# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from . jv_builder_base import JVBuilderBase
from . jv_utils import Units
from math import radians, sqrt, sin, cos
import bmesh
import bpy
class JVSiding(JVBuilderBase):
is_cutable = True
is_convertible = True
def draw(props, layout):
converted = props.convert_source_object is not None
layout.prop(props, "siding_pattern", icon="MOD_TRIANGULATE")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "height")
row.prop(props, "length")
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "shiplap", "dutch_lap", "clapboard"):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "board_width_medium")
row.prop(props, "board_length_long")
elif props.siding_pattern == "brick":
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "brick_height")
row.prop(props, "brick_length")
elif props.siding_pattern in ("shakes", "scallop_shakes"):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "shake_length")
row.prop(props, "shake_width")
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "shiplap"):
layout.prop(props, "orientation", icon="ORIENTATION_VIEW")
if props.siding_pattern == "dutch_lap":
layout.prop(props, "dutch_lap_breakpoint")
# width variance
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "shiplap", "dutch_lap", "clapboard", "shakes"):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_width", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_width:
row.prop(props, "width_variance")
# length variance
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "shiplap", "dutch_lap", "clapboard"):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_length", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_length:
row.prop(props, "length_variance")
# scallop resolution
if props.siding_pattern == "scallop_shakes":
layout.prop(props, "scallop_resolution")
# battens
if props.siding_pattern == "regular" and props.orientation == "vertical":
box = layout.box()
box.prop(props, "battens", icon="SNAP_EDGE")
if props.battens:
box.prop(props, "batten_width")
row = box.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_batten_width", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_batten_width:
row.prop(props, "batten_width_variance")
# jointing
if not converted and props.siding_pattern == "brick":
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "joint_left", icon="ALIGN_RIGHT")
row.prop(props, "joint_right", icon="ALIGN_LEFT")
# row offset
if props.siding_pattern in ("shakes", "scallop_shakes") or \
(props.siding_pattern == "brick" and not props.joint_right and not props.joint_left):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_row_offset", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_row_offset:
row.prop(props, "row_offset_variance")
row.prop(props, "row_offset")
# thickness and variance
if props.siding_pattern not in ("tin_regular", "tin_angular"):
box = layout.box()
if props.siding_pattern == "brick":
box.prop(props, "thickness_thick")
elif props.siding_pattern in ("clapboard", "shakes", "scallop_shakes"):
box.prop(props, "thickness_thin")
box.prop(props, "thickness")
# NOTE: we cannot have varying thickness if battens are involved
if props.siding_pattern in ("dutch_lap", "brick", "shiplap") or \
(props.siding_pattern == "regular" and not props.battens):
row = box.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_thickness", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_thickness:
row.prop(props, "thickness_variance")
# gaps
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "dutch_lap", "clapboard", "brick", "shakes", "scallop_shakes"):
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "gap_uniform")
elif props.siding_pattern == "shiplap":
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "gap_widthwise")
row.prop(props, "gap_lengthwise")
# grout/mortar
if props.siding_pattern == "brick":
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "add_grout", text="Add Mortar?", icon="MOD_WIREFRAME")
if props.add_grout:
row.prop(props, "grout_depth", text="Mortar Depth")
# slope
if not converted:
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.prop(props, "slope_top", icon="LINCURVE")
if props.slope_top:
row.prop(props, "pitch")
box.row().prop(props, "pitch_offset")
def update(props, context):
mortar_mesh = None
if props.convert_source_object is not None:
