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calltree.pl 39.81 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Cerdore 提交于 2021-11-03 16:32 . Support for cuda and cuda header file
# Copyright (c) 2020 Ran Panfeng. All rights reserved.
# Author: satanson
# Github repository: https://github.com/satanson/cpp_etudes.git
# Usage: show function call hierarchy of cpp project in the style of Linux utility tree.
# Format:
# ./calltree.pl <keyword|regex> <filter> <direction(called(1)|calling)> <verbose(0|1)> <depth(num)>
# - keyword for exact match, regex for fuzzy match;
# - subtrees whose leaf nodes does not match filter are pruned, default value is '' means match all;
# - direction: 1, in default, show functions called by other functions in callees' perspective; otherwise, show function calling relation in callers' perspective;
# - verbose=0, no file locations output; otherwise succinctly output;
# - depth=num, print max derivation depth.
# Examples:
# # show all functions (set depth=1 preventing output from overwhelming).
# ./calltree.pl '\w+' '' 1 1 1
# # show functions calling fdatasync in a backtrace way with depth 3;
# ./calltree.pl 'fdatasync' '' 1 1 3
# # show functions calling sync_file_range in a backtrace way with depth 3;
# ./calltree.pl 'sync_file_range' '' 1 1 3
# # show functions calling fsync in a backtrace way with depth 4;
# /calltree.pl 'fsync' '' 1 1 4
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw/freeze thaw nstore retrieve/;
sub red_color($) {
my ($msg) = @_;
sub any(&;@) {
my ($pred, @values) = @_;
my $n = () = grep {$_} map {$pred->($_)} @values;
$n > 0;
sub all(&;@) {
my ($pred, @values) = @_;
!(any {!$pred->($_)} @values);
use Cwd qw/abs_path/;
sub get_path_of_script() {
if ($0 !~ qr'/') {
my ($path) = map {chomp;
$_} qx(which $0 2>/dev/null);
return $path;
else {
return abs_path($0);
sub file_newer_than($$) {
my ($file_a, $file_b) = @_;
return 0 unless ((-f $file_a) && (-f $file_b));
return (-M $file_a) < (-M $file_b);
sub file_newer_than_script($) {
file_newer_than(+shift, get_path_of_script());
sub get_cached_or_run(&$$;@) {
my ($func, $validate_func, $cached_file, @args) = @_;
if (file_newer_than_script($cached_file)) {
my $result = retrieve($cached_file);
if (defined($result) && ref($result) eq ref([]) && $validate_func->(@$result)) {
return @$result;
my @result = $func->(@args);
nstore [@result], $cached_file;
return @result;
sub get_cache_or_run_keyed(\@$$;@) {
my ($key, $file, $func, @args) = @_;
die "Invalid data" unless defined($key) && ref($key) eq ref([]);
die "Invalid func" unless defined($func);
my @key = @$key;
my $expect_key = join "\0", @key;
my $check_key = sub(\%) {
my $data = shift;
return exists $data->{cached_key} && $data->{cached_key} eq $expect_key;
my ($data) = get_cached_or_run {
+{ cached_key => $expect_key, cached_data => [ $func->(@args) ] }
} $check_key, $file;
return @{$data->{cached_data}};
sub ensure_ag_installed() {
my ($ag_path) = map {chomp;
$_} qx(which ag 2>/dev/null);
if (!defined($ag_path) || (!-e $ag_path)) {
printf STDERR "ag is missing, please install ag at first, refer to https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher;
the fork https://github.com/satanson/the_silver_searcher provides a --multiline-break options will generate exact
result because the modified ag insert break(--) between two function definitions that are not separated by blank
exit 1;
sub multiline_break_enabled() {
my ($enabled) = map {chomp;
$_} qx(echo enabled|ag --multiline-break enabled 2>/dev/null);
return defined($enabled) && $enabled eq "enabled";
sub ensure_safe() {
my ($cwd, $home) = @ENV{qw/PWD HOME/};
my @supported_os = qw/Linux Darwin/;
my %supported_os = map {$_ => 1} @supported_os;
my ($os) = map {
if (defined($_)) {
else {"UNKNOWN"}
} qx'uname -s 2>/dev/null';
my $supported_os = join "|", @supported_os;
die "Platform '$os' is not supported, run calltree.pl in [$supported_os]" unless exists $supported_os{$os};
die "Undefined cwd or home" unless defined($cwd) && defined($home);
die "Never run calltree.pl in HOME directory: '$home'" if $cwd eq $home;
die "Never run calltree.pl in root directory: '$cwd'" if $cwd eq '/';
my @comp = split qr'/+', $cwd;
die "Never run calltree.pl in a directory whose depth <= 2" if scalar(@comp) <= 3;
my $ignore_pattern = join "", map {" --ignore '$_' "}
qw(*test* *benchmark* *CMakeFiles* *contrib/* *third_party/*
*thirdparty/* *3rd-[pP]arty/* *3rd[pP]arty/* *deps/*);
my $cpp_filename_pattern = qq/'\\.(c|cc|cpp|cu|C|h|hh|hpp|cuh|H)\$'/;
