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*! version 0.2 3Jan2017 Mauricio Caceres, [email protected]
*! Power based on regression specification
capture program drop power_reg
program power_reg, rclass
version 13.1
syntax varlist(numeric ts fv) /// dependent_var covariates
[if] [in] , /// subset
[ ///
cluster(varname) /// Grouping variable
rho(real 0) /// ICC [0 = compute it from data]
strata(varlist) /// Stratify by varlist
/// - Continuous: specify # of quantiles
/// - Categorical/dummy: specify '0' to use
/// the variable's categories.
nstrata(numlist) /// Number of strata for each stratum
Ptreat(real 0.5) /// Proportion treated
alpha(real 0.05) /// Confidence level
kappa(real 0.8) /// Power level
binary /// Binary variable adjustment
direction(str) /// Direction of MDE for binary variable
icccontrol(str) /// Variable control for icc
pcteffect(numlist) /// % effect for sample size
abseffect(numlist) /// Absolute effect for sample size
usestata /// Use Stata's built-in power command
* Parse varlist and sample to use
* -------------------------------
tempvar notouse
gettoken depvar controls: varlist
marksample touse
markout `touse' `strata', strok
markout `touse' `cluster', strok
markout `touse' `varlist'
_rmcoll `controls' if `touse', expand
local controls `r(varlist)'
gen byte `notouse' = !`touse'
* Check options are sane
* ----------------------
if ("`usestata'" != "") {
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
di as err "cluster adjustment using Stata not implemented"
if ("`controls'" != "") & ("`binary'" != "") {
di as err "{p}covariate adjustment for a binary variable" ///
" using Stata is not implemented{p_end}"
* Check strata options are sane
* -----------------------------
if ("`strata'" != "") {
qui ds `strata'
local strata `r(varlist)'
* if !`:list strata in controls' {
* di as err "{p}stratifying variable(s) '`strata'' " ///
* "should be in the controls{p_end}"
* exit 198
* }
if `:list sizeof strata' != `:list sizeof nstrata' {
di as err "{p}specify # of strata for each " ///
"stratifying variable{p_end}"
local nstrata2 ""
local i = 0
foreach ns of local nstrata {
local ++i
local sv: word `i' of `strata'
if (`ns' < 2) & (`ns' != 0) {
di as err "{p}asked for `ns' strata for `sv'" ///
"; specify n > 1 or 0{p_end}"
if (`ns' == 0) {
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
di "{p}{it:warning:} `sv' should be at the cluster" ///
" level or there may be unexpected results. {p_end}"
qui duplicates report `sv'
local nstrata2 `nstrata2' `r(unique_value)'
else local nstrata2 `nstrata2' `ns'
local st = `:di subinstr("`nstrata2'", " ", "*", .)'
else local st = 1
* Set up strata
* -------------
if ("`strata'" != "") {
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
tempvar groups
keep `cluster' `touse' `strata'
qui keep if `touse'
qui collapse (sum) `touse' (mean) `strata', by(`cluster')
local n2 = floor(_N / 2)
if (`st' > `n2') {
di as err "{p}asked for `st' strata with `=_N'" ///
" clusters; should be <= `n2'{p_end}"
tempvar groups group
qui gen `group' = 1
qui gen `groups' = 1
qui forvalues i = 1 / `:list sizeof strata' {
local ns: word `i' of `nstrata'
local ns2: word `i' of `nstrata2'
local sv: word `i' of `strata'
sort `groups' `sv'
if (`ns' == 0) {
by `groups' `sv': replace `group' = (_n == 1)
by `groups': replace `group' = sum(`group')
local ns = `ns2'
else {
by `groups': replace `group' = ceil(`ns' * (_n / _N))
replace `groups' = (`groups' - 1) * `ns' + `group'
mata: get_info(st_local("groups"), st_local("touse"), 1, `st')
sort `cluster' `groups'
keep `cluster' `groups'
tempfile stratafile
qui save `stratafile'
qui merge m:1 `cluster' using `stratafile'
qui assert (_merge == 3) | `notouse'
drop _merge
else {
qui count if `touse'
local N = `r(N)'
local n2 = floor(`N' / 2)
if (`st' > `n2') { // Stratified individual-level randomization
di as err "{p}asked for `st' strata with `N' obs; " ///
"should be <= `n2'{p_end}"
tempvar groups group
qui gen `group' = 1 if `touse'
qui gen `groups' = 1 if `touse'
qui forvalues i = 1 / `:list sizeof strata' {
local ns: word `i' of `nstrata'
local ns2: word `i' of `nstrata2'
local sv: word `i' of `strata'
sort `notouse' `groups' `sv'
if (`ns' == 0) {
by `notouse' `groups' `sv': replace `group' = (_n == 1)
by `notouse' `groups': replace `group' = sum(`group')
local ns = `ns2'
else {
by `notouse' `groups': replace `group' = ceil(`ns' * (_n / _N))
replace `groups' = (`groups' - 1) * `ns' + `group'
mata: get_info(st_local("groups"), st_local("touse"), 0, `st')
local controls `controls' i.`groups'
* Get stats based on depvar
* -------------------------
qui sum `depvar' if `touse'
local var = `r(Var)'
local mean = `r(mean)'
local N = `r(N)'
* Get regression adjustment
* -------------------------
qui xi: reg `depvar' `controls' if `touse'
* local adjust = 1 - e(r2_a)
local adjust = 1 - e(r2)
local rmse = e(rmse)
* Adjust for clusters. We estimate ICC using ANOVA.
