# Convenience wrapper for easily viewing/setting options that
# the project's CMake scripts will recognize
set -e
trap '[ $? -eq 0 ] && exit 0 ||
echo "Also, before re-running configure, consider cleaning the cache \
(removing the build directory) via \`make distclean\`"' EXIT
command="$0 $*"
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
-h, --help display this help and exit
--show-config display the most relevant config parameters of an existing build
Build Options:
--cmake=PATH custom path to a CMake binary
--builddir=DIR place build files in directory [build]
--build-dir=DIR alias for --builddir
--build-type=TYPE set CMake build type [RelWithDebInfo]:
- Debug: optimizations off, debug symbols + flags
- MinSizeRel: size optimizations, debugging off
- Release: optimizations on, debugging off
- RelWithDebInfo: optimizations on,
debug symbols on, debug flags off
--generator=GENERATOR CMake generator to use (see cmake --help)
--ccache use ccache to speed up recompilation (requires
ccache installation and CMake 3.10+)
--toolchain=PATH path to a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
(useful for cross-compiling)
--sanitizers=LIST comma-separated list of sanitizer names to enable
--include-plugins=PATHS paths containing plugins to build directly into Zeek
(semicolon delimited and quoted when multiple)
--localversion=version version contains an additional, custom version string
that is appended to the standard Zeek version string,
with a dash [-] separating the two.
Installation Directories:
--prefix=PREFIX installation directory [/usr/local/zeek]
--scriptdir=PATH root installation directory for Zeek scripts
--localstatedir=PATH when using ZeekControl, path to store log files
and run-time data (within log/ and spool/ subdirs)
--spooldir=PATH directory for in-progress logs [PREFIX/spool]
--statedir=PATH directory for variable state [PREFIX/var/lib]
--logdir=PATH directory for finalized logs [PREFIX/logs]
--libdir=PATH installation directory for library files [PREFIX/lib]
--plugindir=PATH installation directory for plugins [LIBDIR/zeek/plugin]
--conf-files-dir=PATH installation directory for config files [PREFIX/etc]
--mandir=PATH installation path for man pages [PREFIX/share/man]
--python-dir=PATH explicit installation directory for Python modules
--python-prefix=PATH versioned installation directory for Python modules,
like setup.py install --prefix
[PATH/lib/python<Python Version>/site-packages]
--python-home=PATH installation path for Python modules, like setup.py's
install --home [PATH/lib/python]
Optional Features:
--enable-coverage compile with code coverage support (implies debugging mode)
--enable-debug compile in debugging mode (like --build-type=Debug)
--enable-fuzzers build fuzzer targets
--enable-jemalloc link against jemalloc
--enable-perftools enable use of Google perftools (use tcmalloc)
--enable-perftools-debug use Google's perftools for debugging
--enable-static-binpac build binpac statically (ignored if --with-binpac is specified)
--enable-static-broker build Broker statically (ignored if --with-broker is specified)
--enable-werror build with -Werror
--enable-ZAM-profiling build with ZAM profiling enabled (--enable-debug implies this)
--disable-af-packet don't include native AF_PACKET support (Linux only)
--disable-auxtools don't build or install auxiliary tools
--disable-broker-tests don't try to build Broker unit tests
--disable-btest don't install BTest
--disable-btest-pcaps don't install Zeek's BTest input pcaps
--disable-cpp-tests don't build Zeek's C++ unit tests
--disable-javascript don't build Zeek's JavaScript support
--disable-port-prealloc disable pre-allocating the PortVal array in ValManager
--disable-python don't try to build python bindings for Broker
--disable-spicy don't include Spicy
