# coding: UTF-8
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import pickle as pkl
from tqdm import tqdm
import time
from datetime import timedelta
UNK, PAD = '<UNK>', '<PAD>'
def build_vocab(file_path, tokenizer, max_size, min_freq):
vocab_dic = {}
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for line in tqdm(f):
lin = line.strip()
if not lin:
content = lin.split('\t')[0]
for word in tokenizer(content):
vocab_dic[word] = vocab_dic.get(word, 0) + 1
vocab_list = sorted([_ for _ in vocab_dic.items() if _[1] >= min_freq], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:max_size]
vocab_dic = {word_count[0]: idx for idx, word_count in enumerate(vocab_list)}
vocab_dic.update({UNK: len(vocab_dic), PAD: len(vocab_dic) + 1})
return vocab_dic
def build_dataset(config, ues_word):
if ues_word:
tokenizer = lambda x: x.split(' ') # 以空格隔开,word-level
tokenizer = lambda x: [y for y in x] # char-level
if os.path.exists(config.vocab_path):
vocab = pkl.load(open(config.vocab_path, 'rb'))
vocab = build_vocab(config.train_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_size=MAX_VOCAB_SIZE, min_freq=1)
pkl.dump(vocab, open(config.vocab_path, 'wb'))
print(f"Vocab size: {len(vocab)}")
def biGramHash(sequence, t, buckets):
t1 = sequence[t - 1] if t - 1 >= 0 else 0
return (t1 * 14918087) % buckets
def triGramHash(sequence, t, buckets):
t1 = sequence[t - 1] if t - 1 >= 0 else 0
t2 = sequence[t - 2] if t - 2 >= 0 else 0
return (t2 * 14918087 * 18408749 + t1 * 14918087) % buckets
def load_dataset(path, pad_size=32):
contents = []
with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
for line in tqdm(f):
lin = line.strip()
if not lin:
content, label = lin.split('\t')
words_line = []
token = tokenizer(content)
seq_len = len(token)
if pad_size:
if len(token) < pad_size:
token.extend([PAD] * (pad_size - len(token)))
token = token[:pad_size]
seq_len = pad_size
# word to id
for word in token:
words_line.append(vocab.get(word, vocab.get(UNK)))
# fasttext ngram
buckets = config.n_gram_vocab
bigram = []
trigram = []
# ------ngram------
for i in range(pad_size):
bigram.append(biGramHash(words_line, i, buckets))
trigram.append(triGramHash(words_line, i, buckets))
# -----------------
contents.append((words_line, int(label), seq_len, bigram, trigram))
return contents # [([...], 0), ([...], 1), ...]
train = load_dataset(config.train_path, config.pad_size)
dev = load_dataset(config.dev_path, config.pad_size)
test = load_dataset(config.test_path, config.pad_size)
return vocab, train, dev, test
class DatasetIterater(object):
def __init__(self, batches, batch_size, device):
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.batches = batches
self.n_batches = len(batches) // batch_size
self.residue = False # 记录batch数量是否为整数
if len(batches) % self.n_batches != 0:
self.residue = True
self.index = 0
self.device = device
def _to_tensor(self, datas):
# xx = [xxx[2] for xxx in datas]
# indexx = np.argsort(xx)[::-1]
# datas = np.array(datas)[indexx]
x = torch.LongTensor([_[0] for _ in datas]).to(self.device)
y = torch.LongTensor([_[1] for _ in datas]).to(self.device)
bigram = torch.LongTensor([_[3] for _ in datas]).to(self.device)
trigram = torch.LongTensor([_[4] for _ in datas]).to(self.device)
# pad前的长度(超过pad_size的设为pad_size)
seq_len = torch.LongTensor([_[2] for _ in datas]).to(self.device)
return (x, seq_len, bigram, trigram), y
def __next__(self):
if self.residue and self.index == self.n_batches:
batches = self.batches[self.index * self.batch_size: len(self.batches)]
self.index += 1
batches = self._to_tensor(batches)
return batches
elif self.index >= self.n_batches:
self.index = 0
raise StopIteration
batches = self.batches[self.index * self.batch_size: (self.index + 1) * self.batch_size]
self.index += 1
batches = self._to_tensor(batches)
return batches
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
if self.residue:
return self.n_batches + 1
return self.n_batches
def build_iterator(dataset, config):
iter = DatasetIterater(dataset, config.batch_size, config.device)
return iter
def get_time_dif(start_time):
end_time = time.time()
time_dif = end_time - start_time
return timedelta(seconds=int(round(time_dif)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
vocab_dir = "./THUCNews/data/vocab.pkl"
pretrain_dir = "./THUCNews/data/sgns.sogou.char"
emb_dim = 300
filename_trimmed_dir = "./THUCNews/data/vocab.embedding.sougou"
word_to_id = pkl.load(open(vocab_dir, 'rb'))
embeddings = np.random.rand(len(word_to_id), emb_dim)
f = open(pretrain_dir, "r", encoding='UTF-8')
for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
# if i == 0: # 若第一行是标题,则跳过
# continue
lin = line.strip().split(" ")
if lin[0] in word_to_id:
idx = word_to_id[lin[0]]
emb = [float(x) for x in lin[1:301]]
embeddings[idx] = np.asarray(emb, dtype='float32')
np.savez_compressed(filename_trimmed_dir, embeddings=embeddings)
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