* -------------------------------------------------
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
local vif_opts rho(`rho') cluster(`cluster') control(`icccontrol')
get_vif `depvar' if `touse', `vif_opts'
local vif = `r(vif)' * `adjust'
if (`rho' == 0) local rho = `r(rho)'
return scalar J = `r(J)'
return scalar mn = `r(mn)'
return scalar cv = `r(cv)'
return scalar sn = `r(sn)'
local J = `r(J)'
local mn = `r(mn)'
local cv = `r(cv)'
local sn = `r(sn)'
local rowname = "clusters"
else {
local vif = 1 * `adjust'
local rowname = "obs"
if ("`usestata'" != "") {
* Compute MDE
if ("`direction'" == "neg") local direction direction(lower)
else if ("`direction'" == "pos") local direction direction(upper)
else if ("`direction'" == "") local direction ""
local nratio = `ptreat' / (1 - `ptreat')
if ("`binary'" != "") {
local opts alpha(`alpha') power(`kappa') nratio(`nratio')
local power power twoproportions
else {
local opts alpha(`alpha') power(`kappa') nratio(`nratio') sd(`rmse')
local power power twomeans
qui `power' `mean', n(`N') `opts' `direction'
local mde = `r(diff)'
* If asked, compute sampsi for % deviations of the mean
if ("`pcteffect'" != "") {
local pctnames ""
tempname sampsi_pct
foreach delta of local pcteffect {
local dmde = `mean' + `delta' * `mean'
qui `power' `mean' `dmde', `opts'
matrix `sampsi_pct' = nullmat(`sampsi_pct'), `:di %15.0f r(N)'
local pctnames `pctnames' `:di %9.1fc 100 * `delta''%
matrix colnames `sampsi_pct' = `pctnames'
matrix rownames `sampsi_pct' = `rowname'
return matrix sampsi_pct = `sampsi_pct'
* If asked, compute sampsi for absolute deviations of the mean
if ("`abseffect'" != "") {
local absnames ""
tempname sampsi_abs
foreach delta of local pcteffect {
local dmde = `mean' + `delta'
qui `power' `mean' `dmde', `opts'
matrix `sampsi_abs' = nullmat(`sampsi_abs'), `:di %15.0f r(N)'
local absnames `absnames' `:di %9.3fc `delta''%
matrix colnames `sampsi_abs' = `absnames'
matrix rownames `sampsi_abs' = `rowname'
return matrix sampsi_abs = `sampsi_abs'
else {
* Compute MDE
local opts alpha(`alpha') kappa(`kappa') p(`ptreat') `binary'
get_mde `var' `N' `mean', `opts' vif(`vif') direction(`direction')
if ("`direction'" != "") {
if ("`direction'" == "pos") local mde = abs(`r(mde)')
else if ("`direction'" == "neg") local mde = -abs(`r(mde)')
else local mde = `r(mde)'
* If asked, compute sampsi for % deviations of the mean
if ("`pcteffect'" != "") {
local pctnames ""
tempname sampsi_pct
foreach delta of local pcteffect {
local dmde = `mean' + `delta' * `mean'
get_sampsi `var' `dmde' `mean', `opts' vif(`vif')
matrix `sampsi_pct' = nullmat(`sampsi_pct'), `:di %15.0f r(sampsi)'
local pctnames `pctnames' `:di %9.1fc 100 * `delta''%
matrix colnames `sampsi_pct' = `pctnames'
matrix rownames `sampsi_pct' = `rowname'
* If asked, compute sampsi for absolute deviations of the mean
if ("`abseffect'" != "") {
local absnames ""
tempname sampsi_abs
foreach delta of local pcteffect {
local dmde = `mean' + `delta'
get_sampsi `var' `dmde' `mean', `opts' vif(`vif')
matrix `sampsi_abs' = nullmat(`sampsi_abs'), `:di %15.0f r(sampsi)'
local absnames `absnames' `:di %9.3fc `delta''%
matrix colnames `sampsi_abs' = `absnames'
matrix rownames `sampsi_abs' = `rowname'
* Pretty printing
* ---------------
if ("`binary'" == "") {
local sd "sd = sd1 = sd2"
local bin ""
else {
local sd "var = m1 * (1 - m1) * P + m2 * (1 - m2) * (1 - P)"
local bin " (binary outcome)"
if ("`controls'" == "") {
local power "Power calculations for two-sample means test."
