* Copyright (c) 2021-2023 HPMicro
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
define memory with size = 4G;
define symbol BOOT_USER_AND_OTA1_OFFSET = 0x100000;
/* Regions */
//define region NOR_CFG_OPTION = [ from 0x80000400 size 0x0C00 ];
//define region BOOT_HEADER = [ from 0x80001000 size 0x2000 ];
define region APPLICATION_INFO = [from 0x80000000 + BOOT_USER_AND_OTA1_OFFSET size 16];
define region XPI0 = [from 0x80000000 + BOOT_USER_AND_OTA1_OFFSET + 16 size (7168K - 16) ]; /* XPI0 */
define region ILM = [from 0x00000000 size 256k]; /* ILM */
define region DLM = [from 0x00080000 size 256k]; /* DLM */
define region AXI_SRAM = [from 0x01080000 size 768k]; /* AXI SRAM */
define region SHARE_RAM = [from 0x0117C000 size 16k];
define region AHB_SRAM = [from 0xF0300000 size 32k];
define region APB_SRAM = [from 0xF40F0000 size 8k];
define region SDRAM = [from 0x40000000 size _extram_size - 4M];
define region NONCACHEABLE_RAM = [from 0x40000000 + _extram_size - 4M size 4M];
/* Blocks */
define block vectors { section .isr_vector, section .vector_table };
define block ctors { section .ctors, section .ctors.*, block with alphabetical order { init_array } };
define block dtors { section .dtors, section .dtors.*, block with reverse alphabetical order { fini_array } };
define block eh_frame { section .eh_frame, section .eh_frame.* };
define block tbss { section .tbss, section .tbss.* };
define block tdata { section .tdata, section .tdata.* };
define block tls { block tbss, block tdata };
define block tdata_load { copy of block tdata };
define block heap with size = __HEAPSIZE__, alignment = 8, /* fill =0x00, */ readwrite access { };
define block stack with size = __STACKSIZE__, alignment = 8, /* fill =0xCD, */ readwrite access { };
define block boot_header with fixed order { section .boot_header, section .fw_info_table, section .dc_info };
define block cherryusb_usbh_class_info with alignment = 8 { section .usbh_class_info };
define block framebuffer with alignment = 8 { section .framebuffer };
/* Symbols */
//define exported symbol __nor_cfg_option_load_addr__ = start of region NOR_CFG_OPTION;
//define exported symbol __boot_header_load_addr__ = start of region BOOT_HEADER;
define exported symbol __app_load_addr__ = start of region XPI0;
define exported symbol __app_offset__ = 0;//__app_load_addr__ - __boot_header_load_addr__;
//define exported symbol __boot_header_length__ = size of block boot_header;
//define exported symbol __fw_size__ = 0x1000;
define exported symbol __noncacheable_start__ = start of region NONCACHEABLE_RAM;
define exported symbol __noncacheable_end__ = end of region NONCACHEABLE_RAM + 1;
define exported symbol __share_mem_start__ = start of region SHARE_RAM;
define exported symbol __share_mem_end__ = end of region SHARE_RAM + 1;
define exported symbol _stack_safe = end of block stack + 1;
define exported symbol _stack = end of block stack + 1;
define exported symbol __usbh_class_info_start__ = start of block cherryusb_usbh_class_info;
define exported symbol __usbh_class_info_end__ = end of block cherryusb_usbh_class_info + 1;
/* Initialization */
do not initialize { section .noncacheable };
do not initialize { section .non_init, section .non_init.*, section .*.non_init, section .*.non_init.* };
do not initialize { section .no_init, section .no_init.*, section .*.no_init, section .*.no_init.* }; // Legacy sections, kept for backwards compatibility
do not initialize { section .noinit, section .noinit.*, section .*.noinit, section .*.noinit.* }; // Legacy sections, used by some SDKs/HALs
do not initialize { section .backup_sram};
initialize by copy with packing=auto { section .noncacheable.init };
initialize by copy with packing=none { section .data, section .data.*, section .*.data, section .*.data.* }; // Static data sections
initialize by copy with packing=auto { section .sdata, section .sdata.* };
initialize by copy with packing=auto { section .fast, section .fast.*, section .*.fast, section .*.fast.*, section .text.*nx* }; // "RAM Code" sections
initialize by symbol __SEGGER_init_heap { block heap }; // Init the heap if there is one
initialize by symbol __SEGGER_init_ctors { block ctors }; // Call constructors for global objects which need to be constructed before reaching main (if any). Make sure this is done after setting up heap.
initialize by copy { block vectors };
initialize by copy { block cherryusb_usbh_class_info };
/* Placement */
//place in NOR_CFG_OPTION { section .nor_cfg_option };
//place in BOOT_HEADER with fixed order { block boot_header };
place at start of APPLICATION_INFO with fixed order { section .application_info };
keep { section .application_info }; //保留未引用的段
/* Placement */
//place in NOR_CFG_OPTION { section .nor_cfg_option };
//place in BOOT_HEADER with fixed order { block boot_header };
place at start of XPI0 with fixed order { symbol _start};
place at start of ILM with fixed order { block vectors };
place in XPI0 with minimum size order {
block tdata_load, // Thread-local-storage load image
block ctors, // Constructors block
block dtors, // Destructors block
block eh_frame, // Exception frames placed directly into flash overriding default placement (sections writable)
readonly, // Catch-all for readonly data (e.g. .rodata, .srodata)
readexec // Catch-all for (readonly) executable code (e.g. .text)
// The GNU compiler creates these exception-related sections as writeable.
// Override the section header flag and make them readonly so they can be
// placed into flash.
define access readonly { section .gcc_except_table, section .gcc_except_table.* };
define access readonly { section .eh_frame, section .eh_frame.* };
define access readonly { section .sdata.DW.* };
place in ILM {
section .fast, section .fast.*, section .text.*nx*, // "ramfunc" section
place in SDRAM { block cherryusb_usbh_class_info };
place in SDRAM { block framebuffer };
place in AXI_SRAM then SDRAM {
block tls, // Thread-local-storage block
readwrite, // Catch-all for initialized/uninitialized data sections (e.g. .data, .noinit)
zeroinit // Catch-all for zero-initialized data sections (e.g. .bss)
place in NONCACHEABLE_RAM { section .noncacheable, section .noncacheable.init, section .noncacheable.bss }; // Noncacheable
place in SHARE_RAM { section .sh_mem}; // Share memory
place in AHB_SRAM { section .ahb_sram}; // AHB SRAM memory
place in APB_SRAM { section .backup_sram}; // Backup SRAM memory
place in DLM { section .fast_ram}; // Fast access memory
place in SDRAM { block heap }; // Heap reserved block
place at end of DLM { block stack }; // Stack reserved block
/* Keep */
//keep { section .nor_cfg_option, section .boot_header, section .fw_info_table, section .dc_info };
keep { section .usbh_class_info};
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