my $RE_IDENTIFIER = "\\b[A-Za-z_]\\w*\\b";
my $RE_WS = "(?:\\s)";
my $RE_TWO_COLON = "(?::{2})";
sub gen_nested_pair_re($$$) {
my ($L, $R, $others) = @_;
my $simple_case = "$others $L $others $R $others";
my $recursive_case = "$others $L(?-1)*$R $others";
my $nested = "($recursive_case|$simple_case)";
return "(?:$L $others $nested* $others $R)" =~ s/\s+//gr;
my $RE_NESTED_PARENTHESES = gen_nested_pair_re("\\(", "\\)", "[^()]*");
my $RE_NESTED_BRACES = gen_nested_pair_re("{", "}", "[^{}]*");
sub gen_re_list($$$) {
my ($re_delimiter, $re_item, $optional) = @_;
my $re = "(?: $re_item (?: $RE_WS* $re_delimiter $RE_WS* $re_item)*? ) $optional";
return $re =~ s/ //gr;
sub gen_re_initializer_list_of_ctor() {
my $re_csv = gen_re_list(",", "(?:[^,]+?)", "??");
my $initializer = "(?: $RE_IDENTIFIER $RE_WS* (?: (?: \\( $RE_WS* $re_csv $RE_WS* \\) ) | (?: \\{ $RE_WS* $re_csv $RE_WS* \\} ) ) )";
my $re_csv_initializer = gen_re_list(",", "(?: $initializer )", "");
my $initializer_list = "(?: (?<=\\) ) $RE_WS* : $RE_WS* $re_csv_initializer $RE_WS* (?={) )";
return $initializer_list =~ s/ //gr;
my $RE_INITIALIZER_LIST = gen_re_initializer_list_of_ctor();
sub gen_re_overload_operator() {
my $operators = "[-+*/%^&|~!=<>]=?|(?:(?:<<|>>|\\|\\||&&)=?)|<=>|->\\*|->|\\(\\s*\\)|\\[\\s*\\]|\\+\\+|--|,";
my $re = "(?:operator \\s* (?:$operators)\\s*(?=\\())";
return $re =~ s/ //gr;
my $RE_OVERLOAD_OPERATOR = gen_re_overload_operator();
sub gen_re_func_def() {
my $re_func_def = "";
$re_func_def .= "(?:$RE_INITIALIZER_LIST)?";
$re_func_def .= "$RE_WS* $RE_NESTED_BRACES";
$re_func_def =~ s/ //g;
return $re_func_def;
sub gen_re_func_def_name() {
my $re_func_def = "";
$re_func_def =~ s/ //g;
return $re_func_def;
my $RE_FUNC_DEFINITION = gen_re_func_def;
my $RE_FUNC_DEFINITION_NAME = gen_re_func_def_name;
sub gen_re_func_call() {
my $cs_tokens = "$RE_WS* (?:(?: $RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER $RE_WS* , $RE_WS*)* $RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER $RE_WS*)?";
#my $re_func_call = "((?:($RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER) $RE_WS *(?:\\($cs_tokens\\))? $RE_WS* (?: \\. | -> | :: ) $RE_WS* )? ($RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER)) $RE_WS* [(]";
my $re_func_call = "((?:($RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER) $RE_WS (?: \\. | -> | :: ) $RE_WS* )? ($RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER)) $RE_WS* [(]";
return $re_func_call =~ s/ //gr;
my $RE_FUNC_CALL = gen_re_func_call;
sub gen_re_gcc_attribute() {
my $attr = "(?: $RE_IDENTIFIER (?: $RE_WS* \\([^()]+\\) )? )";
my $attr_list = "(?: $attr (?: $RE_WS* , $RE_WS* $attr $RE_WS*)*)";
my $gcc_attribute = "__attribute__ $RE_WS* \\( \\(? $RE_WS* $attr_list $RE_WS* \\)? \\)";
return $gcc_attribute =~ s/ //gr;
my $RE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE = gen_re_gcc_attribute();
sub read_content($) {
my $file_name = shift;
if (-f $file_name) {
open my $handle, "<", $file_name or die "Fail to open '$file_name' for reading: $!";
local $/;
my $content = <$handle>;
close $handle;
return $content;
return undef;
sub write_content($@) {
my ($file_name, @lines) = @_;
open my $handle, "+>", $file_name or die "Fail to open '$file_name' for writing: $!";
print $handle join("\n", @lines);
close $handle;
sub read_lines($) {
my $file_name = shift;
if (-f $file_name) {
open my $handle, "<", $file_name or die "Fail to open '$file_name' for reading: $!";
my @lines = <$handle>;
close $handle;
return \@lines;
return undef;
## preprocess source file
my $RE_QUOTED_STRING = qr/("([^"]*\\")*[^"]*")/;
my $RE_SINGLE_CHAR = qr/'[\\]?.'/;
my $RE_SLASH_STAR_COMMENT = qr"(/[*]([^/*]*(([*]+|[/]+)[^/*]+)*([*]+|[/]+)?)[*]/)";
my $RE_NESTED_CHARS_IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = qr/'[{}<>()]'/;
my $RE_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = qr'/[/\\].*';
my $RE_LEFT_ANGLES = qr'<[<=]+';
my $RE_TEMPLATE_ARGS_1LAYER = qr'(<\s*(((::)?(\w+::)*\w+\s*,\s*)*(::)?(\w+::)*\w+\s*)>)';
my $RE_CSV_TOKEN = gen_re_list(",", $RE_SCOPED_IDENTIFIER, "??");
my $RE_NOEXCEPT_THROW = qr"(\\b(noexcept|throw)\\b)(\\s*\\(\\s*$RE_CSV_TOKEN\\s*\\))?";
my $RE_MACRO_DEF = qr/(#define([^\n\r]*\\(\n\r?|\r\n?))*([^\n\r]*[^\n\r\\])?((\n\r?)|(\r\n?)|$))/;
sub empty_string_with_blank_lines($) {
q/""/ . (join "\n", map {""} split "\n", $_[0]);
sub blank_lines($) {
$_[0] =~ tr/\n\r//cdr;
sub replace_single_char($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_SINGLE_CHAR/'x'/gr;
sub replace_quoted_string($) {
