Name: perl-Module-Install
Version: 1.21
Release: 1
Summary: Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
License: GPL+ or Artistic
URL: https://metacpan.org/release/Module-Install
Source0: https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/Module-Install-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: coreutils make perl-generators perl-interpreter perl(lib) perl(strict) perl(warnings) perl(Config)
BuildRequires: perl(Cwd) perl(Devel::PPPort) >= 3.16 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76 perl(ExtUtils::Manifest)
BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MM_Unix) perl(Fcntl) perl(File::Basename) perl(File::Find) perl(File::Path)
BuildRequires: perl(File::Remove) >= 1.42 perl(File::Spec) >= 3.28 perl(File::Temp) perl(FileHandle) perl(FindBin)
BuildRequires: perl(Module::CoreList) >= 2.17 perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta) >= 1.4413 perl(vars) perl(YAML::Tiny) >= 1.38
BuildRequires: perl(autodie) perl(ExtUtils::MM) perl(Symbol) perl(Test::More) perl(utf8)
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "$(perl -V:version)"; echo $version)) perl(Archive::Zip) >= 1.37
Requires: perl(Carp) perl(CPAN) perl(Devel::PPPort) >= 3.16 perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.59 perl(ExtUtils::MM_Unix)
Recommends: perl(CPANPLUS::Backend)
Requires: perl(File::Remove) >= 1.42 perl(File::Spec) >= 3.28 perl(File::Temp) perl(FileHandle) perl(FindBin)
Requires: perl(Module::Build) >= 0.29 perl(Module::CoreList) >= 2.17 perl(Parse::CPAN::Meta) >= 1.4413
Requires: perl(Socket) perl(YAML::Tiny) >= 1.38
%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(Devel::PPPort\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(ExtUtils::MakeMaker\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(File::Remove\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(File::Spec\\)$
%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(YAML::Tiny\\)$
Module::Install is a package for writing installers for CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions
that are clean, simple, minimalist, act in a strictly correct manner with ExtUtils::MakeMaker,
and will run on any Perl installation version 5.005 or newer.
The intent is to make it as easy as possible for CPAN authors (and especially for first-time
CPAN authors) to have installers that follow all the best practices for distribution
installation, but involve as much DWIM (Do What I Mean) as possible when writing them.
%autosetup -n Module-Install-%{version} -p1
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1
make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
%{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*
make test
%doc Changes README
%exclude /blib/lib/auto/share/dist/Module-Install/dist_file.txt
* Mon Sep 11 2023 wulei <[email protected]> - 1.21-1
- Update to 1.21
* Thu Jan 10 2019 Tianfei <[email protected]> - 1.19-6
- Package init
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