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jv_flooring.py 22.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
sambler 提交于 2019-07-16 19:15 . updates from external repos
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from . jv_builder_base import JVBuilderBase
from math import sqrt, cos, tan, radians
class JVFlooring(JVBuilderBase):
is_cutable = True
is_convertible = True
def draw(props, layout):
layout.prop(props, "flooring_pattern", icon="MESH_GRID")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "width")
row.prop(props, "length")
row = layout.row()
# length and width - wood-like
if props.flooring_pattern == "regular":
row.prop(props, "board_width_medium")
row.prop(props, "board_length_medium")
elif props.flooring_pattern in ("herringbone", "chevron"):
row.prop(props, "board_width_narrow")
row.prop(props, "board_length_short")
elif props.flooring_pattern == "checkerboard":
row.prop(props, "checkerboard_board_count")
row.prop(props, "board_length_really_short")
# tile-like
elif props.flooring_pattern == "windmill":
row.prop(props, "tile_width")
elif props.flooring_pattern in ("hexagons", "octagons"):
row.prop(props, "side_length")
else: # hopscotch, stepping_stone, corridor
row.prop(props, "tile_width")
row.prop(props, "tile_length")
if props.flooring_pattern == "corridor":
layout.prop(props, "alternating_row_width")
if props.flooring_pattern == "hexagons":
layout.prop(props, "with_dots", icon="ACTION")
# length and width variance
if props.flooring_pattern == "regular":
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_width", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_width:
row.prop(props, "width_variance")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_length", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_length:
row.prop(props, "length_variance")
if props.flooring_pattern in ("regular", "corridor"):
# row offset
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_row_offset", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_row_offset:
row.prop(props, "row_offset_variance")
row.prop(props, "row_offset")
# thickness and variance
box = layout.box()
box.prop(props, "thickness")
row = box.row()
row.prop(props, "vary_thickness", icon="RNDCURVE")
if props.vary_thickness:
row.prop(props, "thickness_variance")
# gaps
row = layout.row()
row.prop(props, "gap_uniform")
def update(props, context):
if props.convert_source_object is not None: # then this is a converted object
mesh = JVFlooring._generate_mesh_from_converted_object(props, context)
mesh = JVFlooring._start(context)
verts, faces = JVFlooring._geometry(props, (props.length, props.width))
JVFlooring._build_mesh_from_geometry(mesh, verts, faces)
# cut if needed
if props.flooring_pattern in ("herringbone", "chevron", "hopscotch", "stepping_stone", "hexagons",
"octagons", "windmill"):
JVFlooring._cut_meshes([mesh], [
((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)), # left
((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)), # bottom
((props.length, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)), # right
((0, props.width, 0), (0, -1, 0)) # top
if props.add_cutouts:
JVFlooring._cutouts(mesh, props, context.object.matrix_world)
original_edges = mesh.edges[:] # used to determine where seams should be added
# solidify
new_geometry = JVFlooring._solidify(mesh,
# main material index
JVFlooring._add_material_index(mesh.faces, 0)
# add uv seams
JVFlooring._add_uv_seams_for_solidified_plane(new_geometry, original_edges, mesh)
JVFlooring._finish(context, mesh)
def _geometry(props, dims: tuple):
verts, faces = [], []
# dynamically call correct method as their names will match up with the style name
getattr(JVFlooring, "_{}".format(props.flooring_pattern))(dims, props, verts, faces)
return verts, faces
def _regular(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
width_variance = JVFlooring._create_variance_function(props.vary_width, props.board_width_medium,
length_variance = JVFlooring._create_variance_function(props.vary_length, props.board_length_medium,
first_length_for_fixed_offset = props.board_length_medium * (props.row_offset / 100)
if first_length_for_fixed_offset == 0:
first_length_for_fixed_offset = props.board_length_medium
offset_length_variance = JVFlooring._create_variance_function(props.vary_row_offset,
props.board_length_medium / 2,
y = 0
odd = False
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while y < upper_y:
x = 0
width = width_variance()
while x < upper_x:
length = length_variance()
if x == 0: # first board
if props.vary_row_offset:
length = offset_length_variance()
elif odd:
length = first_length_for_fixed_offset
trimmed_width = min(width, upper_y-y)
trimmed_length = min(length, upper_x-x)
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_length, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_length, y+trimmed_width, 0),
(x, y+trimmed_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += length + props.gap_uniform
y += width + props.gap_uniform
odd = not odd
def _checkerboard(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length = props.board_length_really_short
