Do-Files and examples from the book Felix Bittmann, Fleix, 2019, Stata: A Really Short Introduction.
最近更新: 2年前Slides for Basics Night
最近更新: 2年前Data and code for "A review of software for spatial econometrics in R", Bivand, Millo & Piras
最近更新: 2年前R package DIDdesign: Analyzing Difference-in-Differences Design
最近更新: 2年前Testing for a slope change across an unknown income threshold using Regression Kink Design and Survey Data from India
最近更新: 2年前Stata Commands for Data Management and Analysis
最近更新: 2年前Code corresponding to my research module paper on the Interactive-Effects Estimator.
最近更新: 2年前R package and guide for performing event studies with heterogeneous dynamic effects.
最近更新: 2年前