local null "Ho: m2 = m1 versus Ha: m2 != m1"
else {
local power "Power calculations for linear regression`bin'."
local null "Y = a + b T + X + e; Ho: b = 0 versus Ha: b != 0"
di ""
di "{p}`power'{p_end}"
di "{p}`null'{p_end}"
di "{p}`sd'{p_end}"
di ""
di "Study parameters:"
di " P = `:di %9.4f `ptreat''"
if ("`cluster'" == "") {
di " PN = `:di %9.0gc round(`ptreat' * `N')'"
di " alpha = `:di %9.4f `alpha''"
di " power = `:di %9.4f `kappa''"
di " m1 = `:di %9.4f `mean''"
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
di ""
di "Cluster parameters:"
di " ICC = `:di %9.4f `rho''"
di " nclus = `:di %9.0gc `J''"
di " treated = `:di %9.0gc round(`ptreat' * `J')'"
di " m_n = `:di %9.4fc `mn''"
di " cv = `:di %9.4f `cv''"
di ""
di "Results:"
di " MDE = `:di %9.4f `mde''"
di " MDE / m1 = `:di %9.4f `mde' / `mean''"
if ("`pcteffect'" != "") | ("`abseffect'" != "") {
di ""
di "Sample size:"
if ("`pcteffect'" != "") {
matrix list `sampsi_pct', nob noh f(%15.0fc)
if ("`abseffect'" != "") {
matrix list `sampsi_abs', nob noh f(%15.0fc)
* Report
* ------
qui count if `touse'
return scalar N = `r(N)'
return scalar mean = `mean'
return scalar std = `:di sqrt(`var')'
return scalar rmse = `rmse'
return scalar rho = `rho'
return scalar adjust = `adjust'
return scalar vif = `:di `vif' / `adjust''
return scalar mde = `mde'
return scalar mde_pct = `:di `mde' / `mean''
if ("`sampsi_pct'" != "") {
return matrix sampsi_pct = `sampsi_pct'
if ("`sampsi_abs'" != "") {
return matrix sampsi_abs = `sampsi_abs'
* Get variance inflation factor (VIF)
* -----------------------------------
capture program drop get_vif
program get_vif, rclass sortpreserve
syntax varname [if] [in], cluster(str) [rho(real 0) control(str)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `cluster', strok
tempvar nclus nj vif
* Compute mean and variance of cluster sizes
get_rho `varlist' if `touse', cluster(`cluster') control(`control')
if (`rho' == 0) {
if (`r(rho)' > 0) local rho = `r(rho)'
else {
local rho = 0
di "{p}{cmd:ICC (rho) truncated at 0.}{p_end}"
local mn = `r(mn)'
local cv = `r(cv)'
local sn = `r(sn)'
local J = `r(J)'
* Compute VIF and adjust N, MDE accordingly
qui {
egen `nclus' = tag(`cluster') if `touse'
bys `cluster' `touse': gen `nj' = _N if `nclus'
gen `vif' = `mn' * `J' * `nj' * (1 + (`nj' - 1) * `rho') / `sn'^2
sum `vif'
local vif = `r(sum)'
return scalar vif = `vif'
return scalar rho = `rho'
return scalar J = `J'
return scalar mn = `mn'
return scalar cv = `cv'
return scalar sn = `sn'
* Get intra-cluster correlation (ICC, rho)
* ----------------------------------------
capture program drop get_rho
program get_rho, rclass sortpreserve
syntax varname [if] [in], cluster(str) [control(str)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `cluster', strok
* Some cluster stats
tempvar nclus nj nj2
qui {
egen `nclus' = tag(`cluster') if `touse'
bys `cluster' `touse': gen `nj' = _N if `nclus'
gen `nj2' = `nj'^2
qui count if `nclus'
local J = `r(N)'
qui sum `nj'
local mn = `r(mean)'
local cv = `r(sd)' / `r(mean)'
local sn = `r(sum)'
qui sum `nj2'
local sn2 = `r(sum)'
* Compute ANOVA, adjusting for a covariate if requested. See:
* Stanish, W. M. and Taylor, N. (1983). Estimation of the Intraclass
* Correlation Coefficient for the Analysis of Covariance Model. _The
* American Statistician_, 37(3):221–224.
