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0056-fix-tso-small-packet-drop-in-kernel-server.patch 11.26 KB
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jinag12 提交于 2024-02-06 10:45 +08:00 . adapt lwip-2.2.0
From abeef0770f76cd0eff8e5c6e50de0b280079d7f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jiangheng <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2023 19:25:42 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix tso small packet drop in kernel server
src/core/tcp_out.c | 254 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
src/include/lwipopts.h | 2 +
2 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/core/tcp_out.c b/src/core/tcp_out.c
index 240148b..17e495d 100644
--- a/src/core/tcp_out.c
+++ b/src/core/tcp_out.c
@@ -1311,60 +1311,33 @@ tcp_build_wnd_scale_option(u32_t *opts)
-static struct tcp_seg *tcp_output_over(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct tcp_seg *seg, struct tcp_seg *useg)
- if (TCP_TCPLEN(seg) > 0) {
- seg->next = NULL;
- if (useg == NULL) {
- pcb->unacked = seg;
- pcb->last_unacked = seg;
- useg = seg;
- } else {
- if (TCP_SEQ_LT(lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno), lwip_ntohl(useg->tcphdr->seqno))) {
- /* add segment to before tail of unacked list, keeping the list sorted */
- struct tcp_seg **cur_seg = &(pcb->unacked);
- while (*cur_seg &&
- TCP_SEQ_LT(lwip_ntohl((*cur_seg)->tcphdr->seqno), lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno))) {
- cur_seg = &((*cur_seg)->next );
- }
- seg->next = (*cur_seg);
- (*cur_seg) = seg;
- } else {
- /* add segment to tail of unacked list */
- useg->next = seg;
- useg = seg;
- pcb->last_unacked = seg;
- }
- }
- } else {
- tcp_seg_free(seg);
- }
- return useg;
-static err_t tcp_output_seg(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct tcp_seg *seg, struct netif *netif, u32_t snd_nxt)
- if (pcb->state != SYN_SENT) {
- TCPH_SET_FLAG(seg->tcphdr, TCP_ACK);
- }
- err_t err = tcp_output_segment(seg, pcb, netif);
- if (err != ERR_OK) {
- /* segment could not be sent, for whatever reason */
- tcp_set_flags(pcb, TF_NAGLEMEMERR);
- return err;
- }
- if (pcb->state != SYN_SENT) {
- tcp_clear_flags(pcb, TF_ACK_DELAY | TF_ACK_NOW);
- }
- if (TCP_SEQ_LT(pcb->snd_nxt, snd_nxt)) {
- pcb->snd_nxt = snd_nxt;
- }
- return ERR_OK;
+u32_t start_seqno = 0;
+#define TCP_INIT_SEGMENT(tem_seg, _pcb, _p, _hdrflags, _seqno, _optflags) \
+do { \
+ struct tcp_seg *_seg = tem_seg; \
+ u8_t _optlen; \
+ rte_prefetch2(_p); \
+ \
+ _optlen = LWIP_TCP_OPT_LENGTH_SEGMENT(_optflags, _pcb); \
+ _seg->flags = _optflags; \
+ _seg->next = NULL; \
+ _seg->p = _p; \
+ _seg->len = _p->tot_len - _optlen; \
+ /* build TCP header */ \
+ pbuf_add_header(_p, TCP_HLEN); \
+ _seg->tcphdr = (struct tcp_hdr *)_seg->p->payload; \
+ _seg->tcphdr->src = lwip_htons(_pcb->local_port); \
+ _seg->tcphdr->dest = lwip_htons(_pcb->remote_port); \
+ /* _seg->tcphdr->src = lwip_htons(_pcb->local_port); \ */ \
+ /* _seg->tcphdr->dest = lwip_htons(_pcb->remote_port); \ */ \
+ _seg->tcphdr->seqno = lwip_htonl(_seqno); \
+ \
+ if (start_seqno == 0) {\
+ start_seqno = _seqno; \
+ } \
+ TCPH_HDRLEN_FLAGS_SET(_seg->tcphdr, (5 + _optlen / 4), _hdrflags); \
+ _seg->tcphdr->urgp = 0; \
+} while(0)
* @ingroup tcp_raw
@@ -1470,97 +1443,127 @@ tcp_output(struct tcp_pcb *pcb)
pcb->persist_backoff = 0;
/* useg should point to last segment on unacked queue */
- useg = pcb->last_unacked;
+ useg = pcb->unacked;
+ if (useg != NULL) {
+ for (; useg->next != NULL; useg = useg->next);
+ }
/* data available and window allows it to be sent? */
- u32_t send_len = 0;
if ((get_eth_params_tx_ol() & DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO) && pcb->need_tso_send) {
- while(seg && send_len < 0xffff) {
- /**
- * 1) walk unsent queue, find all seg witch wait to send. chain buf in these segs.
