简易的RISC-V五级流水线标量处理器:CK_RISCV; 支持RV32I指令集,使用Veriog编写,简单易懂; 参照公司研发环境,设计一套规范的设计与验证环境;
VoVNet backbone networks for detectron2, in CVPR 2020
MindSpore实验,仅用于教学或培训目的。配合MindSpore官网使用。 MindSpore experiments, for teaching or training purposes only. Use it together with the MindSpore official website.
MindSpore Vision is a foundational library for computer vision research and supports many research projects base on MindSpore like classification, detection, segmentation, tracking, pose and so on.
A visual dashboard for model tuning.