return $_[0] =~ s/$RE_QUOTED_STRING/&empty_string_with_blank_lines($1)/gemr;
sub replace_slash_star_comment($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_SLASH_STAR_COMMENT/&blank_lines($1)/gemr;
sub replace_nested_char($) {
sub replace_single_line_comment($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT//gr;
sub replace_left_angles($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_LEFT_ANGLES/++/gr;
sub replace_lt($) {
$_[0] =~ s/\s+<\s+/ + /gr;
sub replace_template_args_1layer($) {
($_[0] =~ s/$RE_TEMPLATE_ARGS_1LAYER/&blank_lines($1)/gemr, $1);
sub repeat_apply($\&$) {
my ($times, $fun, $arg) = @_;
my ($result, $continue) = $fun->($arg);
if (defined($continue) && $times > 1) {
return &repeat_apply($times - 1, $fun, $result);
return $result;
sub remove_keywords_and_attributes($) {
$_[0] =~ s/(\b(volatile|const|final|override)\b)|\[\[\w+\]\]//gr;
sub remove_noexcept_and_throw($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_NOEXCEPT_THROW//gr;
sub replace_template_args_4layers($) {
repeat_apply(4, &replace_template_args_1layer, $_[0]);
sub remove_gcc_attributes($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_GCC_ATTRIBUTE//gr;
sub replace_macro_defs($) {
$_[0] =~ s/$RE_MACRO_DEF/&blank_lines($1)/gemr;
sub preprocess_one_cpp_file($) {
my $file = shift;
return unless -f $file;
my $content = read_content($file);
return unless defined($content) && length($content) > 0;
$content = replace_quoted_string(replace_single_char(replace_slash_star_comment($content)));
$content = join qq/\n/, map {
} split qq/\n/, $content;
$content = remove_keywords_and_attributes($content);
$content = remove_gcc_attributes($content);
$content = replace_template_args_4layers($content);
$content = remove_noexcept_and_throw($content);
$content = replace_macro_defs($content);
my $tmp_file = "$file.tmp.created_by_call_tree";
write_content($tmp_file, $content);
rename $tmp_file => $file;
sub get_all_cpp_files() {
return grep {
defined($_) && length($_) > 0 && (-f $_)
} map {
} qx(ag -U -G $cpp_filename_pattern $ignore_pattern -l);
sub group_files($@) {
my ($num_groups, @files) = @_;
my $num_files = scalar(@files);
die "Illegal num_groups($num_groups)" if $num_groups < 1;
if ($num_files == 0) {
$num_groups = $num_files if $num_files < $num_groups;
my @groups = map {[]} (1 .. $num_groups);
foreach my $i (0 .. ($num_files - 1)) {
push @{$groups[$i % $num_groups]}, $files[$i];
return @groups;
sub preprocess_cpp_files(\@) {
my @files = grep {defined($_) && length($_) > 0 && (-f $_) && (-T $_)} @{$_[0]};
foreach my $f (@files) {
my $saved_f = "$f.saved_by_calltree";
rename $f => $saved_f;
write_content($f, read_content($saved_f));
sub preprocess_all_cpp_files() {
my @files = get_all_cpp_files();
my @groups = group_files(10, @files);
my $num_groups = scalar(@groups);
return if $num_groups < 1;
my @pids = (undef) x $num_groups;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_groups; ++$i) {
my @group = @{$groups[$i]};
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
exit 0;
elsif ($pid > 0) {
$pids[$i] = $pid;
else {
die "Fail to fork a process: $!";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_groups; ++$i) {
sub restore_saved_files() {
my @saved_files = grep {
defined($_) && length($_) > 0 && (-f $_)
} map {
} qx(ag -U -G '.+\\.saved_by_calltree\$' $ignore_pattern -l);
foreach my $f (@saved_files) {
my $original_f = substr($f, 0, length($f) - length(".saved_by_calltree"));
rename $f => $original_f;
my @tmp_files = grep {
defined($_) && length($_) > 0 && (-f $_)
} map {
} qx(ag -U -G '\\.tmp\\.created_by_calltree\$' $ignore_pattern -l);
foreach my $f (@tmp_files) {
unlink $f;
sub register_abnormal_shutdown_hook() {
my $abnormal_handler = sub {
my $cause = shift;
$cause = red_color($cause);
print qq/Abnormal exit caused by $cause\n/;
@SIG{keys %SIG} = qw/DEFAULT/ x (keys %SIG);
exit 0;
my @sig = qw/__DIE__ QUIT INT TERM ABRT/;
@SIG{@sig} = ($abnormal_handler) x scalar(@sig);
sub merge_lines_multiline_break_enabled(\@) {
my @lines = @{+shift};
my @three_parts = map {
if (/^([^:]+):(\d+):(.*)$/) {
[ $1, $2, $3 ]
else {
} @lines;
my ($prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line) = (undef, undef, undef);
my @result = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@three_parts); ++$i) {
if (!defined($three_parts[$i])) {
if (defined($prev_file)) {
# $i-1 is last line of a match block
push @result, [ $prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line ];
($prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line) = (undef, undef, undef);
