# This is a Windows PowerShell script
# On windows 7, open cmd.exe, input powershell, hit enter, then you can run this script.
# If you use powershell the first time, excute this cmd first: set-executionpolicy remotesigned
# Build mockcpp and it's tests, and at last run all tests.
$MINGW_VER="-G `"MinGW Makefiles`""
function build($build_dir, $src_dir) {
if (!(test-path $build_dir)) { mkdir $build_dir }
cd $build_dir
Invoke-Expression "cmake $src_dir $MINGW_VER"
build build\mockcpp ..\..\tests\3rdparty\mockcpp
cd ..\..
build build\testngpp ..\..\tests\3rdparty\testngpp
cd ..\..
build build\project ..\..
cd ..\..
build build\tests ..\..\tests
# run all tests
cd ut
$ALL_DLL=(ls *.dll -name)-replace ".dll" | where {$_ -ne "testngppstdoutlistener"}
..\..\testngpp\src\runner\testngpp-runner.exe $ALL_DLL -L"$LISTENER_PATH" -l"testngppstdoutlistener -c -v" -m
cd ..\..\..
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