS, uMaterial.name, filepath[1])
if CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
log.info( "Creating material {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
#UrhoWriteMaterial(uScene, uMaterial, filepath[0], fOptions)
write_material(uMaterial.name, filepath[0])
if settings.materialsList:
for uModel in uExportData.models:
filepath = GetFilepath(PathType.MATLIST, uModel.name, fOptions)
uScene.AddFile(PathType.MATLIST, uModel.name, filepath[1])
if CheckFilepath(filepath[0], fOptions):
log.info( "Creating materials list {:s}".format(filepath[1]) )
UrhoWriteMaterialsList(uScene, uModel, filepath[0])
if DEBUG: print("[TIME] Write in {:.4f} sec".format(time.time() - ttt) ) #!TIME
if settings.selectErrors:
selectErrors(context, settings.errorsMem, 'ALL')
# Export scene and nodes
if settings.prefabs:
if not sOptions.doObjectsPrefab and not sOptions.doCollectivePrefab and not sOptions.doFullScene:
log.warning("Select the type of prefabs you want to export")
log.info("---- Exporting Prefabs and Scene ----")
UrhoExportScene(context, uScene, sOptions, fOptions)
return True
def ExecuteAddon(context, silent=False):
startTime = time.time()
print("----------------------Urho export start----------------------")
log.info("Export ended in {:.4f} sec".format(time.time() - startTime) )
if not silent:
if __name__ == "__main__":
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:tangyin025/blender-exporter.git
