- Improved collision against moving shapes, solver now correctly interpolates shape transforms for substeps
- Improved Linux support, removed GLUT/GLEW dependencies
- New API for adding soft-joints (dynamic shape-matching constraints) via. the extensions API, see NvFlexExtCreateSoftJoint()
- New API to retrieve particle neighbor information, see NvFlexGetNeighbors()
- New API to support shape collision filtering, collision channels can be assigned to particles and shapes to specify which pairs collide, see NvFlexPhase
- New API to support per-shape plastic deformation, it is now possible to specify plastic creep and threshold coefficient on a per-shape basis (previous global settings), see NvFlexSetRigids()
- New API to selectively disable solver features, this can lead to improved performance, see NvFlexFeatureMode, replaces global FlexParams::fluid option
- New API to allow sub-range particle buffer updates, see NvFlexCopyDesc
- New API for asynchronous compute, see NvFlexInitDesc
- New API change, NvFlexUpdateTriangleMesh() now takes vertices with 16-byte stride to remove CPU synchronization step in D3D implementations
- Fix for NvFlexParams::anisotropyScale, this change improves the fitting of ellipsoids to fluid particle distributions, it should now typically be left at 1.0
- Fix for NvFlexGetTimers() reporting incorrect values on D3D12
- Fix for vsync in D3D12
- Fix for crash when using Flex with NVIDIA driver 384.76
- Fix for unnecessary synchronization when calling NvFlexMap() on a device buffer
- Fix numerical precision for shape-matching constraints with large coordinates
- Fix for uninitialized contact indices returned from NvFlexGetContacts() if NvFlexUpdateSolver() has not been called
- Fix for SDF collision in D3D12
- Fix for free after delete in CUDA when using SDFs
- Fix for D3D warning when using NvFlexSetRigids()
- Add D3D12 rendering support to the demo
- Add support for device NvFlexBuffers on D3D
- Enable NvToolkit profiling zones so to provide annotations in NSight profiles by default, this requires nvToolsExt64_1.dll be present
- New API style, for consistency with other products the API has now an NvFlex prefix and follows a naming convention similar to PhysX
- Add support for DirectX, in addition to CUDA there is now a cross platform DirectX 11 and 12 version of the Flex libraries that Windows applications can link against
- Add support for max acceleration clamping, see NvFlexParams::maxAcceleration, can be useful to reduce popping with fast moving kinematic shapes and large interpenetration
- Add support to querying compute device, see NvFlexGetDeviceName()
- Add support for flushing compute queue, see NvFlexFlush()
- Add support for multiple library instances, NvFlexInit() now returns a library which is bound to a single compute device
- Add support for local space particle simulation, see NvFlexExtMovingFrameInit() and two new local space fluid and cloth demos
- Add support for CUDA 8.0.44
- Remove NvFlexError enum, errors will be reported through the NvFlexErrorCallback passed to NvFlexInit()
- Remove NvFlexMemory enum, users should use the new NvFlexBufferType
- Fix bug in inflatable constraint solver that could cause some shapes to generate NaNs
- Fix for SDF contact generation when the particle lies completely outside volume, fixes a problem with ghost contacts
- Fix for friction being incorrectly applied on trigger shapes
- Fix for multi-phase fluid cohesion not working correctly, re-enable Rayleigh-Taylor instability test
- Fix bug with public projects that referenced internal CUDA paths
- Fix for calling NvFlexSetInflatables() with a count of zero
- Fix for buoyancy parameter
- Fix for bug in BVH builder that could cause missed collisions
- New optional NvFlexDevice library for handling GPU selection and initialization in CUDA
- New buffer based API, all data must now be passed to Flex through FlexBuffers created through NvFlexAllocBuffer()
- New stable shape matching code for more robust and efficient soft bodies, removes need for NvFlexParams::inertiaBias
- New collision shape API supports instancing of convex meshes and a much simplified API, see NvFlexSetShapes()
- Improvements to collision detection for moving shapes, Flex will now perform a CCD check also taking into account the shape trajectory using the prev/current transforms of each shape
- Added support for reporting collision shape ids, and trigger volume shapes, see flexGetContacts()
- Optimizations to host code performance
- Fix for potential memory leak in SDF object destruction
- Fix for potentially missed collisions during convex shape CCD
- Fix for incorrect bounds computation during flexSetShapes() (if not specified by user)
- Fix for initial shape translations being incorrect when using a transform with flexExtCreateInstance()
- Move flexExt.h header to the /include folder
- Fix for NaNs being generated during shape matching with plastic deformation enabled
- Fix for bug that could lead to translational drifting of shape matched rigid bodies
- Fix for incorrect interaction of restitution and friction when using the collision margin parameters
- New geometry instancing API for specifying collision shapes, adds support for transformed triangle meshes and signed distance fields, see flexSetShapes()
- New BVH based collision detection improves performance for scenes with large triangle meshes
- New mesh tearing API, see flexExtTearClothMesh()
- New CCD collision detection for particle versus convex shape, helps reduce tunneling with thin convexes
- Performance improvements for soft body cooking times in flexExtCreateSoftFromMesh()
- Exposed intertial bias for shape matching constraints, see FlexParams::mInertiaBias
- Exposed parameter to control the lifetime of diffuse particles, see FlexParams::mDiffuseLifetime
- Added support for soft bodies, particles can now belong to multiple shape-matching clusters used to drive linear blend skinning
- Added support for particle rest positions that can be used to filter collisions between particles that touch in their rest pose, see flexSetRestPositions()
- Added support for spheres and capsules as collision shapes, renamed flexSetConvexes() to flexSetShapes()
- Added support for user callbacks, these can be used to implement custom constraints, force fields, etc. See flexRegisterSolverCallback()