--disable-zeek-client don't install Zeek cluster management client
--disable-zeekctl don't install ZeekControl
--disable-zkg don't install zkg
Required Packages in Non-Standard Locations:
--with-bifcl=PATH path to Zeek BIF compiler executable
(useful for cross-compiling)
--with-bind=PATH path to BIND install root
--with-binpac=PATH path to BinPAC executable
(useful for cross-compiling)
--with-bison=PATH path to bison executable
--with-broker=PATH path to Broker install root
(Zeek uses an embedded version by default)
--with-gen-zam=PATH path to Gen-ZAM code generator
(Zeek uses an embedded version by default)
--with-flex=PATH path to flex executable
--with-libkqueue=PATH path to libkqueue install root
(Zeek uses an embedded version by default)
--with-openssl=PATH path to OpenSSL install root
--with-pcap=PATH path to libpcap install root
--with-python=PATH path to Python executable
Optional Packages in Non-Standard Locations:
--with-geoip=PATH path to the libmaxminddb install root
--with-jemalloc=PATH path to jemalloc install root
--with-krb5=PATH path to krb5 install root
--with-perftools=PATH path to Google Perftools install root
--with-python-inc=PATH path to Python headers
--with-python-lib=PATH path to libpython
--with-spicy=PATH path to Spicy install root
--with-swig=PATH path to SWIG executable
Packaging Options (for developers):
--binary-package toggle special logic for binary packaging
--ignore-dirs=PATHS paths to ignore when creating source package
(semicolon delimited and quoted when multiple)
--pkg-name-prefix=NAME use the given name as the package prefix instead
of the default CMake project name
--osx-sysroot=PATH path to the OS X SDK to compile against
--osx-min-version=VER minimum OS X version (the deployment target)
--display-cmake don't create build configuration, just output final CMake invocation
Advanced Options (for developers):
-D PARAM passes a parameter directly to CMake
Influential Environment Variables (only on first invocation
per build directory):
CC C compiler command
CFLAGS C compiler flags
CXX C++ compiler command
CXXFLAGS C++ compiler flags
sourcedir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
if [ ! -e "$sourcedir/cmake/COPYING" ]; then
if [ -d "$sourcedir/.git" ]; then
echo "\
You seem to be missing the content of the cmake directory.
This typically means that you performed a non-recursive git clone of
Zeek. To check out the required subdirectories, please execute:
( cd $sourcedir && git submodule update --recursive --init )
" >&2
echo "\
You seem to be missing the content of the cmake directory.
This typically means that you downloaded a non-release archive from github.
These archives do not contain all required files.
If you want to download the current release of Zeek, please download a full
archive using one of the links at https://zeek.org/get-zeek/.
If you want to get the current development version of Zeek, please use git to
clone our repository.
See https://docs.zeek.org/en/master/install.html#retrieving-the-sources for
" >&2
exit 1
# Function to append a CMake cache entry definition to the
# CMakeCacheEntries variable.
# $1 is the cache entry variable name
# $2 is the cache entry variable type
# $3 is the cache entry variable value
append_cache_entry() {
CMakeCacheEntries="$CMakeCacheEntries -D $1:$2=$3"
# set defaults
# parse arguments
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-*=*) optarg=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//') ;;
*) optarg= ;;
case "$1" in
--help | -h)
echo "${usage}" 1>&2
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$builddir/CMakeCache.txt" ]; then
echo "Error: no CMake build found under '$builddir'." 1>&2
exit 1
exit 0
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Error: -D requires an argument."
