
Welcome to the REST Group!

REST (RUST-based Electronic Structure Toolkit) is a next-generation electronic structure platform built with the cutting-edge RUST programming language. Designed for maximum performance and scalability, REST provides a wide range of computational functionalities tailored to quantum chemistry and materials science.

Key Features of REST:

  • High-Performance Basis Set Operations: Supports efficient resolution-of-identity (RI) approximations and analytical integration for four-center terms.
  • Comprehensive Density Functional Coverage: Includes LDA, most GGA, and Hybrid functionals, with accurate implementation of mainstream density functional approximations.
  • Advanced xDH Functional Methods: Offers double-hybrid functionals such as XYG3, XYGJOS, xDH-PBE0, and ZRPS, along with random phase approximation (RPA) and scs-RPA for high-accuracy density functional approximations.
  • Machine Learning Integration: Features ML-enhanced double-hybrid functionals, including DL-xDH23 and R-xDH7-SCC, for improved efficiency and precision.
  • Interactive Workflow with PyREST: Combines an intuitive interface with practical functionality for both developers and end-users.

Available Programs:

  • rest_docker: Tools for building Docker images and containerized environments for REST.
  • rest: The main executable program for performing electronic structure calculations.
  • rest_regression: A suite of test cases for validating and benchmarking REST functionality.
  • rest_tensors: A math library dependency designed for efficient tensor operations.
  • rest_libcint: Wrappers for the libcint library (written in C), enabling integration with the Rust-based Electronic-Structure Tool (REST).

REST is designed to facilitate state-of-the-art calculations in quantum mechanics and materials science, with applications ranging from catalytic studies (e.g., CO adsorption on Cu clusters) to advanced electronic structure modeling. Our platform ensures numerical stability, accuracy, and parallel efficiency.

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