Template for a empirical research replication archive
最近更新: 3年多前A simple template for research replication code. Originally designed for PLSC-31101 final projects.
最近更新: 3年多前Difference in Differences with Multiple Periods and Variation in Treatment Timing
最近更新: 3年多前A Stata package that acts as a wrapper for Callaway and Sant'anna's R did package
最近更新: 3年多前Two-Stage Difference-in-Differences following Gardner (2021)
最近更新: 3年多前:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. sdpdth — M-Estimator for Threshold Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model
最近更新: 3年多前M-estimation for threshold spatial dynamic panel data model
最近更新: 3年多前Stata command to download data from the WID.world database
最近更新: 3年多前