else {
# deplicate multiline-break.
else {
if (defined($prev_file)) {
# non-first lines of a match block
$prev_line = $prev_line . $three_parts[$i][2];
else {
# first line of a match block
($prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line) = @{$three_parts[$i]};
if (defined($prev_file)) {
push @result, [ $prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line ];
return @result;
sub merge_lines_multiline_break_disabled(\@) {
my @lines = @{+shift};
my @three_parts = map {/^([^:]+):(\d+):(.*)$/;
[ $1, $2, $3 ]} @lines;
my ($prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line) = @{$three_parts[0]};
my $prev_lineno_adjacent = $prev_lineno;
my @result = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@three_parts); ++$i) {
my ($file, $lineno, $line) = @{$three_parts[$i]};
if (($file eq $prev_file) && ($prev_lineno_adjacent + 1 == $lineno)) {
$prev_line = $prev_line . $line;
$prev_lineno_adjacent += 1;
else {
push @result, [ $prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line ];
($prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line) = ($file, $lineno, $line);
$prev_lineno_adjacent = $prev_lineno;
push @result, [ $prev_file, $prev_lineno, $prev_line ];
return @result;
sub merge_lines(\@) {
my @lines = @{+shift};
if (multiline_break_enabled()) {
print "multiline-break is enabled in ag\n";
return merge_lines_multiline_break_enabled(@lines);
else {
return merge_lines_multiline_break_disabled(@lines);
sub extract_all_callees($$) {
my ($line, $re_func_call) = @_;
my @callees = ();
while ($line =~ /$re_func_call/g) {
push @callees, { call => $1, prefix => $2, name => $3 };
return @callees;
sub simple_name($) {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/ //g;
$name =~ /(~?\w+\b)$/ ? $1 : $name;
sub scope($) {
$_[0] =~ /\b(\w+)\b::\s*(~?\w+\b)$/;
sub filename($) {
$_[0] =~ m{/([^/]+)\.\w+:\d+};
sub script_basename() {
get_path_of_script() =~ m{/([^/]+?)(?:\.\w+)?$};
sub is_pure_name($) {
all {'a' le $_ && $_ le 'z'} split //, +shift
sub extract_all_funcs(\%$$) {
my ($ignored, $trivial_threshold, $length_threshold) = @_;
my $multiline_break = "";
if (multiline_break_enabled()) {
$multiline_break = "--multiline-break";
print qq(ag -U $multiline_break -G $cpp_filename_pattern $ignore_pattern '$RE_FUNC_DEFINITION'), "\n";
my @matches = map {
} qx(ag -U $multiline_break -G $cpp_filename_pattern $ignore_pattern '$RE_FUNC_DEFINITION');
printf "extract lines: %d\n", scalar(@matches);
die "Current directory seems not a C/C++ project" if scalar(@matches) == 0;
my @func_file_line_def = merge_lines @matches;
printf "function definition after merge: %d\n", scalar(@func_file_line_def);
my $re_func_def_name = qr!$RE_FUNC_DEFINITION_NAME!;
my @func_def = map {$_->[2]} @func_file_line_def;
my @func_name = map {$_ =~ $re_func_def_name;
$1} @func_def;
my $re_func_call = qr!$RE_FUNC_CALL!;
printf "process callees: begin\n";
my @func_callees = map {
my (undef, @rest) = extract_all_callees($_, $re_func_call);
[ @rest ]
} @func_def;
printf "process callees: end\n";
# remove trivial functions;
my %func_count = ();
foreach my $callees (@func_callees) {
foreach my $callee (@$callees) {
my %trivial = map {$_ => 1} grep {
is_pure_name($_) && ($func_count{$_} > $trivial_threshold || length($_) < $length_threshold)
} (keys %func_count);
my %ignored = (%$ignored, %trivial);
my %reserved = map {$_ => simple_name($_)} grep {!exists $ignored{$_}} (keys %func_count);
my @func_file_line = map {$_->[0] . ":" . $_->[1]} @func_file_line_def;
my @func_simple_name = map {simple_name($_)} @func_name;
my %calling = ();
my %called = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@func_name); ++$i) {
my $file_info = $func_file_line[$i];
my $caller_name = $func_name[$i];
my $caller_simple_name = $func_simple_name[$i];
my $scope = scope($caller_name);
my $filename = filename($file_info);
my @callees = @{$func_callees[$i]};
foreach my $seq (0 .. $#callees) {$callees[$seq]{seq} = $seq}
my %callees = map {
if (defined($_->{prefix})) {
$_->{prefix} . "/" . $_->{name} => $_
else {
$_->{name} => $_
} grep {exists $reserved{$_->{name}}} @callees;
@callees = values %callees;
@callees = sort {$a->{seq} <=> $b->{seq}} @callees;
my %callee_name2simple = map {$_->{name} => simple_name($_->{name})} @callees;
my $caller_node = {
name => $caller_name,
simple_name => $caller_simple_name,
scope => $scope,
file_info => $file_info,
filename => $filename,
callees => [ @callees ],
if (!exists $calling{$caller_name}) {
$calling{$caller_name} = [];
push @{$calling{$caller_name}}, $caller_node;
if ($caller_name ne $caller_simple_name) {
if (!exists $calling{$caller_simple_name}) {
$calling{$caller_simple_name} = [];
push @{$calling{$caller_simple_name}}, $caller_node;
