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helpers.py 7.61 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Ksenia Konyushkova 提交于 2019-02-12 11:07 . initial commit
import numpy as np
class Minibatch:
"""Minibatch class that helps for gradient decent training.
classifier_state: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #classifier features
characterising the state of classifier at the sampled iterations
action_state: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #action features
characterizing the action that was taken at the sampled iterations
reward: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size
next_classifier_state: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #classifier features
next_action_state: A list of size batch_size of numpy.ndarrays
characterizing the possible actions that were available at the sampled iterations
terminal: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size of booleans indicating if the iteration was terminal
indeces: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size that contains indeces of samples iterations in the replay buffer
def __init__(self, classifier_state, action_state, reward, next_classifier_state, next_action_state, terminal, indeces):
"""Inits the Minibatch object and initialises the attributes with given values."""
self.classifier_state = classifier_state
self.action_state = action_state
self.reward = reward
self.next_classifier_state = next_classifier_state
self.next_action_state = next_action_state
self.terminal = terminal
self.indeces = indeces
class ReplayBuffer:
"""Replay Buffer is used to store the transactions from episodes.
buffer_size: An interger indicating the maximum number of transaction to be stored in the replay buffer.
n: An interger, the maximum index to be used for sampling. It is useful when the buffer is not filled in fully.
It grows from 0 till the buffer_size-1 and then stops changing.
write_index: An integer, the index where the next transaction should be written.
Goes from 0 till the buffer_size-1 and then starts from 0 again.
max_td_error: A float used to initialize the td error of newly added samples.
prior_exp: A float that is used for turning the td error into a probability to be sampled.
all_classifier_state: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #classifier features
characterising the state of classifier at the sampled iterations.
all_action_states: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #action features
characterizing the action that was taken at the sampled iterations.
all_rewards: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size.
all_next_classifier_states: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size x #classifier features
all_next_action_state: A list of size batch_size of numpy.ndarrays.
characterizing the possible actions that were available at the sampled iterations.
all_terminals: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size of booleans indicating if the iteration was terminal.
all_td_errors: A numpy.ndarray of size batch_size with td errors of transactions
when each of them was used in a gradient update.
max_td_error: A float with the highest (absolute) value of td error from all transactions stored in the buffer.
def __init__(self, buffer_size=1e4, prior_exp=0.5):
"""Inits a few attributes with 0 or the default values."""
self.buffer_size = int(buffer_size)
self.n = 0
self.write_index = 0
self.max_td_error = 1000.0
self.prior_exp = prior_exp
def _init_nparray(self, classifier_state, action_state, reward, next_classifier_state, next_action_state, terminal):
"""Initialize numpy arrays of all_xxx attributes to one transaction repeated buffer_size times."""
self.all_classifier_states = np.array([classifier_state] * self.buffer_size)
self.all_action_state = np.array([action_state] * self.buffer_size)
self.all_rewards = np.array([reward] * self.buffer_size)
self.all_next_classifier_states = np.array([next_classifier_state] * self.buffer_size)
self.all_next_action_states = [next_action_state] * self.buffer_size
self.all_terminals = np.array([terminal] * self.buffer_size)
self.all_td_errors = np.array([self.max_td_error] * self.buffer_size)
# set the counters to 1 as one transaction is stored
self.n = 1
self.write_index = 1
def store_transition(self, classifier_state, action_state, reward, next_classifier_state, next_action_state, terminal):
"""Add a new transaction to a replay buffer."""
# If buffer arrays not yet initialized, initialize it
if self.n == 0:
self._init_nparray(classifier_state, action_state, reward, next_classifier_state, next_action_state, terminal)
# write a tansaction at a write_index position
self.all_classifier_states[self.write_index] = classifier_state
self.all_action_state[self.write_index] = action_state
self.all_rewards[self.write_index] = reward
self.all_next_classifier_states[self.write_index] = next_classifier_state
self.all_next_action_states[self.write_index] = next_action_state
self.all_terminals[self.write_index] = terminal
self.all_td_errors[self.write_index] = self.max_td_error
# keep track of the index for writing
self.write_index += 1
if self.write_index >= self.buffer_size:
self.write_index = 0
# Keep track of the max index to be used for sampling.
if self.n < self.buffer_size:
self.n += 1
def sample_minibatch(self, batch_size=32):
"""Sample a new minibatch from replay buffer.
batch_size: An integer indicating how many transactions to be sampled from a replay buffer.
minibatch: An object of class Minibatch with sampled transactions.
# Get td error of samples that were written in the buffer
td_errors_to_consider = self.all_td_errors[:self.n]
# Scale and normalize the td error to turn it into a probability for sampling
p = np.power(td_errors_to_consider, self.prior_exp) / np.sum(np.power(td_errors_to_consider, self.prior_exp))
# choose indeces to sample according to the computed probability:
# the higher the td error is, the more likely it is that the sample will be selected
minibatch_indices = np.random.choice(range(self.n), size=batch_size, replace=False, p=p)
minibatch = Minibatch(
[self.all_next_action_states[i] for i in minibatch_indices],
return minibatch
def update_td_errors(self, td_errors, indeces):
"""Updates td_errors in replay buffer.
After a gradient step was made, we need to updates
td errors to recently calculated errors.
td_errors: A numpy array with new td errors.
indeces: A numpy array with indeces of points which td errors should be updated.
# set the values for prioritized replay to the most recent td errors
self.all_td_errors[indeces] = np.ravel(np.absolute(td_errors))
# find the max error from the replay buffer that will be used as a default value for new transactions
self.max_td_error = np.max(self.all_td_errors)
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