- * 2) create new segment, send and free new segment.
- * 3) update snd_nxt, unacked queue, and unsent queue
- */
- struct tcp_seg *start_seg = seg;
- struct pbuf *first_pbuf = NULL;
- struct pbuf *pre_pbuf = NULL;
- u8_t pbuf_chain_len = 0;
- u32_t next_seqno = lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno);
- while (seg != NULL && pbuf_chain_len < GAZELLE_TCP_MAX_PBUF_CHAIN_LEN) {
+ uint16_t send_pkt = 0;
+ do {
+ struct tcp_seg * start_seg = seg;
+ struct pbuf *new_pbuf = NULL;
+ struct pbuf *tmp_pbuf = NULL;
u32_t seg_seqno = lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno);
- if (seg_seqno - pcb->lastack + seg->len > wnd) {
- if (first_pbuf)
- break;
- else
- goto output_done;
+ u32_t last_seg_seqno = seg_seqno;
+ struct tcp_seg *last_seg = NULL;
+ u16_t last_seg_len = 0;
+ u8_t pbuf_chain_len = 0;
+ while (seg != NULL && seg_seqno - pcb->lastack + seg->len <= wnd && pbuf_chain_len < GAZELLE_TCP_MAX_PBUF_CHAIN_LEN) {
+ if (last_seg_len != 0 && (last_seg_len + seg->len < 1460) && seg->len < GAZELLE_TCP_MIN_TSO_SEG_LEN) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((tcp_do_output_nagle(pcb) == 0) &&
+ ((pcb->flags & (TF_NAGLEMEMERR | TF_FIN)) == 0)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (last_seg_seqno + last_seg_len == seg_seqno) {
+ pbuf_remove_header(seg->p, seg->p->tot_len - seg->len);
+ if (new_pbuf == NULL) {
+ new_pbuf = seg->p;
+ tmp_pbuf = new_pbuf;
+ } else {
+ new_pbuf->tot_len += seg->p->len;
+ tmp_pbuf->next = seg->p;
+ tmp_pbuf = tmp_pbuf->next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ last_seg = seg;
+ last_seg_len = seg->len;
+ last_seg_seqno = seg_seqno;
+ seg = seg->next;
+ seg_seqno = (seg != NULL) ? lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno) : seg_seqno;
+ pbuf_chain_len++;
- if ((tcp_do_output_nagle(pcb) == 0) && ((pcb->flags & (TF_NAGLEMEMERR | TF_FIN)) == 0)) {
- if (first_pbuf)
- break;
- else
- goto output_done;
+ // tcp_do_output_nagle, break
+ if (new_pbuf == NULL) {
+ goto end_loop;
- if (seg->len < TCP_MSS || next_seqno != seg_seqno || pbuf_chain_len >= GAZELLE_TCP_MAX_PBUF_CHAIN_LEN) {
- break;
- }
- if (first_pbuf == NULL && (seg->next == NULL || seg->next->len < TCP_MSS)) {
- break;
- }
+ struct tcp_seg new_seg;
+ TCP_INIT_SEGMENT(&new_seg, pcb, new_pbuf, 0, lwip_ntohl(start_seg->tcphdr->seqno), 0);
- pbuf_remove_header(seg->p, seg->p->tot_len - seg->len);
- if (first_pbuf == NULL) {
- first_pbuf = seg->p;
- } else {
- first_pbuf->tot_len += seg->p->len;
- pre_pbuf->next = seg->p;
+ if (pcb->state != SYN_SENT) {
+ TCPH_SET_FLAG(new_seg.tcphdr, TCP_ACK);
- send_len += seg->len;
- pre_pbuf = seg->p;
- next_seqno = seg_seqno + TCP_TCPLEN(seg);
- seg = seg->next;
- pcb->unsent = seg;
- pbuf_chain_len++;
- }
- if (first_pbuf == NULL) {
- err = tcp_output_seg(pcb, seg, netif, next_seqno + seg->len);
+ err = tcp_output_segment(&new_seg, pcb, netif);
if (err != ERR_OK) {
- if (pcb->unsent == NULL)
- pcb->last_unsent = NULL;
- pcb->need_tso_send = 0;
- return err;
+ /* segment could not be sent, for whatever reason */
