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<h1><a href="index.html" style="text-decoration:none;">Underactuated Robotics</a></h1>
<p data-type="subtitle">Algorithms for Walking, Running, Swimming, Flying, and Manipulation</p>
<p style="font-size: 18px;"><a href="http://people.csail.mit.edu/russt/">Russ Tedrake</a></p>
<p style="font-size: 14px; text-align: right;">
© Russ Tedrake, 2020<br/>
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<p><b>Note:</b> These are working notes used for <a
href="http://underactuated.csail.mit.edu/Spring2020/">a course being taught
at MIT</a>. They will be updated throughout the Spring 2020 semester. <a
href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfUOAhz7ynELF-s_1LPpWg">Lecture videos are available on YouTube</a>.</p>
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<chapter style="counter-reset: chapter 12"><h1>Policy
<p>So far, most of our recommendations for control design have been
relatively "local" -- leveraging trajectory planning/optimization as a tool
and our ability to locally stabilize trajectories for even very complex
systems using linear optimal control. This is in stark contrast to the
dynamic programming / value iteration methods that we started with, which
attempt to solve for a control policy for every possible state;
unfortunately, the dynamic programming methods as presented are restricted to
relatively low dimensional state spaces. What is missing so far is
algorithms for synthesizing feedback controllers that scale to large state
spaces and produce controllers that are, hopefully, less "local" than
trajectory stabilization.</p>
<p>In this chapter, we will explore another very natural idea: let us
parameterize a controller with some decision variables, and then search over
those decision variables directly in order to achieve a task and/or optimize
a performance objective. We'll refer to this broad class of methods as
"policy search" or, when optimization methods are used, "policy
optimization". </p>
<section><h1>Problem formulation</h1>
<p>Consider a static full-state feedback policy, $$\bu =
\bpi_\balpha(\bx),$$ where $\bpi$ is potentially a nonlinear function, and
$\balpha$ is the vector of parameters that describe the controller. The
control might take time as an input, or might even have it's own internal
state, but let's start with this simple form. </p>
<p>How should we write an objective function for optimizing $\balpha$? The
approach that we used for trajectory optimization is quite reasonable --
the objective was typically to minimize an integral cost over some time
horizon (be it finite or infinite). But in trajectory optimization, the
cost is only ever defined based on forward simulation from a single initial
condition. We used the same additive cost structures in dynamic
programming, where the Hamilton-Bellman-Jacobi equation provided optimality
conditions for optimizing an additive cost from <i>every</i> initial
condition; at least in the idealized equations, we were able to get away
with saying $\forall \bx, \minimize_\bu ...$. </p>
<p>But now we are playing a different game. If we are searching over the
some finitely parameterized policy, $\bpi_{\balpha}$, we can almost never
expect to be optimal for every state -- and we need to somehow define the
relevant importance of different states. For finite-time, a distribution
over initial conditions. For infinite horizon, what really matters is the
stationary distribution (which depends on the policy). Let's start with
the distribution over initial conditions.</p>
<section><h1>Controller parameterizations</h1>
<p>Searching directly for $K$ with an LQR objective is known to be bad. The
objective is non-convex, and the set of stabilizing controllers is not a
convex set. (TODO: Give the 2D example)</p>
<section><h1>Trajectory-based policy search</h1>
<section><h1>Lyapunov-based approaches to policy
<section><h1>Approximate Dynamic Programming</h1>
<!-- TODO:
Guided Policy Search, etc (see Robert V's review);
PILCO and PIPPS (arxiv from Doya).
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