mesh = JVSiding._generate_mesh_from_converted_object(props, context, rot_offset=(-radians(90), 0, 0))
if props.siding_pattern == "brick" and props.add_grout:
mortar_mesh = JVSiding._generate_mesh_from_converted_object(props, context,
rot_offset=(-radians(90), 0, 0),
mesh = JVSiding._start(context)
verts, faces = JVSiding._geometry(props, (props.length, props.height))
for v in verts:
for f in faces:
mesh.faces.new([mesh.verts[i] for i in f])
if props.siding_pattern == "brick" and props.add_grout:
mortar_mesh = bmesh.new()
*JVSiding._mortar_geometry(props, (props.length, props.height)))
# cut top and right
if props.siding_pattern in ("dutch_lap", "shiplap", "tin_regular", "tin_angular", "scallop_shakes"):
JVSiding._cut_meshes([mesh], [
((0, 0, props.height), (0, 0, -1)), # top
((props.length, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)) # right
# cut left
if props.siding_pattern == "scallop_shakes":
JVSiding._cut_meshes([mesh], [((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))])
# cut slope
if props.slope_top:
meshes = [mesh]
if mortar_mesh is not None:
JVSiding._slope_top(props, meshes)
# cutouts
if props.add_cutouts:
JVSiding._cutouts(mesh, props, context.object.matrix_world)
if mortar_mesh is not None:
JVSiding._cutouts(mortar_mesh, props, context.object.matrix_world)
original_edges = mesh.edges[:]
original_mortar_edges = [] if mortar_mesh is None else mortar_mesh.edges[:]
new_geometry = []
# solidify - add thickness to props.thickness level
if props.siding_pattern in ("regular", "brick"):
th = props.thickness_thick if props.siding_pattern == "brick" else props.thickness
new_geometry = JVSiding._solidify(mesh,
JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_thickness, th,
# solidify - add thickness, non-variable
elif props.siding_pattern in ("clapboard", "shakes", "scallop_shakes"):
new_geometry = JVSiding._solidify(mesh, props.thickness_thin)
# solidify - just add slight thickness
elif props.siding_pattern == "dutch_lap":
new_geometry = JVSiding._solidify(mesh, Units.ETH_INCH)
# add main material index
JVSiding._add_material_index(mesh.faces, 0)
# solidify mortar
if mortar_mesh is not None:
th = props.thickness_thick * (1 - (props.grout_depth / 100))
mortar_new_geometry = JVSiding._solidify(mortar_mesh, th)
JVSiding._add_uv_seams_for_solidified_plane(mortar_new_geometry, original_mortar_edges, mortar_mesh)
# add uv seams
if props.siding_pattern != "shiplap":
JVSiding._add_uv_seams_for_solidified_plane(new_geometry, original_edges, mesh)
JVSiding._finish(context, mesh)
# merge mortar object with current object
if mortar_mesh is not None:
JVSiding._add_material_index(mortar_mesh.faces, 1)
main_obj = context.object
context.object.location = main_obj.location
context.view_layer.objects.active = main_obj
bpy.ops.object.join() # merge the objects
def _geometry(props, dims: tuple):
verts, faces = [], []
# dynamically call correct method as their names will match up with the style name
getattr(JVSiding, "_{}".format(props.siding_pattern))(dims, props, verts, faces)
return verts, faces
def _regular(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap = props.board_length_long, props.board_width_medium, props.gap_uniform
batten_width, by = props.batten_width, -props.thickness
width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, width, props.width_variance)
length_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_length, length, props.length_variance)
batten_width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_batten_width, batten_width,
upper_x, upper_z = dims
if props.orientation == "vertical":
x = 0
while x < upper_x:
z = 0
cur_width = width_variance()
while z < upper_z:
cur_length = length_variance()
trimmed_width = min(cur_width, upper_x-x)
trimmed_length = min(cur_length, upper_z-z)
verts += [
(x, 0, z),
(x+trimmed_width, 0, z),
(x+trimmed_width, 0, z+trimmed_length),
(x, 0, z+trimmed_length)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
z += cur_length + gap
x += cur_width + gap
# battens
if props.battens and not props.vary_thickness:
bw = batten_width_variance()
tx = x - (gap / 2) - (bw / 2)
if tx < upper_x:
bw = min(bw, upper_x-tx)
tz = 0
while tz < upper_z:
bl = length_variance()
bl = min(bl, upper_z-tz)
verts += [
(tx, by, tz),
(tx+bw, by, tz),
(tx+bw, by, tz+bl),
(tx, by, tz+bl)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