+ tcp_set_flags(pcb, TF_NAGLEMEMERR);
+ return err;
- pcb->unsent = seg->next;
- useg = tcp_output_over(pcb, seg, useg);
- seg = pcb->unsent;
- continue;
- }
- struct tcp_seg new_seg;
- tcp_init_segment(&new_seg, pcb, first_pbuf, 0, lwip_ntohl(start_seg->tcphdr->seqno), 0);
- err = tcp_output_seg(pcb, &new_seg, netif, next_seqno);
+ pcb->unsent = last_seg->next;
+ if (pcb->state != SYN_SENT) {
+ tcp_clear_flags(pcb, TF_ACK_DELAY | TF_ACK_NOW);
+ }
- for (u32_t i = 0; i < pbuf_chain_len; i++) {
- struct tcp_seg *next_seg = start_seg->next;
- start_seg->p->next = NULL;
- useg = tcp_output_over(pcb, start_seg, useg);
- start_seg = next_seg;
- }
+ snd_nxt = last_seg_seqno + TCP_TCPLEN(last_seg);
+ if (TCP_SEQ_LT(pcb->snd_nxt, snd_nxt)) {
+ pcb->snd_nxt = snd_nxt;
+ }
- pbuf_remove_header(new_seg.p, new_seg.p->tot_len - new_seg.len - TCPH_HDRLEN_BYTES(new_seg.tcphdr));
- new_seg.p->tot_len = new_seg.p->len;
- }
- pcb->need_tso_send = 0;
+ pbuf_remove_header(new_seg.p, new_seg.p->tot_len - new_seg.len - TCP_HLEN);
+ new_seg.p->tot_len = new_seg.p->len;
+ for (int start = pbuf_chain_len; start > 0; start--) {
+ struct tcp_seg *tmp_seg = start_seg;
+ start_seg = start_seg->next;
+ tmp_seg->p->next = NULL;
+ if (TCP_TCPLEN(tmp_seg) > 0) {
+ tmp_seg->next = NULL;
+ if (pcb->unacked == NULL) {
+ pcb->unacked = tmp_seg;
+ useg = tmp_seg;
+ } else {
+ if (TCP_SEQ_LT(lwip_ntohl(tmp_seg->tcphdr->seqno), lwip_ntohl(useg->tcphdr->seqno))) {
+ /* add segment to before tail of unacked list, keeping the list sorted */
+ struct tcp_seg **cur_seg = &(pcb->unacked);
+ while (*cur_seg &&
+ TCP_SEQ_LT(lwip_ntohl((*cur_seg)->tcphdr->seqno), lwip_ntohl(tmp_seg->tcphdr->seqno))) {
+ cur_seg = &((*cur_seg)->next );
+ }
+ tmp_seg->next = (*cur_seg);
+ (*cur_seg) = tmp_seg;
+ } else {
+ /* add segment to tail of unacked list */
+ useg->next = tmp_seg;
+ useg = useg->next;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ tcp_seg_free(tmp_seg);
+ }
+ }
+ } while(seg != NULL && lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno) - pcb->lastack + seg->len <= wnd && send_pkt++ < 10);
+ pcb->need_tso_send = 0;
} else
- while (seg != NULL && send_len < 0xffff &&
+ uint16_t send_pkt = 0;
+ while (seg != NULL && send_pkt++ < 10 &&
lwip_ntohl(seg->tcphdr->seqno) - pcb->lastack + seg->len <= wnd) {
LWIP_ASSERT("RST not expected here!",
(TCPH_FLAGS(seg->tcphdr) & TCP_RST) == 0);
@@ -1575,7 +1578,6 @@ tcp_output(struct tcp_pcb *pcb)
((pcb->flags & (TF_NAGLEMEMERR | TF_FIN)) == 0)) {
- send_len += seg->len;
LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_CWND_DEBUG, ("tcp_output: snd_wnd %"TCPWNDSIZE_F", cwnd %"TCPWNDSIZE_F", wnd %"U32_F", effwnd %"U32_F", seq %"U32_F", ack %"U32_F", i %"S16_F"\n",
pcb->snd_wnd, pcb->cwnd, wnd,
diff --git a/src/include/lwipopts.h b/src/include/lwipopts.h
index 326edc1..9f8c923 100644
--- a/src/include/lwipopts.h
+++ b/src/include/lwipopts.h
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
---------- NIC offloads ----------
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:steganographer/lwip_222.git