my %processed_callee_names = ();
for my $callee (@callees) {
my $callee_name = $callee->{name};
my $callee_simple_name = $callee_name2simple{$callee_name};
if (!exists $called{$callee_name}) {
$called{$callee_name} = [];
push @{$called{$callee_name}}, $caller_node;
$processed_callee_names{$callee_name} = 1;
if (($callee_name ne $callee_simple_name) && !exists $processed_callee_names{$callee_simple_name}) {
if (!exists $called{$callee_simple_name}) {
$called{$callee_simple_name} = [];
push @{$called{$callee_simple_name}}, $caller_node;
$processed_callee_names{$callee_simple_name} = 1;
my $calling_names = [ sort {$a cmp $b} keys %calling ];
my $called_names = [ sort {$a cmp $b} keys %called ];
return (\%calling, \%called, $calling_names, $called_names);
sub get_cached_or_extract_all_funcs(\%$$) {
my ($ignored, $trivial_threshold, $length_threshold) = @_;
$trivial_threshold = int($trivial_threshold);
$length_threshold = int($length_threshold);
my $suffix = "$trivial_threshold.$length_threshold";
my $script_basename = script_basename();
my $file = ".$script_basename.summary.$suffix.dat";
my @key = ((sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$ignored), $trivial_threshold, $length_threshold);
my $do_summary = sub() {
print "preprocess_all_cpp_files\n";
print "register_abnormal_shutdown_hook\n";
print "extract_all_funcs: begin\n";
my @result =
extract_all_funcs(%$ignored, $trivial_threshold, $length_threshold);
print "extract_all_funcs: end\n";
@SIG{keys %SIG} = qw/DEFAULT/ x (keys %SIG);
return @result;
my @result = get_cache_or_run_keyed(@key, $file, $do_summary);
return @result;
my @ignored = (
qw(for if while switch catch),
qw(VLOG LOG log warn log trace debug defined warn error fatal),
qw(static_cast reinterpret_cast const_cast dynamic_cast),
qw(return assert sizeof alignas),
qw(set get),
qw(printf assert ASSERT),
qw(UNLIKELY LIKELY unlikely likely)
sub get_env_or_default(&$$) {
my ($chk, $key, $default) = @_;
if (exists $ENV{$key}) {
my $value = $ENV{$key};
map {$chk->($_)} ($value);
return $value;
else {
return $default;
my $env_trivial_threshold = get_env_or_default {
die "Invariant 'calltree_trivial_threshold($_) > 0' is violated" unless int($_) > 0;
} qw/calltree_trivial_threshold 50/;
my $env_length_threshold = get_env_or_default {
die "Invalid 'calltree_length_threshold($_) > 1' is violated" unless int($_) > 1;
} qw/calltree_length_threshold 3/;
my %ignored = map {$_ => 1} @ignored;
my ($calling, $called, $calling_names, $called_names) = (undef, undef, undef, undef);
sub sub_tree($$$$$$$) {
my ($graph, $node, $level, $depth, $path, $get_id_and_child, $install_child) = @_;
my ($matched, $node_id, @child) = $get_id_and_child->($graph, $node);
return undef unless defined($node_id);
$node->{leaf} = "internal";
if (scalar(@child) == 0 || ($level + 1) >= $depth || exists $path->{$node_id}) {
if (scalar(@child) == 0) {
$node->{leaf} = "outermost";
elsif ($level >= $depth) {
$node->{leaf} = "deep";
elsif (exists $path->{$node_id}) {
$node->{leaf} = "recursive";
else {
# never reach here;
return $matched ? $node : undef;
# add node_id to path;
$path->{$node_id} = 1;
my @child_nodes = ();
foreach my $chd (@child) {
push @child_nodes, &sub_tree($graph, $chd, $level, $depth, $path, $get_id_and_child, $install_child);
# delete node_id from path;
delete $path->{$node_id};
@child_nodes = grep {defined($_)} @child_nodes;
if (@child_nodes) {
$install_child->($node, [ @child_nodes ]);
return $node;
else {
$install_child->($node, []);
return $matched ? $node : undef;
use List::Util qw/min max/;
sub lev_dist($$) {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my ($a_len, $b_len) = (0, 0);
$a_len = length($a) if defined($a);
$b_len = length($b) if defined($b);
return $b_len if $a_len == 0;
return $a_len if $b_len == 0;
my @a = split //, lc $a;
my @b = split //, lc $b;
my ($ii, $jj) = ($a_len + 1, $b_len + 1);
my @d = map {[ (0) x $jj ]} 1 .. $ii;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $ii; ++$i) {
$d[$i][0] = $i;
for (my $j = 0; $j < $jj; ++$j) {
$d[0][$j] = $j;
for (my $i = 1; $i < $ii; ++$i) {
for (my $j = 1; $j < $jj; ++$j) {
my ($ci, $cj) = ($a[$i - 1], $b[$j - 1]);
if ($ci eq $cj) {
$d[$i][$j] = $d[$i - 1][$j - 1];
else {
$d[$i][$j] = 1 + min($d[$i - 1][$j], $d[$i][$j - 1], $d[$i - 1][$j - 1]);
return $d[-1][-1];
sub lev_dist_score($$) {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($a) && defined($b) && length($a) > 0 && length($b) > 0;
my $dist = lev_dist($a, $b);
return $dist == -1 ? 0 : 1000 - $dist;
sub substr_score($$) {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($a) && defined($b) && length($a) > 0 && length($b) > 0;
$a = lc $a;
$b = lc $b;
if ((index $b, $a) != -1) {