tz += bl + gap
z = 0
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
cur_width = width_variance()
while x < upper_x:
cur_length = length_variance()
trimmed_width = min(cur_width, upper_z - z)
trimmed_length = min(cur_length, upper_x - x)
verts += [
(x, 0, z),
(x + trimmed_length, 0, z),
(x + trimmed_length, 0, z+trimmed_width),
(x, 0, z+trimmed_width)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += cur_length + gap
z += cur_width + gap
def _dutch_lap(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap, th = props.board_length_long, props.board_width_medium, props.gap_uniform, props.thickness
break_p = props.dutch_lap_breakpoint / 100
width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, width, props.width_variance)
length_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_length, length, props.length_variance)
thickness_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_thickness, th, props.thickness_variance)
z = 0
upper_x, upper_z = dims
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
cur_width = width_variance()
break_width = cur_width * break_p
y = thickness_variance() # do thickness per row
while x < upper_x:
cur_length = length_variance()
for xx in (x, x+cur_length):
verts += [
(xx, 0, z),
(xx, -y, z),
(xx, -y, z+break_width),
(xx, 0, z+cur_width)
p = len(verts) - 8
(p, p+1, p+5, p+4),
(p+1, p+2, p+6, p+5),
(p+2, p+3, p+7, p+6)
x += cur_length + gap
z += cur_width + Units.ETH_INCH # shift up width + thickness
def _shiplap(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, th = props.board_length_long, props.board_width_medium, props.thickness
gap_length, gap_width = props.gap_lengthwise, props.gap_widthwise
length_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_length, length, props.length_variance)
width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, width, props.width_variance)
thickness_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_thickness, th, props.thickness_variance)
upper_x, upper_z = dims
if props.orientation == "vertical":
x = 0
while x < upper_x:
z = 0
dx, y = width_variance(), -thickness_variance()
while z < upper_z:
dz = length_variance()
p = len(verts)
for zz in (z, z+dz):
verts += [
(x, 0, zz),
(x, y, zz),
(x+dx, y, zz),
(x+dx, 0, zz),
(x+dx+gap_width, 0, zz)
# faces
for _ in range(4):
faces.append((p, p+1, p+6, p+5))
p += 1
z += dz + gap_length
x += dx + gap_width
z = 0
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
dz, y = width_variance(), -thickness_variance()
while x < upper_x:
dx = length_variance()
p = len(verts)
for xx in (x, x+dx):
verts += [
(xx, 0, z),
(xx, y, z),
(xx, y, z+dz),
(xx, 0, z+dz),
(xx, 0, z+dz+gap_width)
# faces
for _ in range(4):
faces.append((p, p+1, p+6, p+5))
p += 1
x += dx + gap_length
z += dz + gap_width
def _clapboard(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap = props.board_length_long, props.board_width_medium, props.gap_uniform
th = props.thickness_thin
length_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_length, length, props.length_variance)
width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, width, props.width_variance)
z = 0
upper_x, upper_z = dims
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
vertical_width = sqrt(width_variance()**2 - th**2)
while x < upper_x:
length = length_variance()
trimmed_length = min(length, upper_x-x)
trimmed_width = min(vertical_width, upper_z-z)
verts += [
(x, -th, z),
(x+trimmed_length, -th, z),
(x+trimmed_length, 0, z+trimmed_width),
(x, 0, z+trimmed_width)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += length + gap
z += vertical_width
def _tin_regular(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
ridge_steps = (
(0, 0),
(Units.H_INCH, Units.TQ_INCH),
(5*Units.ETH_INCH, 7*Units.ETH_INCH),
(11*Units.STH_INCH, Units.INCH),
(17*Units.STH_INCH, Units.INCH),
(9*Units.ETH_INCH, 7*Units.ETH_INCH),
(5*Units.Q_INCH, 3*Units.Q_INCH)
valley_steps = (
(0, 0),
(13*Units.ETH_INCH, 0),
(15*Units.ETH_INCH, Units.ETH_INCH),
(21*Units.ETH_INCH, Units.ETH_INCH)
upper_x = dims[0]
offset_between_valley_accents = 23*Units.ETH_INCH
for z in (0, dims[1]):
x = 0
while x < upper_x+offset_between_valley_accents:
for step in ridge_steps:
verts.append((x+step[0], -step[1], z))
x += 7*Units.Q_INCH
for _ in range(2):
for step in valley_steps:
