My Resume and LaTeX Template
**Weitian LI** `<[email protected]>`
This repository holds my [resume](resume-zh+en.pdf) (Chinese and English),
the [resume LaTeX template](resume.cls),
and the [Font Awesome 5 LaTeX style](fontawesome5/fontawesome5.sty).
This template is based on the
[YACC: Another Awesome CV](
by Christophe Roger, which is further based on the
[Plasmati Graduate CV](
by Alessandro Plasmati.
Font Awesome 5
I wrote a simple tool [``](fontawesome5/,
which will download the latest icon list from the
[Font Awesome]( project
and then generate the LaTeX style file for using the latest
**Font Awesome 5** fonts (the *free* edition) in LaTeX.
This Python script requires the [`PyYAML`](
package, which can be installed with `pip3 install --user PyYAML`
or `sudo apt install python3-yaml`.
A pre-generated style file [`fontawesome5.sty`](fontawesome5/fontawesome5.sty)
(matches Font Awesome **v5.10.1**) is also provided.
The Font Awesome fonts are designed by the
[Font Awesome project](
and can be obtained from [here](
All the following 3 fonts should be installed into the system:
* Font Awesome 5 Free
(generic icons in regular style, much less than the solid style)
* Font Awesome 5 Free Solid
(generic icons in solid style)
* Font Awesome 5 Free Brands
(various brand icons)
i.e., the following 3 OTF files are needed:
* `Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf`
* `Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf`
* `Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf`
Required Fonts
Besides the Font Awesome fonts, this template also requires the following
opensource fonts:
* [IBM Plex]( (Serif, Mono)
Download the `` archive from the
[releases]( page,
and then extract the `IBM-Plex-Serif` and `IBM-Plex-Mono` directories
and install them.
* [Source Han Serif](
The OTF font files for *Simplified Chinese* can be downloaded from
Just download all the weight variants:
ExtraLight, Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, Heavy.
Of course, you can use the fonts you prefer by modifying the template directly.
However, you may need to tweak the column width accordingly.
Fonts Installation
On **Linux** systems, create a directory for each font family under
`~/.local/share/fonts`, then copy the font files (OTF or TTF) over,
then execute `fc-cache -f` to refresh the font cache, done.
Take the *Font Awesome* font family as an example:
1. `mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts/FontAwesome`
2. `cp <font-awesome-otf-files> ~/.local/share/fonts/FontAwesome/`
3. `fc-cache -fv`
4. check the fonts correctly installed: `fc-list | grep 'FontAwesome'`
* The LaTeX class [`resume.cls`](resume.cls) is distributed under the
[LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) Version 1.3c](
* The tool [``](fontawesome5/
is distributed under the
[MIT License](
* All content files are published under the
[CC BY 4.0 License](