- Added support for the NVIDIA control panel, Flex will now use the selected PhysX device if desired, see flexInit() for details
- Added support for Android platforms
- Added flexGetParams() method to retrieve default values and set defaults to sensible values
- Improved shape-matching algorithm with better inversion handling
- Optimizations for flexSetTriangles(), users can now pass the triangle bounds to avoid having them re-calculated explicitly
- Rigid constraints now use quaternions as their orientation representation, see flexSetRigids() and flexGetRigidTransforms()
- Exposed anisotropy min/max clamping for better control of particle fluid rendering, see FlexParams::mAnisotropyMin and FlexParams::mAnisotropyMax
- Fix for smooth particles not being generated if anisotropy was not enabled
- Fix for demo mouse picking
- Fix for flexGetContacts() returning incorrect values, added contact visualization to the demo app
- Fix for bug in flexGetBounds() which meant it could return bounds with one frame delay, users should now synchronize the flexGetBounds() call like other query methods
- Fix whitespace on flex.h to play nice with Github's code view
- Fix for triangle mesh collision when particle moves in the plane of the triangle incorrectly reporting contact
- Fix leak when destroying solver
- Fix for incomplete initialization of FlexExtAssets in the extension creation methods
- Rename FlexParams::mMaxVelocity -> FlexParams::mMaxSpeed
- Upgrade to CUDA 7.0
- Linux binaries are now compiled with -fPIC
- Fix for extensions library not writing velocities correctly
- Fix for memory leak when using moving convex shapes
- Optimizations for inflatable constraints to reduce number of kernel launches
- Added option to control the max number of neighbors stored per-particle, this can reduce memory usage, see flexCreateSolver()
- Fix for vertex normal calculation when using sparse active particle set
- Fix for division by zero in rest density calculation when fluid rest distance was 0.0
- Fix for infinite mass particles being moved by kinematic objects
- Added CUDA force fields to extensions library, see flexExtSetForceFields()
- Added particle contact reporting API, see flexGetContacts()
- Added early out to avoid Laplacian smoothing and anisotropy calculation if not using them
- Added global damping parameter to model viscous drag on particles (not just cloth), see FlexParams::mDamping
- Added user manual in pdf and chm formats
- Made enum names consistent, eFlexHost -> eFlexMemoryHost
- Upgraded to CUB 1.3.2
- Extended particle phase parameters to allow fine grained control over self-collision and fluid properties, see flexMakePhase()
- Switched to bindless textures, 50% reduction in CPU usage, because of this change Flex now requires an SM3.0 or above GPU
- Optimized convex grid rasterization by assigning 4 warps/shape, reduces time from 1ms->0.25ms for large shapes
- Added error mesasge callback, see flexInit()
- Added flexSetFence()/flexWaitFence() for more fine grained synchronization with Flex GPU work, flexSynchronize() has been removed
- Added static/dynamic flags for convex shapes to allow prioritising static contacts over dynamic, can be useful to prevent tunnelling through thin shapes
- Added local/global relaxation to improve convergence for some scenes (see FlexParams::eRelaxationMode)
- Removed flexGetVorticities(), allows optimizations for vorticity confinement calculation
- Fix for flexSetSprings(), flexSetTriangles(), and flexSetConvexes() reallocing more often than necessary
- Fix for flexGetDensities(), and flexGetAnisotropy() not returning the full particle array if using sparse active set
- Fix for memory leak when instance creation fails in flexExtCreateInstance()
- Fix for memory leak when setting rigid bodies multiple times
- Fix for potential GPU crash when using plastic deformation on rigid bodies
- Smooth vertex normals are now computed for particles belonging to dynamic triangles (cloth), they can be retrieved via flexGetNormals()
- Optimized CompactObjects in flexExtPushToDevice()
- Made headers compile with /W4 on MSVC
- Added debug capture functionality
- Fix for infinite mass particles gaining velocity during collisions
- Fix bug with planar triangle mesh rasterization
- Fix for zero-length distance constraints
- Fix cloth drag and lift causing instability at high velocities
- Fix for convex grid perf. when there is a single large convex body
- Improved behaviour when particles are overconstrained (constraint averaging), can reduce jitter for pinned cloth
- Improved adhesion behaviour for fluids against solids
- Improved restitution behavior
- Improved fluid rendering performance by using a smaller bilateral filter kernel
- Change particle friction to be an absolute parameter instead of a multiplier on dynamic friction
- Change sort to use async device-device memcpys to avoid stalling host
- Exposed new parameter to control collision margin against shapes see FlexParams::mShapeCollisionMargin
- Warning fixes for Linux and Windows
- Fix z-precision rendering issues in demo
- Added "Ext" prefix to extensions types
- Clamp particle velocity to maximum user velocity before prediction step, improves behaviour when interacting with force fields
- Add support for lower dimensional particle rigid bodies (rods, planes)
- Allow specifying rigid rotations through the solver API
- Allow separate control of fluid and solid rest distances
- Add GUI to demo
- Fix for rest density calculation when number of neighbors > than max
- Add support for async memory copies back to pinned host memory
- Add functions to allocate pinned host memory, see flexAlloc()
- Add rigid body support to FlexExtensions
- Add rigid body SDF collision support
- Add position level friction
- Static triangle grid now created on the GPU, see flexSetTriangles
- Unify triangle collision with rest of the pipline
- Exposed a new parameter to run a second collision pass against triangle meshes, see FlexParam::mEnableCCD
- Optimized rigid body solve using CUB parallel reductions
- Fix for solve springs when some particles have infinite mass
- Reduce allocations in flexSetConvexes
- Fix plastic deformation for rigids
- Switch to /MT for FlexExtensions library
Initial release
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