同步操作将从 src-openEuler/spice 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Name: spice
Version: 0.14.3
Release: 6
Summary: Implements the SPICE protocol
Group: User Interface/Desktops
License: LGPLv2+
URL: https://www.spice-space.org/
Source0: https://www.spice-space.org/download/releases/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1: https://www.spice-space.org/download/releases/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2.sign
Source2: victortoso-E37A484F.keyring
Patch6000: backport-0001-CVE-2020-14355.patch
Patch6001: backport-0002-CVE-2020-14355.patch
Patch6002: backport-0003-CVE-2020-14355.patch
Patch6003: backport-0004-CVE-2020-14355.patch
Patch6004: backport-0001-CVE-2021-20201.patch
Patch6005: backport-0002-CVE-2021-20201.patch
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 %{arm} aarch64 sw_64 loongarch64 riscv64
BuildRequires: gcc pkgconfig glib2-devel spice-protocol >= 0.14.0 opus-devel git-core gnupg2
BuildRequires: pixman-devel openssl-devel libjpeg-devel libcacard-devel cyrus-sasl-devel
BuildRequires: lz4-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel orc-devel
The SPICE package provides the SPICE server library and client.
These components are used to provide access to a remote machine's
display and devices.
%package server
Summary: Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
Obsoletes: spice-client < %{version}-%{release}
%description server
This package contains the run-time libraries for any application that wishes
to be a SPICE server and is used to expose a remote machine's display and devices.
%package server-devel
Summary: Header files and development files for %{name}-server
Requires: %{name}-server pkgconfig
%description server-devel
The %{name}-server-devel package contains static libraries and header files for
developing applications that use %{name}-server.
gpgv2 --quiet --keyring %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE0}
%autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} -p1
%define configure_client --disable-client
%configure --enable-smartcard --disable-client --enable-lz4 --enable-gstreamer=1.0 --disable-celt051
%make_build WARN_CFLAGS='' V=1
make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
install -d %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}
%ldconfig_scriptlets server
%files server
%license COPYING
%files server-devel
%files help
* Mon Jun 26 2023 wangjunqiang <[email protected]> - 0.14.3-6
- Add riscv64 to ExclusiveArch
* Thu Feb 16 2023 Wenlong Zhang<[email protected]> - 0.14.3-5
- Add loongarch64 support
* Thu Nov 3 2022 wuzx<[email protected]> - 0.14.3-4
- Add sw64 architecture
* Mon Jun 07 2021 wangkerong <[email protected]> - 0.14.3-3
- Type:CVE
- Id:CVE-2021-20201
- DESC:fix CVE-2021-20201
* Tue Feb 23 2021 jinzhimin <[email protected]> - 0.14.3-2
- fix CVE-2020-14355
* Sun Oct 4 2020 jinzhimin<[email protected]> - 0.14.3-1
- update to 0.14.3
* Fri Oct 11 2019 openEuler Buildteam <[email protected]> - 0.14.0-6
- Package init
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