mysql binlog 订阅与同步
rust资料库, 便于学习和分享
Arrow Flight SQL 是一种使用 Arrow 内存格式和 Flight RPC 框架与 SQL 数据库交互的协议,其结合Arrow内存中的列式格式(Columnar Format)以及Flight RPC框架,来加速SQL数据库操作。 通过Arrow Flight SQL,用户访问数据时不仅可以使用原生SQL的标准语法,而且可以大幅度地提升数据访问性能,让十亿行数据查询秒级响应成为可能
Database development is interesting and challenging.
You can always find interesting things to learn and challenging problems to solve.
You need to know a lot of things and get them right to build a reliable and high-performance database.
And it takes time, a lot of time, to think and practice.
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