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trie.go 5.44 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
David Steinsland 提交于 2018-02-12 17:26 . Added Terminating() and Depth()
// Implementation of an R-Way Trie data structure.
// A Trie has a root Node which is the base of the tree.
// Each subsequent Node has a letter and children, which are
// nodes that have letter values associated with them.
package trie
import "sort"
type Node struct {
val rune
term bool
depth int
meta interface{}
mask uint64
parent *Node
children map[rune]*Node
type Trie struct {
root *Node
size int
type ByKeys []string
func (a ByKeys) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByKeys) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByKeys) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(a[i]) < len(a[j]) }
const nul = 0x0
// Creates a new Trie with an initialized root Node.
func New() *Trie {
return &Trie{
root: &Node{children: make(map[rune]*Node), depth: 0},
size: 0,
// Returns the root node for the Trie.
func (t *Trie) Root() *Node {
return t.root
// Adds the key to the Trie, including meta data. Meta data
// is stored as `interface{}` and must be type cast by
// the caller.
func (t *Trie) Add(key string, meta interface{}) *Node {
runes := []rune(key)
bitmask := maskruneslice(runes)
node := t.root
node.mask |= bitmask
for i := range runes {
r := runes[i]
bitmask = maskruneslice(runes[i:])
if n, ok := node.children[r]; ok {
node = n
node.mask |= bitmask
} else {
node = node.NewChild(r, bitmask, nil, false)
node = node.NewChild(nul, 0, meta, true)
return node
// Finds and returns meta data associated
// with `key`.
func (t *Trie) Find(key string) (*Node, bool) {
node := findNode(t.Root(), []rune(key))
if node == nil {
return nil, false
node, ok := node.Children()[nul]
if !ok || !node.term {
return nil, false
return node, true
func (t *Trie) HasKeysWithPrefix(key string) bool {
node := findNode(t.Root(), []rune(key))
return node != nil
// Removes a key from the trie, ensuring that
// all bitmasks up to root are appropriately recalculated.
func (t *Trie) Remove(key string) {
var (
i int
rs = []rune(key)
node = findNode(t.Root(), []rune(key))
for n := node.Parent(); n != nil; n = n.Parent() {
if len(n.Children()) > 1 {
r := rs[len(rs)-i]
// Returns all the keys currently stored in the trie.
func (t *Trie) Keys() []string {
return t.PrefixSearch("")
// Performs a fuzzy search against the keys in the trie.
func (t Trie) FuzzySearch(pre string) []string {
keys := fuzzycollect(t.Root(), []rune(pre))
return keys
// Performs a prefix search against the keys in the trie.
func (t Trie) PrefixSearch(pre string) []string {
node := findNode(t.Root(), []rune(pre))
if node == nil {
return nil
return collect(node)
// Creates and returns a pointer to a new child for the node.
func (n *Node) NewChild(val rune, bitmask uint64, meta interface{}, term bool) *Node {
node := &Node{
val: val,
mask: bitmask,
term: term,
meta: meta,
parent: n,
children: make(map[rune]*Node),
depth: n.depth + 1,
n.children[val] = node
n.mask |= bitmask
return node
func (n *Node) RemoveChild(r rune) {
delete(n.children, r)
for nd := n.parent; nd != nil; nd = nd.parent {
nd.mask ^= nd.mask
nd.mask |= uint64(1) << uint64(nd.val-'a')
for _, c := range nd.children {
nd.mask |= c.mask
// Returns the parent of this node.
func (n Node) Parent() *Node {
return n.parent
// Returns the meta information of this node.
func (n Node) Meta() interface{} {
return n.meta
// Returns the children of this node.
func (n Node) Children() map[rune]*Node {
return n.children
func (n Node) Terminating() bool {
return n.term
func (n Node) Val() rune {
return n.val
func (n Node) Depth() int {
return n.depth
// Returns a uint64 representing the current
// mask of this node.
func (n Node) Mask() uint64 {
return n.mask
func findNode(node *Node, runes []rune) *Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
if len(runes) == 0 {
return node
n, ok := node.Children()[runes[0]]
if !ok {
return nil
var nrunes []rune
if len(runes) > 1 {
nrunes = runes[1:]
} else {
nrunes = runes[0:0]
return findNode(n, nrunes)
func maskruneslice(rs []rune) uint64 {
var m uint64
for _, r := range rs {
m |= uint64(1) << uint64(r-'a')
return m
func collect(node *Node) []string {
var (
keys []string
n *Node
i int
nodes := []*Node{node}
for l := len(nodes); l != 0; l = len(nodes) {
i = l - 1
n = nodes[i]
nodes = nodes[:i]
for _, c := range n.children {
nodes = append(nodes, c)
if n.term {
word := ""
for p := n.parent; p.depth != 0; p = p.parent {
word = string(p.val) + word
keys = append(keys, word)
return keys
type potentialSubtree struct {
idx int
node *Node
func fuzzycollect(node *Node, partial []rune) []string {
var (
m uint64
i int
p potentialSubtree
keys []string
potential := []potentialSubtree{potentialSubtree{node: node, idx: 0}}
for l := len(potential); l > 0; l = len(potential) {
i = l - 1
p = potential[i]
potential = potential[:i]
m = maskruneslice(partial[p.idx:])
if (p.node.mask & m) != m {
if p.node.val == partial[p.idx] {
if p.idx == len(partial) {
keys = append(keys, collect(p.node)...)
for _, c := range p.node.children {
potential = append(potential, potentialSubtree{node: c, idx: p.idx})
return keys
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:newlife/trie.git