board_count = props.checkerboard_board_count
gap = props.gap_uniform
# the width of each board so that the total of them is the same as the length
width = (length - (gap * (board_count - 1))) / board_count
y = 0
upper_x, upper_y = dims
start_vertical = False
while y < upper_y:
x = 0
vertical = start_vertical
while x < upper_x:
if vertical:
for _ in range(board_count):
if x < upper_x:
# width is paired with x and length with y because board is rotated
trimmed_width = min(width, upper_x-x)
trimmed_length = min(length, upper_y-y)
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_width, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_width, y+trimmed_length, 0),
(x, y+trimmed_length, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += width + gap
ty = y
for _ in range(board_count):
if ty < upper_y:
# width is paired with x and length with y because board is rotated
trimmed_width = min(width, upper_y - ty)
trimmed_length = min(length, upper_x - x)
verts += [
(x, ty, 0),
(x + trimmed_length, ty, 0),
(x + trimmed_length, ty + trimmed_width, 0),
(x, ty + trimmed_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
ty += width + gap
x += length + gap
vertical = not vertical
y += length + gap
start_vertical = not start_vertical
def _herringbone(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length = props.board_length_short
width = props.board_width_narrow
# boards oriented at 45 degree angle
leg_length = length / sqrt(2)
leg_width = width / sqrt(2)
leg_gap = props.gap_uniform / sqrt(2)
long_leg_gap = props.gap_uniform * sqrt(2)
start_y = -leg_length # start down some so there are no gaps
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while start_y < upper_y + leg_width: # go a little further than need to ensure no gaps
x = 0
y = start_y
while x < upper_x:
# board width positive slope - starting from bottom-most corner
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+leg_length, y+leg_length, 0),
(x+leg_length-leg_width, y+leg_length+leg_width, 0),
(x-leg_width, y+leg_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
# move to left-most corner of complementary board
x += leg_length + leg_gap - leg_width
y += leg_length - leg_gap - leg_width
# board with negative slope - starting from left-most corner
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x + leg_length, y - leg_length, 0),
(x + leg_length + leg_width, y - leg_length + leg_width, 0),
(x + leg_width, y + leg_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
# move to bottom-most corner of next board
x += leg_length + leg_width + leg_gap
y += -leg_length + leg_width + leg_gap
start_y += 2 * leg_width + long_leg_gap
def _chevron(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
leg_length = props.board_length_short / sqrt(2)
leg_width = props.board_width_narrow * sqrt(2)
leg_gap = props.gap_uniform * sqrt(2)
start_y = -leg_length
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while start_y < upper_y:
x = 0
y = start_y
y_leg_length = leg_length
while x < upper_x:
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+leg_length, y+y_leg_length, 0),
(x+leg_length, y+y_leg_length+leg_width, 0),
(x, y+leg_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += leg_length + props.gap_uniform
y += y_leg_length
y_leg_length *= -1 # next board will have opposite slope
start_y += leg_width + leg_gap
def _hopscotch(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
A row consists of every group that is at the same y value. A row is built, then the x offset for the next
row is determined and that row is created
length, width, gap = props.tile_length, props.tile_width, props.gap_uniform
half_length, half_width = (length - gap) / 2, (width - gap) / 2
# the actual distance += half_length + gap, but x is moved that much between creating the two tiles
distance_between_groups = (2 * gap) + (2 * length)
x_start_values = [ # there are 5 different rows, each with a different starting x value
-gap - length - gap - half_length, # orange
0, # pink
-(length / 2) - gap - half_length - (gap / 2), # yellow
-(2 * gap) - (2*length), # green
-gap - half_length # blue
row = 0
y = -gap - half_width
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while y < upper_y:
x = x_start_values[row % len(x_start_values)]
while x < upper_x:
verts += [ # small tile
(x, y, 0),
(x+half_length, y, 0),
(x+half_length, y+half_width, 0),
(x, y+half_width, 0)
x += half_length + gap
verts += [ # large tile
(x, y, 0),
(x + length, y, 0),
(x + length, y + width, 0),
(x, y + width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 8
faces.extend(((p, p+3, p+2, p+1), (p+4, p+7, p+6, p+5)))
x += distance_between_groups
# we've finished the row, make sure we start in the right place next time
y += half_width + gap
row += 1
def _windmill(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length = props.tile_width
gap = props.gap_uniform
width = (length - gap) / 2
y = 0
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while y < upper_y:
x = 0
while x < upper_x:
verts += [
(x, y, 0), # bottom - horizontal
(x+length, y, 0),
(x+length, y+width, 0),
(x, y+width, 0),
