Providing system resources such as fonts | 字体等系统资源
System information dumper | 系统信息导出
System ability manager | 系统服务管理
Compilation and building framework and scripts | 编译构建框架和脚本
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
Application permission management and IPC authentication | 提供应用权限管理及IPC通信鉴权能力
Allowing apps to use OS account-related functions | 允许您的应用程序使用操作系统帐号相关功能
Provides syntax compilation and conversion of declarative paradigms, syntax verification, and rich and friendly syntax error prompt capabilities. | 提供声明式范式的语法编译转换,语法验证,丰富友好的语法报错提示能力。
OpenHarmony community governance, developer contribution guide, contribution agreement, and community communication | 包含OpenHarmony社区治理、开发者贡献指南、开发者贡献协议、社区交流等内容
Common event and notification management framework | 通知和公共事件管理框架
Inter-process communication (IPC) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) | 跨进程通信与跨设备的远程过程调用
init process for startup | 启动模块init进程
Peripheral driver of the Hardware Driver Foundation (HDF) | HDF外设驱动
Distributed Camera | 分布式相机
System ability manager | 系统服务管理