return 1000;
else {
return 0;
sub abbr_score($$) {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return 0 unless defined($a) && defined($b) && length($a) > 0 && length($b) > 0;
$a = lc $a;
my $b0 = lc join "", grep {"A" le $_ && $_ le "Z"} split //, $b;
my $b1 = lc join "", grep {my $chr = $_;
all {$chr ne $_} qw/a e i o u/} split //, $b;
my $score0 = 0;
my $score1 = 0;
$score0 = substr_score($a, $b0) if length($b0) > 1;
$score1 = substr_score($a, $b1) if length($b1) > 1;
return max($score0, $score1);
sub score(\%;@) {
my ($data, @rules) = (@_, sub {0});
max(map {$_->($data)} @rules);
sub default_score(\%) {
my $data = shift;
my %rules = (
rule_prefix_scope_abbr => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
abbr_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{scope});
rule_prefix_scope_substr => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
substr_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{scope});
rule_prefix_scope_lev_dist => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
lev_dist_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{scope});
rule_prefix_filename_abbr => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
abbr_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{filename});
rule_prefix_filename_substr => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
substr_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{filename});
rule_prefix_filename_lev_dist => sub($) {
my $d = shift;
lev_dist_score($d->{prefix}, $d->{filename});
return score(%$data, values %rules);
sub called_tree($$$$$) {
my ($called_graph, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth) = @_;
my $get_id_and_child = sub($$) {
my ($called_graph, $node) = @_;
my $name = $node->{name};
my $simple_name = simple_name($name);
my $file_info = $node->{file_info};
my $unique_id = "$file_info:$name";
if ($file_info ne "" && $file_info =~ /$files_excluded/) {
return (undef, undef);
my $matched = $name =~ /$filter/;
if (!exists $called_graph->{$simple_name}) {
return ($matched, $unique_id);
else {
# deep copy
my @child = map {
my $child = {
name => $_->{name},
simple_name => $_->{simple_name},
file_info => $_->{file_info},
} @{$called_graph->{$simple_name}};
return ($matched, $unique_id, @child);
my $install_child = sub($$) {
my ($node, $child) = @_;
$node->{child} = $child;
my $node = {
name => $name,
simple_name => $name,
file_info => "",
return &sub_tree($called_graph, $node, 0, $depth, {}, $get_id_and_child, $install_child);
sub fuzzy_called_tree($$$$$$) {
my ($called_names, $called, $name_pattern, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth) = @_;
my $root = { file_info => "", name => $name_pattern, leaf => undef };
my @names = grep {/$name_pattern/} @$called_names;
$root->{child} = [
grep {defined($_)} map {
&called_tree($called, $_, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth);
} @names
return $root;
sub unified_called_tree($$$$) {
my ($name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth) = @_;
if (exists $called->{$name}) {
return &called_tree($called, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth);
else {
return &fuzzy_called_tree($called_names, $called, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth);
sub calling_tree($$$$$$) {
my ($calling_graph, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth, $uniques) = @_;
my $new_variant_node = sub($) {
my ($node) = @_;
my $call = $node->{name};
my $callees = [ map {+{ %$_ }} @{$node->{callees}} ];
my $clone_node = +{
branch_type => "callees",
call => $call,
callees => $callees,
return $clone_node;
my $new_callee_or_match_node = sub($) {
my ($callee) = @_;
my $name = $callee->{name};
my $call = $callee->{call};
my $simple_name = simple_name($name);
unless (is_pure_name($name)) {
if (exists $calling_graph->{$name} && scalar(@{$calling_graph->{$name}}) == 1) {
my $node = $new_variant_node->($calling->{$name}[0]);
$node->{origin_call} = $call;
return $node;
if (exists $calling_graph->{$simple_name} && scalar(@{$calling_graph->{$simple_name}}) == 1) {
my $node = $new_variant_node->($calling->{$simple_name}[0]);
$node->{origin_call} = $call;
my $node = +{
simple_name => $simple_name,
file_info => "",
branch_type => 'variants',
return $node;
my $get_id_and_child = sub($$) {
my ($calling_graph, $node) = @_;
my $name = $node->{name};
my $call = $node->{call};
my $simple_name = simple_name($name);
my $branch_type = $node->{branch_type};
my $file_info = $node->{file_info};
my $unique_id = "$file_info:$call";
$uniques->{"$file_info.$name"} = 1;
if ($file_info ne "" && $file_info =~ /$files_excluded/) {
return (undef, undef);
my $matched = $simple_name =~ /$filter/;
if ($branch_type eq "variants") {
