fail_fast: true
- repo: "https://gitee.com/overweight/pre-commit-hooks.git"
rev: v4.4.0
- id: check-byte-order-marker
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- id: check-toml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: mixed-line-ending
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: detect-private-key
# - id: check-executables-have-shebangs
# - id: check-shebang-scripts-are-executable
# - repo: "https://github.com/psf/black.git"
# rev: 22.8.0
# hooks:
# - id: black
# - repo: https://github.com/jumanjihouse/pre-commit-hooks
# rev: master # or specific git tag
# hooks:
# - id: bundler-audit
# # - id: check-mailmap
# - id: fasterer
# # - id: forbid-binary
# # - id: forbid-space-in-indent
# - id: git-check # Configure in .gitattributes
# - id: git-dirty # Configure in .gitignore
# - id: markdownlint # Configure in .mdlrc
# - id: reek
# # - id: require-ascii
# - id: rubocop
# - id: script-must-have-extension
# # - id: script-must-not-have-extension
# - id: shellcheck
# - id: shfmt
- repo: local
- id: codespell
name: codespell
description: Checks for common misspellings in text files.
entry: bash -c 'cargo clean;codespell -I ci/codespell_ignore_words -x ci/codespell_ignore_words -S *.rules -S ./vendor* -S ./target*'
language: system
pass_filenames: false
verbose: true
- id: cargo-clippy
name: cargo clippy
description: Lint rust sources
entry: bash -c 'RUSTC_WRAPPER="" cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features --tests --benches --examples -- -v'
language: rust
pass_filenames: false
files: \.rs$
verbose: true
- id: commit-msg
name: commit-msg
description: use commit-msg for commit.
entry: bash -c '\cp -ar ci/commit-msg .git/hooks/'
language: system
pass_filenames: false
verbose: true
- id: cargo-fmt
name: cargo fmt
description: Format files with rustfmt.
entry: bash -c 'cargo fmt -v --all -- --check -v'
language: rust
pass_filenames: false
files: \.rs$
verbose: true
- id: cargo-fix
name: cargo fix
description: Check the package for errors.
entry: bash -c 'cargo fix -v --broken-code --all-targets --all --allow-dirty --allow-staged'
language: rust
pass_filenames: false
files: \.rs$
verbose: true
- id: cargo-build
name: cargo build
description: build the package for errors.
entry: bash -c 'cargo build --all --features "default" -v'
language: rust
pass_filenames: false
files: \.(rs|toml)$
verbose: true
- id: cargo-test
name: cargo test
description: test the package for errors.
entry: bash -c 'RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo test --all-targets --all -v -- --nocapture --test-threads=1'
language: rust
pass_filenames: false
files: \.(rs|toml)$
verbose: true
# - id: cargo-deny
# name: cargo deny check
# description: Check cargo depencencies
# entry: bash -c 'cargo deny check'
# language: rust
# files: \.rs$
# args: []
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