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op_align.py 6.20 KB
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franMarz 提交于 2024-02-11 05:00 . Operators Undo and Register revision
import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
from . import utilities_uv
class op(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "uv.textools_align"
bl_label = "Align"
bl_description = "Align vertices, edges or shells"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
direction : bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Direction", default="top", options={'HIDDEN'})
def poll(cls, context):
if bpy.context.area.ui_type != 'UV':
return False
if not bpy.context.active_object:
return False
if bpy.context.active_object.mode != 'EDIT':
return False
if not bpy.context.object.data.uv_layers:
return False
if bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_uv_select_sync:
return False
return True
def execute(self, context):
align_mode = bpy.context.scene.texToolsSettings.align_mode
if align_mode == 'SELECTION':
all_ob_bounds = utilities_uv.multi_object_loop(utilities_uv.getSelectionBBox, need_results=True)
if not any(all_ob_bounds):
return {'CANCELLED'}
boundsAll = utilities_uv.get_BBOX_multi(all_ob_bounds)
utilities_uv.multi_object_loop(align, context, align_mode, self.direction, boundsAll=boundsAll)
udim_tile, column, row = utilities_uv.get_UDIM_tile_coords(bpy.context.active_object)
utilities_uv.multi_object_loop(align, context, align_mode, self.direction, column=column, row=row)
return {'FINISHED'}
def align(context, align_mode, direction, boundsAll={}, column=0, row=0):
prepivot = bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = 'CURSOR'
obj = bpy.context.active_object
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
uv_layers = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
if align_mode == 'SELECTION':
center_all = boundsAll['center']
elif align_mode == 'CURSOR':
cursor = Vector(bpy.context.space_data.cursor_location.copy())
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = cursor
else: #CANVAS
if direction == "bottom" or direction == "left" or direction == "bottomleft":
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = Vector((column, row))
elif direction == "top" or direction == "topleft":
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = Vector((column, row + 1))
elif direction == "right" or direction == "topright":
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = Vector((column + 1, row + 1))
elif direction == "bottomright":
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = Vector((column + 1, row))
elif direction == "horizontal" or direction == "vertical" or direction == "center":
center_all = boundsAll['min'] = boundsAll['max'] = Vector((column + 0.5, row + 0.5))
selection_mode = bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.uv_select_mode
if selection_mode == 'FACE' or selection_mode == 'ISLAND':
islands = utilities_uv.getSelectionIslands(bm, uv_layers, need_faces_selected=False)
for island in islands:
bounds = utilities_uv.get_BBOX(island, bm, uv_layers)
center = bounds['center']
if direction == "bottom":
delta = boundsAll['min'] - bounds['min']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, 0, delta.y)
elif direction == "top":
delta = boundsAll['max'] - bounds['max']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, 0, delta.y)
elif direction == "left":
delta = boundsAll['min'] - bounds['min']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, 0)
elif direction == "right":
delta = boundsAll['max'] - bounds['max']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, 0)
elif direction == "center":
delta = Vector((center_all - center))
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, delta.y)
elif direction == "horizontal":
delta = Vector((center_all - center))
utilities_uv.move_island(island, 0, delta.y)
elif direction == "vertical":
delta = Vector((center_all - center))
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, 0)
elif direction == "bottomleft":
delta = boundsAll['min'] - bounds['min']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, delta.y)
elif direction == "topright":
delta = boundsAll['max'] - bounds['max']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta.x, delta.y)
elif direction == "topleft":
delta_x = boundsAll['min'] - bounds['min']
delta_y = boundsAll['max'] - bounds['max']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta_x.x, delta_y.y)
elif direction == "bottomright":
delta_x = boundsAll['max'] - bounds['max']
delta_y = boundsAll['min'] - bounds['min']
utilities_uv.move_island(island, delta_x.x, delta_y.y)
print("Unknown direction: "+str(direction))
# Workaround for selection not flushing properly from loops to EDGE Selection Mode, apparently since UV edge selection support was added to the UV space
# Not fully working though
bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.uv_select_mode = selection_mode
else: # Vertices or Edges UV selection mode
for f in bm.faces:
if f.select:
for l in f.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
if luv.select:
# print("Idx: "+str(luv.uv))
if direction == "top":
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['max'].y
elif direction == "bottom":
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['min'].y
elif direction == "left":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['min'].x
elif direction == "right":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['max'].x
elif direction == "center":
luv.uv[0] = center_all.x
luv.uv[1] = center_all.y
elif direction == "horizontal":
luv.uv[1] = center_all.y
elif direction == "vertical":
luv.uv[0] = center_all.x
elif direction == "bottomleft":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['min'].x
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['min'].y
elif direction == "topright":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['max'].x
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['max'].y
elif direction == "topleft":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['min'].x
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['max'].y
elif direction == "bottomright":
luv.uv[0] = boundsAll['max'].x
luv.uv[1] = boundsAll['min'].y
print("Unknown direction: "+str(direction))
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = prepivot
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[email protected]:tangyin025/TexTools-Blender.git