my $variant_nodes = undef;
if (exists $calling_graph->{$name}) {
$variant_nodes = $calling_graph->{$name};
elsif (exists $calling_graph->{$simple_name}) {
$variant_nodes = $calling_graph->{$simple_name};
unless (defined($variant_nodes) && scalar(@$variant_nodes) > 0) {
return ($matched, $unique_id);
my @variant_nodes = map {
} @$variant_nodes;
if (exists $node->{prefix}) {
my $prefix = $node->{prefix};
my @variant_nodes_and_scores =
sort {
$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]
} map {
my %d = (
prefix => $prefix,
scope =>, $_->{scope},
filename => $_->{filename},
[ default_score(%d), $_ ]
} @variant_nodes;
# exact match
my @exact_variant_nodes = map {$_->[1]} grep {$_->[0] >= 999} @variant_nodes_and_scores;
if (scalar(@exact_variant_nodes) > 0) {
return ($matched, $unique_id, @exact_variant_nodes);
# approximate match
my @approx_variant_nodes = map {$_->[1]} grep {$_->[0] >= 995} @variant_nodes_and_scores;
if (scalar(@approx_variant_nodes) > 0) {
return ($matched, $unique_id, @approx_variant_nodes);
# no match
return ($matched, $unique_id, @variant_nodes);
else {
return ($matched, $unique_id, @variant_nodes);
else {
my @callee_nodes = map {
} @{$node->{callees}};
return ($matched, $unique_id, @callee_nodes);
my $install_child = sub($$) {
my ($node, $child) = @_;
$node->{child} = $child;
my $node = $new_callee_or_match_node->({ name => $name, call => $name, simple_name => $name });
return &sub_tree($calling_graph, $node, 0, $depth, {}, $get_id_and_child, $install_child);
sub adjust_calling_tree($) {
my ($root) = @_;
return undef unless defined($root);
return $root unless exists $root->{child};
return $root if is_pure_name($root->{name});
my @child = map {&adjust_calling_tree($_)} @{$root->{child}};
if (($root->{branch_type} eq "variants") && (scalar(@child) == 1)) {
my $node = $child[0];
$node->{origin_call} = $root->{call};
return $node;
else {
$root->{child} = [ @child ];
return $root;
sub fuzzy_calling_tree($$$$$$) {
my ($calling_names, $calling_graph, $name_pattern, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth) = @_;
my @names = grep {/$name_pattern/} @$calling_names;
my @trees = ();
my $uniques = {};
for my $name (@names) {
my $child0 = $calling_graph->{$name}[0];
my $child0_file_info = $child0->{file_info};
my $child0_name = $child0->{name};
my $child0_unique_id = "$child0_file_info.$child0_name";
next if exists $uniques->{$child0_unique_id};
my $tree = calling_tree($calling_graph, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth, $uniques);
push @trees, $tree if defined($tree);
return {
name => $name_pattern,
simple_name => $name_pattern,
file_info => "",
branch_type => "matches",
child => [ @trees ],
sub unified_calling_tree($$$$) {
my ($name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth) = @_;
my $root = undef;
if (exists $calling->{$name}) {
$root = &calling_tree($calling, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth * 2, {});
else {
$root = &fuzzy_calling_tree($calling_names, $calling, $name, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth * 2);
return &adjust_calling_tree($root);
sub format_tree($$\&\&) {
my ($root, $verbose, $get_entry, $get_child) = @_;
unless (defined($root) && %$root) {
return ();
my $entry = $get_entry->($root, $verbose);
my @child = $get_child->($root);
my @result = ($entry);
if (scalar(@child) == 0) {
return @result;
my $last_child = pop @child;
foreach my $chd (@child) {
my ($first, @rest) = &format_tree($chd, $verbose, $get_entry, $get_child);
push @result, "├── $first";
push @result, map {"│   $_"} @rest;
my ($first, @rest) = &format_tree($last_child, $verbose, $get_entry, $get_child);
push @result, "└── $first";
push @result, map {" $_"} @rest;
return @result;
my $isatty = -t STDOUT;
sub get_entry_of_called_tree($$) {
my ($node, $verbose) = @_;
my $name = $node->{name};
my $file_info = $node->{file_info};
if ($file_info) {
$file_info =~ s/:/ +/g;
$file_info = "vim $file_info";
$name = $isatty ? "\e[33;32;1m$name\e[m" : $name;
if (defined($verbose) && defined($file_info) && length($file_info) > 0) {
$name = "$name\t[$file_info]";
return $name;
sub get_child_of_called_tree($) {
my $node = shift;
return exists $node->{child} ? @{$node->{child}} : ();
sub format_called_tree($$) {
my ($root, $verbose) = @_;
my @lines = format_tree($root, $verbose, &get_entry_of_called_tree, &get_child_of_called_tree);
return map {" $_"} ("", @lines, "");
sub get_entry_of_calling_tree($$) {
my ($node, $verbose) = @_;
my $name = $node->{name};
my $branch_type = $node->{branch_type};
my $file_info = $node->{file_info};
my $leaf = $node->{leaf};
if ($file_info) {
$file_info =~ s/:/ +/g;
$file_info = "vim $file_info";
if ($isatty) {
if ($branch_type eq "matches") {