verts.append((x+step[0], -step[1], z))
x += offset_between_valley_accents
verts.append((x, 0, z)) # finish valley ridge
x += offset_between_valley_accents-Units.INCH
# faces
offset = len(verts) // 2
for i in range(offset-1):
faces.append((i, i+1, i+offset+1, i+offset))
def _tin_angular(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
pan = 3*Units.INCH
ridge_steps = ((0, 0), (Units.H_INCH, 5*Units.Q_INCH), (3*Units.H_INCH, 5*Units.Q_INCH), (2*Units.INCH, 0))
valley_steps = ((0, 0), (pan, 0), (pan + Units.Q_INCH, Units.ETH_INCH), (pan + 3*Units.H_INCH, Units.ETH_INCH))
upper_x = dims[0]
for z in (0, dims[1]):
x = 0
while x < upper_x+pan:
for step in ridge_steps:
verts.append((x+step[0], -step[1], z))
x += 2 * Units.INCH
for _ in range(2):
for step in valley_steps:
verts.append((x+step[0], -step[1], z))
x += pan + 7*Units.Q_INCH
verts.append((x, 0, z))
x += pan
# faces
offset = len(verts) // 2
for i in range(offset - 1):
faces.append((i, i + 1, i + offset + 1, i + offset))
def _brick(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, height, gap, th = props.brick_length, props.brick_height, props.gap_uniform, props.thickness_thick
first_length_for_fixed_offset = length * (props.row_offset / 100)
if first_length_for_fixed_offset == 0:
first_length_for_fixed_offset = length
offset_length_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_row_offset, length / 2,
z = 0
odd = False
upper_x, upper_z = dims
while z < upper_z:
if odd and props.joint_left:
x = -th - gap
x = 0
trimmed_height = min(height, upper_z-z)
while x < upper_x:
cur_length = length
if x == 0:
if odd and not props.vary_row_offset:
cur_length = first_length_for_fixed_offset
elif props.vary_row_offset:
cur_length = offset_length_variance()
if not odd and props.joint_right:
trimmed_length = min(cur_length, upper_x + th + gap - x)
trimmed_length = min(cur_length, upper_x - x)
verts += [
(x, 0, z),
(x+trimmed_length, 0, z),
(x+trimmed_length, 0, z+trimmed_height),
(x, 0, z+trimmed_height)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += cur_length + gap
z += height + gap
odd = not odd
def _shakes(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap = props.shake_length, props.shake_width, props.gap_uniform
th_y, hl = -2 * props.thickness_thin, length / 2
first_width_for_fixed_offset = width * (props.row_offset / 100)
if first_width_for_fixed_offset == 0:
first_width_for_fixed_offset = width
offset_width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_row_offset, width / 2,
width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, width, props.width_variance)
upper_x, upper_z = dims
# bottom row backing layer
verts += [
(0, th_y / 2, 0),
(upper_x, th_y / 2, 0),
(upper_x, 0, hl),
(0, 0, hl)
faces.append((0, 3, 2, 1))
z = 0
odd = False
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
while x < upper_x:
cur_width = width_variance()
if x == 0:
if odd and not props.vary_row_offset:
cur_width = first_width_for_fixed_offset
elif props.vary_row_offset:
cur_width = offset_width_variance()
dx = min(cur_width, upper_x-x)
dz = min(length, upper_z-z)
verts += [
(x, th_y, z),
(x+dx, th_y, z),
(x+dx, 0, z+dz),
(x, 0, z+dz)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += cur_width + gap
z += hl
odd = not odd
def _scallop_shakes(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap, th = props.shake_length, props.shake_width, props.gap_uniform, props.thickness_thin
rad, res = width / 2, props.scallop_resolution
rest_z, ang_step = length - rad, radians(180 / (res+1))
th_y, y_slope = -th, -th / rest_z
first_width_for_fixed_offset = width * (props.row_offset / 100)
if first_width_for_fixed_offset == width:
first_width_for_fixed_offset = 0
offset_width_variance = JVSiding._create_variance_function(props.vary_row_offset, width / 2,
upper_x, upper_z = dims
odd = False
z = rad
while z < upper_z:
x = 0
if odd and not props.vary_row_offset:
x = -first_width_for_fixed_offset
elif props.vary_row_offset:
x = -offset_width_variance()
while x < upper_x:
cx = x + rad
top = z+rest_z
p = len(verts)
for i in range(res+2):
ang = ang_step * i
dx = rad * cos(ang)
dz = rad * sin(ang)
verts += [(cx-dx, th_y + (y_slope*dz), z-dz), (cx-dx, 0, top)]
# faces
for i in range(res+1):
faces.append((p, p+1, p+3, p+2))
p += 2
x += width + gap
odd = not odd
z += rest_z
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