The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.
最近更新: 1天前RT-Thread是一个来自中国的开源物联网操作系统,它提供了非常强的可伸缩能力:从一个可以运行在ARM Cortex-M0芯片上的极小内核,到中等的ARM Cortex-M3/4/7系统,甚至是多核,64位的ARM Cortex-A,MIPS32/64处理器的功能丰富系统
Rust-Shyper is an embedded type-1 hypervisor built with Rust, which has both high performance and high reliability. We have proposed low overhead VM migration and hypervisor live-update mechanisms to enable Rust-Shyper to tolerate hardware faults at runtime and dynamically fix hypervisor bugs.
最近更新: 14天前RISC-V Linux 内核兴趣小组协作仓库;泰晓社区已推出专用 RISC-V 实验盘和实验箱,欢迎移步泰晓科技 B 站工房选购,
最近更新: 1个月前Linux 内核实验室 —— 基于 Docker/Qemu 的极速 Linux 内核学习、开发和测试环境。社区制作了多款免安装的随身Linux Lab系统盘,某宝检索”泰晓 Linux"快速体验
最近更新: 2个月前