$name = "\e[97;35;1m$name\e[m";
elsif ($branch_type eq "variants") {
my $call = $node->{call};
if ($leaf eq "internal") {
$name = "\e[91;33;1m+ $call\e[m";
elsif ($leaf eq "outermost") {
#$name = "\e[95;31;1m$call\e[m\e[91;38;2m\t[out-of-tree]\e[m";
$name = "\e[95;31;1m$call\e[m";
elsif ($leaf eq "recursive") {
$name = "\e[32;36;1m$name\t[recursive]\e[m";
else {
$name = "\e[33;32;1m$call\e[m";
elsif ($branch_type eq "callees") {
my $before_at = "";
if (exists $node->{origin_call} && defined($node->{origin_call})) {
my $origin_call = $node->{origin_call};
if ($origin_call ne $name) {
$before_at = "\e[91;33;1m$origin_call\e[m @ ";
if ($leaf eq "recursive") {
$name = "$before_at\e[32;36;1m$name\t[recursive]\e[m";
else {
$name = "$before_at\e[33;32;1m$name\e[m";
else {
if ($branch_type eq "variants" && $leaf eq "outermost") {
$name = "$name\t[OUT-OF-TREE]";
elsif ($branch_type eq "variants" && $leaf eq "internal") {
$name = "$name [+]";
elsif ($branch_type eq "callees" && $leaf eq "recursive") {
$name = "$name\t[RECURSIVE]";
if (defined($verbose) && defined($file_info) && length($file_info) > 0) {
$name = $name . "\t[" . $file_info . "]";
return $name;
sub group_by(&;@) {
my ($part_func, @values) = @_;
my @pairs = map {[ $part_func->($_), $_ ]} @values;
my %group = ();
for my $p (@pairs) {
my ($key, $val) = ($p->[0], $p->[1]);
if (!exists $group{$key}) {
$group{$key} = [];
push @{$group{$key}}, $val;
return %group;
sub outermost_tree($$) {
my ($name, $files_excluded) = @_;
my %names = map {
$_ => 1
} grep {
} grep {
($_ =~ /$name/)
} @$calling_names;
my @names = grep {!exists $called->{$_}} sort {$a cmp $b} keys %names;
my @trees = grep {defined($_)} map {calling_tree($calling, $_, "\\w+", $files_excluded, 2, {})} @names;
@trees = map {
($_->{branch_type} eq "variants" ? @{$_->{child}} : $_);
} @trees;
@trees = map {
$_->{child} = [];
$_->{leaf} = "internal";
} @trees;
my %trees = group_by {$_->{file_info}} @trees;
@trees = sort {
$a->{name} cmp $b->{name}
} map {
} values %trees;
return {
name => $name,
simple_name => $name,
file_info => "",
branch_type => "matches",
child => [ @trees ],
sub innermost_tree($$) {
my ($name, $files_excluded) = @_;
my %names = map {
$_ => 1
} grep {
($_ =~ /$name/) && ($_ !~ /^~/);
} map {
} @$called_names;
my @names = grep {!exists $calling->{$_}} sort {$a cmp $b} keys %names;
my @trees = grep {defined($_)} map {called_tree($called, $_, "\\w+", $files_excluded, 1)} @names;
@trees = map {
$_->{child} = [];
} @trees;
return {
name => $name,
simple_name => $name,
file_info => "",
child => [ @trees ],
sub get_child_of_calling_tree($) {
my $node = shift;
return exists $node->{child} ? @{$node->{child}} : ();
sub format_calling_tree($$) {
my ($root, $verbose) = @_;
my @lines = format_tree($root, $verbose, &get_entry_of_calling_tree, &get_child_of_calling_tree);
return map {" $_"} ("", @lines, "");
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
sub cached_sha256_file(@) {
my @data = (@_);
my $script_basename = script_basename();
return ".$script_basename.result.cached." . sha256_hex(@data);
my @key = (@ARGV, $isatty, $env_trivial_threshold, $env_length_threshold);
my $func = shift || die "missing function name";
my $filter = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $verbose = shift;
my $depth = shift;
my $files_excluded = shift;
$filter = (defined($filter) && $filter ne "") ? $filter : ".*";
$mode = (defined($mode) && int($mode) >= 0) ? int($mode) : 1;
$verbose = (defined($verbose) && $verbose ne "0") ? "verbose" : undef;
$depth = (defined($depth) && int($depth) > 0) ? int($depth) : 3;
$files_excluded = (defined($files_excluded) && $files_excluded ne "") ? $files_excluded : '^$';
sub show_tree() {
($calling, $called, $calling_names, $called_names) =
get_cached_or_extract_all_funcs(%ignored, $env_trivial_threshold, $env_length_threshold);
if ($mode == 0) {
my $tree = unified_calling_tree($func, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth);
my @lines = format_calling_tree($tree, $verbose);
return join qq//, map {"$_\n"} @lines;
elsif ($mode == 1) {
my $tree = unified_called_tree($func, $filter, $files_excluded, $depth);
my @lines = format_called_tree($tree, $verbose);
return join qq//, map {"$_\n"} @lines;
elsif ($mode == 2) {
my $tree = outermost_tree($func, $files_excluded);
my @lines = format_calling_tree($tree, $verbose);
return join qq//, map {"$_\n"} @lines;
elsif ($mode == 3) {
my $tree = innermost_tree($func, $files_excluded);
my @lines = format_called_tree($tree, $verbose);
return join qq//, map {"$_\n"} @lines;
print get_cache_or_run_keyed(@key, cached_sha256_file(@key), \&show_tree);
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:shun_dev/cpp_etudes.git