qui if ("`control'" != "") {
tempvar xmean xerr xerrc
qui sum `control' if `touse'
local mean = `r(mean)'
egen `xmean' = mean(`varlist') if `touse', by(`cluster')
gen `xerr' = `nj2' * (`mean' - `xmean')^2 if `touse'
gen `xerrc' = (`mean' - `control')^2 if `touse'
qui sum `xerr'
local xssb = r(sum)
qui sum `xerrc'
local xssw = r(sum)
local k = 1 + (`xssb' / `xssw') / (`J' - 1)
else {
local k = 1
qui anova `varlist' `cluster' `control' if `touse'
local msw = e(rss) / e(df_r)
local msb = e(ss_1) / e(df_1)
local n0 = (e(N) - `sn2' / e(N)) / e(df_1)
local rho = (`msb' - `msw') / (`msb' + (`n0' - `k') * `msw')
return scalar J = `J'
return scalar sn = `sn'
return scalar mn = `mn'
return scalar cv = `cv'
return scalar rho = `rho'
* Get minimum detectable effect (MDE)
* -----------------------------------
cap program drop get_mde
program get_mde, rclass
syntax anything, [ /// var mean_treat mean_control
Ptreat(real 0.5) /// Proportion treated
alpha(real 0.05) /// Confidence level
kappa(real 0.8) /// Power level
rho(real 0) /// ICC
cv(real 0) /// Coefficient of variation, sigma_n / mu_n
mn(real 1) /// mu_n
vif(real 1) /// Variance Inflation Factor (or design effect)
cluster /// Cluster adjustment using rho, cv, mn
binary /// Whether to treat the outcome as binary
unequalclus /// Unequal-cluster adjustment
UPPERbound /// Assume variance is 0.25 for binary variable
direction(str) /// How to adjust MDE
tokenize `anything'
local var = `1'
local N = `2'
local mean = `3'
* # Formulas
* For a continuous outcome, power is given by
* MDE = (z_α + z_(1 - κ)) * √σy / (N * P * (1 - P))
* where z are the quantiles of the normal distribution corresponding
* to α, 1 - κ the probability of Type I and Type II error,
* respectively. If Y is binary, σy becomes
* σy = μy * (1 - μy) * P + μt * (1 - μt) * (1 - P)
* μt = μy + MDE
* MDE then solves the quadratic equation that is defined by replacing
* σy in the first squation. Note that in this case MDE is asymetric,
* as it has an uneven impact on the variance determined by whether MDE
* is positive or negative. `direction` specifies the direction of the
* effect. Last, with clustering
* vif = 1 + ρ * ((cv^2 + 1) * μn - 1)
* MDEclus = MDE * √vif
* Where cv = 0 if eqsize = true. The user can specify vif and μn with
* cluster = false and the same adjustment will be applied.
* # Sources
* - Kong, S.-H., Ahn, C. W., and Jung, S.-H. (2003). Sample Size
* Calculation for Dichotomous Outcomes in Cluster Randomization
* Trials with Varying Cluster Size. _Drug Information Journal_,
* 37(1):109–114.
* - Manatunga, A. K., Hudgens, M. G., and Chen, S. (2001). Sample Size
* Estimation in Cluster Randomized Studies with Varying Cluster
* Size. _Biometrical Journal_, 43(1):75–86.
local t = abs(invnormal(`alpha' / 2) + invnormal(1 - `kappa'))
* Adjust for clusters
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
if ("`unequalclus'" == "") local vif = (1 + `rho' * (`mn' - 1))
else local vif = (1 + `rho' * ((`cv'^2 + 1) * `mn' - 1))
if ("`binary'" != "") & ("`upperbound'" != "") {
local var = 0.25
* Adjust for binary outcome (NOTE: I'm not sure this is standard; so
* while the algebra works out fine, it makes me uneasy to use).