(x, y+width+gap, 0), # left - vertical
(x+width, y+width+gap, 0),
(x+width, y+width+gap+length, 0),
(x, y+width+gap+length, 0),
(x+width+gap, y+length+gap, 0), # top - horizontal
(x+length+gap+width, y+length+gap, 0),
(x+length+gap+width, y+length+gap+width, 0),
(x+width+gap, y+length+gap+width, 0),
(x+length+gap, y, 0), # right - vertical
(x+length+gap+width, y, 0),
(x+length+gap+width, y+length, 0),
(x+length+gap, y+length, 0),
(x+width+gap, y+width+gap, 0), # center
(x+length, y+width+gap, 0),
(x+length, y+length, 0),
(x+width+gap, y+length, 0)
p = len(verts)
for i in range(p-20, p, 4):
faces.append((i, i+3, i+2, i+1))
x += length + gap + width + gap
y += length + gap + width + gap
def _stepping_stone(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap = props.tile_length, props.tile_width, props.gap_uniform
half_length, half_width = (length - gap) / 2, (width - gap) / 2
y = 0
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while y < upper_y:
x = 0
while x < upper_x:
tx = x
ty = y
for _ in range(3): # three tiles along the bottom
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+half_length, y, 0),
(x+half_length, y+half_width, 0),
(x, y+half_width, 0)
x += half_length + gap
x = tx
y += half_width + gap
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+length, y, 0),
(x+length, y+width, 0),
(x, y+width, 0)
x += length + gap
for _ in range(2):
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x + half_length, y, 0),
(x + half_length, y + half_width, 0),
(x, y + half_width, 0)
y += half_width + gap
p = len(verts)
for i in range(p-24, p, 4): # 6 faces, 4 vertices each
faces.append((i, i+3, i+2, i+1))
x += half_length + gap
y = ty
y += half_width + width + (2*gap)
def _hexagons(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
side_length, gap = props.side_length, props.gap_uniform
x_leg = side_length / 2
y_leg = x_leg / tan(radians(30))
d = y_leg / cos(radians(30)) # distance from center of hexagon to each vertex
gap_dif = (gap / 2) * sqrt(3)
# if we are doing dots, figure out the difference between the center and points, actual size is 2x values
dot_x = d + (gap/2) - x_leg - gap_dif
dot_y = ((2*y_leg) + gap - (2*gap_dif)) / 2
start_y = y_leg
upper_x, upper_y = dims[0] + d, dims[1] + (2*y_leg)
while start_y < upper_y:
move_down = True
x = x_leg
y = start_y
while x < upper_x:
verts += [
(x-x_leg, y-y_leg, 0),
(x+x_leg, y-y_leg, 0),
(x+d, y, 0),
(x+x_leg, y+y_leg, 0),
(x-x_leg, y+y_leg, 0),
(x-d, y, 0)
p = len(verts) - 6
faces.append((p, p+5, p+4, p+3, p+2, p+1))
if props.with_dots:
# add cube dot
x += d + (gap/2)
y -= gap_dif
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x-dot_x, y-dot_y, 0),
(x, y-dot_y-dot_y, 0),
(x+dot_x, y-dot_y, 0),
y += gap_dif
x += d + (gap / 2)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += x_leg + gap_dif + d
if move_down:
y -= y_leg + (gap / 2)
y += y_leg + (gap / 2)
move_down = not move_down
start_y += (2*y_leg) + gap
def _octagons(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces): # with dots since octagons cannot fit together otherwise
side_length, gap = props.side_length, props.gap_uniform
gap_dif = gap * cos(radians(30))
x_leg = side_length / 2
y_leg = x_leg / tan(radians(22.5))
dot_s = ((2 * y_leg + gap) - 2*x_leg - 2*gap_dif) / 2
y = y_leg
upper_x, upper_y = dims[0] + y_leg, dims[1] + (2*y_leg)
while y < upper_y:
x = x_leg
while x < upper_x:
verts += [ # swapping x_leg with y_leg is on purpose
(x-x_leg, y-y_leg, 0),
(x+x_leg, y-y_leg, 0),
(x+y_leg, y-x_leg, 0),
(x+y_leg, y+x_leg, 0),
(x+x_leg, y+y_leg, 0),
(x-x_leg, y+y_leg, 0),
(x-y_leg, y+x_leg, 0),
(x-y_leg, y-x_leg, 0)
p = len(verts) - 8
faces.append((p, p+7, p+6, p+5, p+4, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += y_leg + (gap / 2)
y -= x_leg + gap_dif
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x-dot_s, y-dot_s, 0),
(x, y-dot_s-dot_s, 0),
(x+dot_s, y-dot_s, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += y_leg + (gap / 2)
y += x_leg + gap_dif
y += (2*y_leg) + gap
def _corridor(dims: tuple, props, verts, faces):
length, width, gap = props.tile_length, props.tile_width, props.gap_uniform
half_width = props.alternating_row_width
first_length_for_fixed_offset = length * (props.row_offset / 100)
if first_length_for_fixed_offset == 0:
first_length_for_fixed_offset = length
offset_length_variance = JVFlooring._create_variance_function(props.vary_row_offset,
length / 2,
y = 0
large = True
upper_x, upper_y = dims
while y < upper_y:
x = 0
if large:
cur_width = width
cur_width = half_width
trimmed_width = min(cur_width, upper_y-y)
while x < upper_x:
cur_length = length
if x == 0 and not large:
if props.vary_row_offset:
cur_length = offset_length_variance()
cur_length = first_length_for_fixed_offset
trimmed_length = min(cur_length, upper_x-x)
verts += [
(x, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_length, y, 0),
(x+trimmed_length, y+trimmed_width, 0),
(x, y+trimmed_width, 0)
p = len(verts) - 4
faces.append((p, p+3, p+2, p+1))
x += cur_length + gap
large = not large
y += cur_width + gap
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:sephirothalucard/myblendercontrib.git
