#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
brew install opam pkg-config coreutils
opam init --no-setup --bare;
opam switch create 4.10.0;
opam switch 4.10.0;
git submodule update --init --recursive
eval "$(opam env)"
make setup
make config
# Remove dynamically linked libraries to force MacOS to use static ones
rm /usr/local/lib/libtree-sitter.0.0.dylib
rm /usr/local/lib/libtree-sitter.dylib
make build-spacegrep
make build-core
mkdir -p artifacts
cp ./semgrep-core/_build/install/default/bin/semgrep-core artifacts
cp ./spacegrep/_build/install/default/bin/spacegrep artifacts
zip -r artifacts.zip artifacts
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