if ("`binary'" != "") & ("`upperbound'" == "") {
local G = `vif' * (`t')^2 / (`ptreat' * (1 - `ptreat') * `N')
local a = 1 + `G' * (1 - `ptreat')
local b = `G' * (2 * `mean' - 1) * (1 - `ptreat')
local c = - `G' * `mean' * (1 - `mean')
local t1 = - `b' / (2 * `a')
local t2 = sqrt(`b'^2 - 4 * `a' * `c') / (2 * `a')
if ("`direction'" == "neg") local MDE = `t1' - `t2'
else local MDE = `t1' + `t2'
else {
local MDE = sqrt(`vif') * `t' * sqrt(`var') / sqrt(`ptreat' * (1 - `ptreat') * `N')
return scalar mde = `MDE'
* Get sample size (N)
* -------------------
cap program drop get_sampsi
program get_sampsi, rclass
syntax anything, [ /// var mean_treat mean_control
Ptreat(real 0.5) /// Proportion treated
alpha(real 0.05) /// Confidence level
kappa(real 0.8) /// Power level
rho(real 0) /// ICC
cv(real 0) /// Proportion treated
mn(real 1) /// Proportion treated
vif(real 1) /// Variance Inflation Factor
cluster /// Cluster adjustment using rho, cv, mn
binary /// Whether to treat the outcome as binary
unequalclus /// Unequal-cluster adjustment
tokenize `anything'
local var = `1'
local mt = `2'
local mc = `3'
* # Formulas
* For a continuous outcome, power is given by
* N = σy * ((z_α + z_(1 - κ)) / (μt - μc))^2 / (P * (1 - P))
* where z are the quantiles of the normal distribution corresponding
* to α, 1 - κ the probability of Type I and Type II error,
* respectively. If Y is binary, σy becomes
* σy = μc * (1 - μc) * P + μt * (1 - μt) * (1 - P)
* If there is clustering, then
* vif = 1 + ρ * ((cv^2 + 1) * μn - 1)
* Nclus = N * vif / μn
* Where cv = 0 if eqsize = true. The user can specify vif and μn with
* cluster = false and the same adjustment will be applied.
* # Sources
* - Kong, S.-H., Ahn, C. W., and Jung, S.-H. (2003). Sample Size
* Calculation for Dichotomous Outcomes in Cluster Randomization
* Trials with Varying Cluster Size. _Drug Information Journal_,
* 37(1):109–114.
* - Manatunga, A. K., Hudgens, M. G., and Chen, S. (2001). Sample Size
* Estimation in Cluster Randomized Studies with Varying Cluster
* Size. _Biometrical Journal_, 43(1):75–86.
local t = invnormal(`alpha' / 2) + invnormal(1 - `kappa')
* Adjust for proportions model
if ("`binary'" != "") {
local var = (`mc' * (1 - `mc') * `ptreat') + (`mt' * (1 - `mt') * (1 - `ptreat'))
* Adjust for clusters
if ("`cluster'" != "") {
if ("`unequalclus'" == "") local vif = (1 + `rho' * (`mn' - 1))
else local vif = (1 + `rho' * ((`cv'^2 + 1) * `mn' - 1))
local N = (`vif' / `mn') * `var' * (`t' / (`mt' - `mc'))^2 / (`ptreat' * (1 - `ptreat'))
return scalar sampsi = `N'
* Mata helpers *
capture mata: mata drop get_info()
capture mata: mata drop panel_info()
void function get_info(string scalar groups,
string scalar touse,
real scalar cluster,
real scalar nstrata)
if (cluster == 1) {
nj = st_data(., touse)
panel_info(rows(nj), min(nj), max(nj))
info = panelsetup(st_data(., groups, touse), 1)
panel = panelstats(info)
panel_info(panel[1], panel[3], panel[4], "strata")
// Print number of clusters/strata and number of obs per cluster/strata
void function panel_info(real scalar N,
real scalar pmin,
real scalar pmax,
| string scalar what)
if (args() == 3) {
what = "panel"
if (pmin == pmax) {
nstr = strtrim(sprintf("%21.0gc", N))
jstr = strtrim(sprintf("%21.0gc", pmin))
printf("Balanced " + what + ". J = " + nstr + ", n_j = " + jstr + "\n")
else {
nstr = strtrim(sprintf("%21.0gc", N))
jstr = strtrim(sprintf("%21.0gc", pmin))
jstr = jstr + " to " + strtrim(sprintf("%21.0gc", pmax))
printf("Unbalanced " + what + ". J = " + nstr + ", n_j = " + jstr + "\n")
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:owen560/stata-power.git