exit 1
CMakeCacheEntries="$CMakeCacheEntries -D $1"
append_cache_entry CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STRING $optarg
append_cache_entry ENABLE_CCACHE BOOL true
append_cache_entry CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_INCLUDE_PLUGINS STRING \"$optarg\"
append_cache_entry ZEEK_VERSION_LOCAL STRING \"$optarg\"
append_cache_entry CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_PLUGIN_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_PYTHON_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_PYTHON_PREFIX PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_PYTHON_HOME PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_SCRIPT_INSTALL_PATH STRING $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_ETC_INSTALL_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_LOCAL_STATE_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_SPOOL_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_STATE_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_LOG_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_MAN_INSTALL_PATH PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ENABLE_COVERAGE BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_DEBUG BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_ZAM_PROFILE BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_DEBUG BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_ZAM_PROFILE BOOL true
append_cache_entry ZEEK_ENABLE_FUZZERS BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_JEMALLOC BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_PERFTOOLS BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_PERFTOOLS BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_PERFTOOLS_DEBUG BOOL true
append_cache_entry BUILD_STATIC_BINPAC BOOL true
append_cache_entry BUILD_STATIC_BROKER BOOL true
append_cache_entry BUILD_WITH_WERROR BOOL true
append_cache_entry ENABLE_ZAM_PROFILE BOOL true
append_cache_entry DISABLE_AF_PACKET BOOL true
append_cache_entry INSTALL_AUX_TOOLS BOOL false
append_cache_entry BROKER_DISABLE_TESTS BOOL true
append_cache_entry BROKER_DISABLE_DOC_EXAMPLES BOOL true
append_cache_entry INSTALL_BTEST BOOL false
append_cache_entry INSTALL_BTEST_PCAPS BOOL false
append_cache_entry ENABLE_ZEEK_UNIT_TESTS BOOL false
append_cache_entry DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT BOOL true
append_cache_entry PREALLOCATE_PORT_ARRAY BOOL false
append_cache_entry DISABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS BOOL true
append_cache_entry DISABLE_SPICY BOOL true
append_cache_entry INSTALL_ZEEK_CLIENT BOOL false
append_cache_entry INSTALL_ZEEKCTL BOOL false
append_cache_entry INSTALL_ZKG BOOL false
append_cache_entry BIFCL_EXE_PATH PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry BIND_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry BINPAC_EXE_PATH PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry BISON_EXECUTABLE PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry BROKER_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry CAF_ROOT PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry FLEX_EXECUTABLE PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry GEN_ZAM_EXE_PATH PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry LibMMDB_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry JEMALLOC_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ENABLE_JEMALLOC BOOL true
append_cache_entry LibKrb5_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry LIBKQUEUE_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry PCAP_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry GooglePerftools_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry Python_EXECUTABLE PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry PYTHON_LIBRARY PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry SPICY_ROOT_DIR PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry SWIG_EXECUTABLE PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry ZEEK_SANITIZERS STRING $optarg
append_cache_entry BINARY_PACKAGING_MODE BOOL true
append_cache_entry CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES STRING $optarg
append_cache_entry PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX STRING $optarg
append_cache_entry CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT PATH $optarg
append_cache_entry CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET STRING $optarg
echo "Invalid option '$1'. Try $0 --help to see available options."
exit 1
if [ -z "$CMakeCommand" ]; then
# prefer cmake3 over "regular" cmake (cmake == cmake2 on RHEL)
if command -v cmake3 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
elif command -v cmake >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "This package requires CMake, please install it first."
echo "Then you may use this script to configure the CMake build."
echo "Note: pass --cmake=PATH to use cmake in non-standard locations."
exit 1
echo "Using $(cmake --version | head -1)"
if [ -n "$CMakeGenerator" ]; then
cmake="${CMakeCommand} -G ${CMakeGenerator} ${CMakeCacheEntries} ${sourcedir}"
cmake="${CMakeCommand} ${CMakeCacheEntries} ${sourcedir}"
if [ "${display_cmake}" = 1 ]; then
echo "${cmake}"
exit 0
if [ -d $builddir ]; then
# If build directory exists, check if it has a CMake cache
if [ -f $builddir/CMakeCache.txt ]; then
# If the CMake cache exists, delete it so that this configuration
# is not tainted by a previous one
rm -f $builddir/CMakeCache.txt
# Create build directory
mkdir -p $builddir
echo "Build Directory : $builddir"
echo "Source Directory: $sourcedir"
cd $builddir
eval ${cmake} 2>&1
echo "# This is the command used to configure this build" >config.status
echo $command >>config.status
chmod u+x config.status
if [ $has_disable_archiver -eq 1 ]; then
echo "NOTE: The --disable-archiver argument no longer has any effect and will be removed in v7.1. zeek-archiver is now part of zeek-aux, so consider --disable-auxtools instead."
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